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..and you could steam from anywhere, including your own personal music stash that's located in a different country. Then there's no music CDs or files to confiscate.

how long do you need to steam them for before theyre cooked? :D:)

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Isn't it sad that the Thai authorities (a reflection of Thais generally) won't allow westeners to have some harmless fun playing music publicly. They'd much prefer westeners to follow their mind-set sterotype and spend their time and money on beer and bar girls.

Even, the odd jam at certain bars is only possible sometimes. Even then, musicians are looking over their shoulder scared shi*less the the cops will raid the place to extort money or slap them in gaol.

Getting paid for playing is absolutely out of the question. Getting a work permit for playing is basically impossible although Phillipinos get around it somehow.

So, wstern musicias are reduced to playing in some studio or at private parties for "free", however, as any musician will tell you , playing in public and getting the vibes is what it's all about.

The Thai authorities are trying to protect jobs they say, but maybe there was no job available in the first place, and if the westeners are not getting paid, really what's the harm?

The cops seem to take this part of their job with gusto . They seem to enjoy depriving people having some small enjoyment that does not hurt anyone and may make some happy (including the audience both Thai and other).

I recently spoke to a young Thai guy who is studying in Australia proudly telling me that he plays in a band around his local area in Sydney. It's good to see that Australians are so kind hearted and generous to allow him to have fun and enjoy himself with his friends and not be so heartless and mean spirited to stop him from doing so by the constant threat of falling foul of the law.

On this issue...Thailand your pathetic and really mean!

in our bar we have had problems in the past with the law regarding farangs getting up and jamming,i think this was more to do with the last owners attitude towards the police,and loud music being played into the wee small hours.immigation have told us anybody is aloud to jump up on a jam,start a jam,come and play a set,as long as they don't get payed,and as long as we employ some thai musicians,which we do. since then we have had no problems with this, so if anybody wants to start a band,play solo,or jump up for a jam, pm me, and i'll tell you where you can do this for free, heres a taster for all you guitarists of our new backline :)



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I know a few guys that get together to play - one's a drummer, one plays strings etc. They usually hire a place somewhere near the moat I think, but some bars allow jamming before the main bands come on and these guys do that too on occasion. Guitarman is good for that, but some usefulness with an implement of torture is required. What do you play? I can put you in touch if you are interested - PM me your email and I'll pass it along.

They need to be careful in the prevailing climate, this actually considered working, and even jamming with some mates can get you into trouble. TiT, and even the ridiculous is an opportunity to arrest and fleece.

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