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Can Legal Workers Really Cover The Tourism Industry ?

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You people have ruined all the reefs in Thailand by bringing in far too many SCUBA divers. Why SCUBA? the water is clear and snorkeling far less destructive. I would like to see a ban on SCUBA diving for one year and allow only snorkelling.

Far more likely we ban you than scuba. :)

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Most of us know a significant majority of Dive Tourism workers are foreign illegals.
Don't know about the total, but here on Phuket a vast majority is completely legal. All are instructors though.
There is nothing preventing them to go legal and get a workpermit and non-B visa, unless the labour department doesn't issue them to divemasters. I can't remember it being on the list of closed occupations.
Guiding is a closed occupation, and divemasters mainly do guiding. I think that is why they don't issue workpermits to divemasters, only to instructors.
A 'working' dive pro might get 500 baht for a day's work, sporadic at that maybe three-four days a week if lucky.
Find a different employer.
I would imagine very few Tourists come to Thailand just to learn to Dive.
Lots of people come here how to dive, quite often it is even there only reason to come here.
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As Usual on this forum the discussion degenerates into "We know best and go home if you dont like it here" rambling.

What I think is the topic here is the unfair way people coming to Thailand to do just about anything are treated. The whole tourism industry, immigration, work permit, visa, extension of stay, permanent residency, Thai citizenship are all geared to ripping off foreigners in one way or another, like no other place in the world that I know of.

To get a WP you need to invest more than you have, to start a business you need to invest more than you have, to get a permanent residency you need to pay more than 200,000 baht (with additional fees and such) and when you get that permanent residency you must ask for permission if you for any dumb reason need to leave the country for a short while.

The establishment tries to rip you off in every conceivable way the moment you step off the plane at Swampy.

Now what is wrong with someone who has some skills in teaching SCUBA and likes it; to teach it here in Thailand without having to ruin themselves? After all it's not like it is going to bankrupt Thailand. In fact there would not be any Thai Instructors or Divemasters today if it where not for the Foreign contribution to the Dive Industry, just like many other industries in Thailand. What is needed is a more fair way that foreigners are treated in terms of fees and other payments. I don't mind paying taxes and applying for work permit but it should be at reasonable costs!. Why can't a foreigner come here and work and earn less than 50,000 Baht/annum? what is so horrible with that? and the rule about 5 Thai employees for every WP issued, what is that all about? If I am allowed to work and payed a fortune to get that workpermit (and business) the rule of decency and ethics say leave it be at that!

I will not use the usual rambling about European countries allowing foregneirs this and that free of charge or at minimal fees or even support money as this is not Europe and the situation here is unique, but the present system is clearly not there to facilitate business but to rip off foregneirs.

As an additional note; it takes somewhere around 250,000 Baht or more to become a PADI SCUBA dive Instructor (from rookie diver), an investment in itself that few Thai can afford. This is why the safety standards with Internationally certified Instructors are much higher than your average backyard "I was in the Thai Navy" Instructor.

Edited by ingvar
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As said many times before, you don't need an income of 50,000 baht to get a work permit and to be working legal, not to set up a company.

If people are working illegal in the diving industry it is their own choise. There is no need to do it. They can get a work permit. The only thing they can't get if they earn less than 50,000 a month is an extension of stay. It would mean to leave the country every 90 days.

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I would imagine very few Tourists come to Thailand just to learn to Dive.

OK, if the opportunity is there, some will want to try – however it’s not the reason they came here in the first place.

If there are fewer Dive Schools Tourists will simply do something else with their time here.


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I have been working with diving all over the world and to the safety issue thailand has among the highest standards in the world.

eeeeerrrrrrrrr, thats just incorrect

safety standards?

sure some boats have proper life rafts, some boats are imo certified. dry DM's? safety roll call's before the boat moves? readily accessible life vests etc etc

a LARGE number of them have neither proper safety equipment or even adequate insurance.

Personally I think that all those that work here in Thailand illegally should be rounded up and booted out.

If you want to work do so legally and pay the tax etc like you would expect migrant workers to do in your own home country.

To the OP

If you cant earn a decent living at your "job" and dont want it to just be a hobby then i suggest that you find another career.......... not just be an ILLEGAL worker!!

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