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Fuel Price Hike Hits Fishing Industry


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Fuel price hike hits fishing industry

TRANG: -- Fishing industry representatives in the southern province of

Trang say local fishermen have been hard hit by a recent sharp rise in the price of diesel.

More than half the 400 boats in the main fishing district of Kantang had stopped going to sea because of the higher fuel costs, the vice president of the Kantang fishermen's association said.

He said the higher production costs were not matched by rises in catch prices, a problem compounded by some foreign buyers insisting on fixed exchange rates.

The association said it was monitoring the situation and would complete a survey of local business people before calling on the government to support the trawler operators.

Meanwhile, long-tailed boat services in the district were still operating and had not increased fares, fearing a decline passenger numbers.

--TNA 2005-03-25

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Price of fish goes up then. TV Members can afford a few more baht , lets face it seafood back in euope costs a lot more than here and here its better and fresher than at home.

having said that the Government have got to get the boats back in the water especially in areas affected by what happened on 26/12. They MUST be the governments priority, it could be seen as the straw that breaks the camels back as far as those poor people are concerned. For any hai fishermen reading this site please take heart from the fact that we dont mind paying a bit more for your wonderful catches and will definatley not boycott you because you have to raise your prices. I HOPE I speak for us all on this matter.

any of you skinflints want to but in? :o

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Seems a little strange that a 3 baht rise in diesel prices makes it impossible to go out and catch some fish. How much diesel do they use, how many fish they catch. I understand they feel bad about the price raise. But is it that big an increase in costs. I doubt it. Preparing people to accept higher prices is the real reason. Total cost maybe rise 2-3%. Can we expect a 2-3% rise in price for fish, or will it be a 20-30% rise?

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I read only yesterday that boats are allowed to use green diesel which is a lot cheaper then the normal stuff.

The police are worried that this green diesel will be finding its way ashore.

Maybe thats why they are not out fishing .

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