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Single person annual visa

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Well now that I have lived here for a year and in the process obtained the annual visa by placing 65K a month in a Thia bank, from my retirement in the U.S.

I have built up all the household good needed for a comfortable life here, but still have some large ticket items that I would like to purchase and am very reluctant to do so.

The reason the changes in Thai immigration policy, I'm far from being a tourist or a guest for that matter, this is my home. My purprose in coming here was to live the balance of my life in retirement here.

Rumors abound but I have not seen anything that addresses any changes in the Single Person's Annual Visa requirements. Anyone have any information? I have already started research as to other possible countries in the region to meet my goals, if this doesn't stay viable.

I have sufficient money to live comfortably here, but I am to one of the new rich that the country seems to want. Makes you very uncomfortable investing money in large ticket items that you may just have to walk away from.


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