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Bad Diarrhea W/ A Low Grade Fever... Food Poisoning?


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started having Diarrhea 40 hours ago and it seems to be getting worse now. if i drink a glass of water, it will come out quickly. about 30 hours after I developed diarrhea I started running a low grade fever (100.5). I also have mild chills if i am not in bed covered.

What should my plan of action be if things do not get better soon? I have never felt this way before. I do not have a runny nose or sore throat, but my stomach feels very tender. No vomiting.

If I go to the hospital, can they test my stools or blood to pinpoint what bacteria it is exactly that I am infected with? I do not want to go if all they are going to do so is tell me to sip warm water and take Tylenol.


And is there anyway to determine if you are dehydrated or at risk of being dehydrated?

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go to the hospital... 40 hours is a long time, your running the risk of serious dehydration,,,and yes if they suspect something serious they will run all the needed tests, i just had a friend in the hospital for 2 days with serious food poisoning, was on iv fluids ect. if ts not serious they will send you home, if it is they admit you either way what do you have to lose, just get in a cab and go to the doctor

Edited by tb86
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I had exactly the same symptoms my first year in Thailand, especially the first three or four months. Definitely food-borne illness. While you want to drink lots of fluids, and get some medication through a doctor.

Also try the classic "BRAT" diet for diarrhea to help your symptoms:



Applesauce (crushed applies will do) and


It really helps to slow down the outflow. Good luck.

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Agree, 40 hours is too long esp as it now seems to be getting worse and you indicate you are unable to take in enough fluid to keep up with the losses. . Go to a hospital. They may need to admit you for IV hydration until things slow down.

As to how to tell if dehydrated: the color of your urine and its amount and frequency. If you are peeing at least 3-4 times a day with clear urine in good amount, you are OK; less often or urine darker in color (like tea), you are dehydrated.

In this climate you will dry out quickly if you have diarrhea or fever. Green coconut water is an excellent form of rehydration, but if drinking stimulates more diarrhea, an IV drip may be necessary.

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started having Diarrhea 40 hours ago and it seems to be getting worse now. if i drink a glass of water, it will come out quickly. about 30 hours after I developed diarrhea I started running a low grade fever (100.5). I also have mild chills if i am not in bed covered.

What should my plan of action be if things do not get better soon? I have never felt this way before. I do not have a runny nose or sore throat, but my stomach feels very tender. No vomiting.

If I go to the hospital, can they test my stools or blood to pinpoint what bacteria it is exactly that I am infected with? I do not want to go if all they are going to do so is tell me to sip warm water and take Tylenol.


And is there anyway to determine if you are dehydrated or at risk of being dehydrated?

Check for habitudes. It is very common over here especially from the food servers

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I had the trots for months in Thailand from a bad hot dog sausage. Took several courses of antibiotics given by Doc but it kept coming back.

In the end, I was given Lactol Forte capsules (good bacteria) and it stopped almost overnight.

You can buy them over the counter in many chemists there for approx Baht 100 for a box.

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