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Losing money in thailand


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In my experience i dont worry about a Thai woman taking my money, it's fellow Farangs that are the worst offenders for ripping people off, how many times do you hear the story,  " I am waiting for my money to be sent over", then you never see the prick again after helping him out. I know a guy from Jersey, he borrowed money off me 30 months ago, never seen him since. Not a fortune, but 60,000baht is 60,000 baht.

As far as i am concerned, and in my own experience, i would rather be with Thai people, than some of the deadbeat <deleted> that grace the City of Bangkok, the same guys that are constantly slagging everybody and everything off, i have never heard so much bullshit from people as i heard in the bars of Thailand. They are all doing well, all have loads of money, none of them met thier girl in a bar, the lies just keep going on........ These are the guys that are then asking for money. My gf worked in a bar, has never took a baht that i did not give her, and makes me happy, the farangs just <deleted>**ed me and did not make me happy!!

Some of the farang  in Thailand leave a lot to be desired. I knew a guy in Pattaya that used to tell people he was an Astronaut !! He believed it himself, some of the old hands might remember Astronaut Dave. Dont worry about the girls, worry about that guy that is doing really well, but is waiting for his money to be sent over.

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a farang guy on samui,living in a rented house, befriended another farang guy who wanted to retire there,and using faked land papers,some persuasive charm and with the help of another falang (and a couple of thais) managed to "sell" the rented house to the newcomer.

the landlord returned from abroad after a couple of months and then the newcomer found out he had lost about 4million baht.

of course the original farang was long gone,and identifying the thais would have been impossible.

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I heard similar stories to that Tax. In fact back in 1990 when i was new here, some guys tried to rip me off, he rented me a house, he took some mail that was delivered to me from my ex wife, it also contained some photos of my kids, well this toerag got what information he could from the letter then threw it away. Then he came to me saying that he had somehow got a message that my ex-wife was in a problem, and needed money, he of course knew her name and my old address and telephone number from the mail he stole  he tried to use this information  to make it look like he had somehow recieved a message (at that time i did not know about the mail), he said that if i gave the money to him, he would send it by a method that was free of charge, and very fast.

Well, against his advice, ( he told me the cops where monitoring her phone) i in fact called my ex-wife who then told me that she had made no contact to Thailand, and had i recieved my letter that she had sent to me!! Then it clicked!!! I found this guy and his mate in a bar,  i was 35 fit, and had been doing Shotokan Karate for a few years, and was certainly no push over. This guy stayed glued to his seat , would not get up, his mate hid in the kitchen, i would have slaughtered him if he had got up, so i guess he was wise, he said if i hit him he would call the Police, my then Thai Gf was dragging me out of the bar.....he had been very convincing, but i had been a bit of a lad before and i was no mug, ( oh by the way, the house i was renting from him...it was not his house, thai owner came round one day, but he was cool and i just took over the rental, 1000 baht less also!). When i did get hold of this guy, he was nearly crying and begging me not to do him, thing was, i liked him, he was great company, brilliant to go out with, just a toerag, i never did whack him, i felt sorry for him, jeeeez, i have not told that story for ages. But if had not been a bit streetwise, he would have conned me for sure, like most con men he was a nice guy in company, and a good laugh.

Bastard!!       He ended up years later in prison in UK for fraud.

Sorry that was so long, after 13 years in LOS i have a few to tell.

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Great stories; useful stuff.

It's always very easy to say "caveat emptor" but some of these conmen must surely be amongst the best in the world.

Like many of the the other users of this forum, I too did my brief boiler room stint a few years back and and many of the top sales guys I saw and the methods they employed were simply awesome. Totally corrupt, sure. Totally ruthless, sure. But awesome nonetheless.

The best advice must surely to be VERY careful when it comes to business and/or financial matters. The Thais themselves are a long way from perfect, but I do agree that it really is the foreigners you need to be especially careful about.

And as for all that "bullshit" about guys you meet in bars who tell you how well they're doing, how much money they've got and how they didn't meet their girlfriend in a girly bar, you may be surprised to learn that much of it is most definitely NOT bullshit.

There are numerous scams here in the LOS and very many people do indeed make considerable amounts of money. You may remember the case of a well known New Zealander who was shot dead outside his house a while back and was found to have (I think) 15,000 US dollars in his pocket. I know for a fact that as a percentage of the overall wealth this indivual had accumulated during a realtively brief period of time in a certain Bangkok industry, 15,000 dollars was very very small.

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I knew a guy in Pattaya that used to tell people he was an Astronaut !! He believed it himself, some of the old hands might remember Astronaut Dave.

Hi there Begs,

I knew Spaceman Dave.  He used to have that bird who worked as the cashier in the Euro wine bar. "Wines by the bottle or glass."  Euro wine bar???  in a soi full of Japanese places!

I remember once a guy came in and said  " i know you, you used to be my milkman!"

Some astronaut    ???

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I knew a guy in Pattaya that used to tell people he was an Astronaut !! He believed it himself, some of the old hands might remember Astronaut Dave.

Hi there Begs,

I knew Spaceman Dave.  He used to have that bird who worked as the cashier in the Euro wine bar. "Wines by the bottle or glass."  Euro wine bar???  in a soi full of Japanese places!

I remember once a guy came in and said  " i know you, you used to be my milkman!"

Some astronaut    ???

Soi Town in Town.

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worry about that guy that is doing really well, but is waiting for his money to be sent over.

Reminds me of another ex-Pattaya Brit.....  

"My mum's married to a millionaire, honest!. She's sending some money over soon, but i'm a bit short at the moment."

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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The foreign crap that washes up on the shores of Thailand and SEA can be surprising, astonishing even.

I remember in Cambodia meeting some of the worst examples of expat. Most seemed to hold English teaching jobs, which alarmed me.

Yes, some fools out there. Yes, some bullshit. But some very good people out there too, I'm happy to say.

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This is interesting reading. Some 30 years ago a friend was living in Europe and met someone who was connected to a mutual friend. They hung out together and became great friends...just long enough for the bad guy to copy my friend's signature and find where his check book was.

More recently there was an associate that fell in with a crew of local expats and their Thai buddies and got fleeced for some $50k. Nothing he could do although the business was legitimate and up front. Not a matter of the business going bust...they just sort of 'liquidated' and disappeared.

I would just say you s**k my c*ck first and I'll see if I like it...when it comes to easy friendship or get rich quick schemes...

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There are scams everywhere. Iheard of a recent one where someone is trying to sell to suckers, a gadget or process that makes US dollar bills. You would have to be a complete f*^&%$ wit to belive that so ..... hopefully no-ne that reads this is that stupid. Another scam recently comes from the old tricksters in the Phillipines who are nowe visiting Thailand to fleece foreigners ofd their hard earned cash in card games. It is an age old ploy where you will win the first few games but then they will make sure you catch a glimpse of a gun in a bag  by the floor. then you are being co-erced to play just another game because you are on a roll. Now you are gone.....they will cleanyou right out and then some. They have beenknown to take people to ATMS to pay ther bills. The process of seeing the gunis just to put doubt in your mind and to subtly show you that you cant ###### with them. For me....I have a steel suit so no worries.  :o
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It is true that very many farangs are cheated in Thailand by other farangs, usually by their own countrymen. There is a proverb in German: “Beware of storm and wind, and of Germans who reside abroad”, sorry it doesn’t rhyme in English.

The 6 years I resided in one of the major beach resorts, I saw at least 4 farangs suddenly disappear leaving a pile of debts, and quite a few others vanished owing smaller but still substantial amounts of money. Some of these guys were skillfull confidence tricksters who knew how to quickly befriend and than defraud the right type of victim, usually by borrowing money and not paying back.

One thing that I saw happening very often, is that a bar, restaurant or guesthouse owner operates at a loss and runs out of money, and than sells a “partnership” to a compatriot, who is supposed to get his share of the profit then every month, but in reality he gets back bit by bit the money he paid in himself. (Scenarios that are even worse, do occur).

What is also not uncommon is a farang finding a job at a farang run company , than being paid at the end of the month, and at the end of the second month…….but at the end of the third month he is told to wait, his money is on the way, you wouldnt believe how slow these banks are sometimes…. Excuses and excuses, he waits and waits, until he finally quits in desperation at the end of the fourth month, thus having worked 4 months for 2 months salary.

Also I have seen farangs going around selling advertisements in magazines and maps that would never materialize. One of these blokes tried to sell an ad to me, but I declined……The next day he took revenge though by going into my restaurant and ordering a bottle of saengthip, 2 bottles of soda and a bucket of ice, and finally sneaking away without paying.

Nice thread this one, and I reckon we can keep it going for a while if everybody keeps chipping in stories.

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Bars and partnerships.

The partners come and go but the original partner always stays in place waiting for the next mug.   :o

Lucky for me i never went into any bar business, i helped keep a few in Business though by going on the piss, rather a lot in my early days in Pattaya.  ........ The lending of small ammounts of money to people soon adds up, i was back in Pattaya 3 weeks ago, i lent an old mate 3000 baht, he was 'waiting for money', just heard he is back in the UK now, another 3000 down the pan, oh well..................if i add up the bad loans over the years...oh shit......That much!!!!!!  :D

That's life   B)

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For a good friend, who needs 1 or 2 K to carry him through the night - ok, for this once in a lifetime dream-BG walk by.

Long stories about the check in the mail, the remittance got lost - forget it! In 99.9 % of all cases just a story. So I give a story too, how bad the biz. is etc. etc. Offer to buy him lunch or dinner.

The worst ever, a friend - job lost (acutally due own mistake), no money. A few friends sat together, made a schedule and helped him out to go home and carry him over for a month or two, paid for the ticket, his outstanding "loans" etc. etc.

The next thing we heard, he used his credit card to buy his ticket, business-class(!) to Europe, collected "his" rental deposit, which belonged to his former employer. Of course no money in the account to cover the card-bill, so finally his local sponsor (a friend!) was asked by the credit card-bank to make good for this one too.  

Talked afterwards to him over the phone, got a lot of foul language with the final comment, none of you really expected me to pay you back! End of an 8-years-friendship.

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Jesus H Christ !!

That bloke is a liability, sounds like the guy that owes me the 60,000 baht, he had been in a spot of bother, i helped him out where nobody else would, i now know why nobody else would help him, he owed money all over Bangkok, he ripped off his friends, his family, everybody. I guess it all comes back in the end though, we all get our deserves in one way or another.

And there are people moaning about Thai girls and Taxi drivers, i say               "Beware The Farang"      ::o:

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Bars and partnerships.

The partners come and go but the original partner always stays in place waiting for the next mug.   :o

I am in the bar-business for longer than I would like to remember. But only on the right side, the ellbow-bender's.

Would never buy myself into any bar, I just don't want to learn how to handle and don't want to listen to the crap the punters (incl. myself of course) tell. Let's face it, there are a couple of guys apparently successfull, Dutch, English, Germans BUT you see them 1:30 a.m, usually SOBER. Checking, watching. Hard work.

If they hire another farang, usually their own nationality, it's most of the time to help. These guys brag to bring more business, mostly friends looking for a free drink. That's it.

Some exceptions I know. Do the job, close the bar every night.

So, I stay on my side and go home when I WANT.

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From Sky News, ouch!


 Man wanted sympathy



A Tanzanian man has cut off his genitals in an attempt to win sympathy from his creditors.

The 24-year-old took the extreme step after squandering their money on prostitutes and alcohol, according to reports.

He panicked upon realising he could not pay back millions of shillings lent to him by friends and relatives to invest in a business venture.

The Guardian said the man's condition was improving after he received treatment at his local hospital in the east African country's northern Manyara region.

It was the second such incident in the area in two months.

Another man slashed off his genitals upon failing to settle a £172 debt...........................................................

-   -     -    -        -        -         -        -          -        -

Now, i wonder how many Genitalia would be floating about Bangkok and Pattaya, if all the bad debt farangs started slicing thier Nuts off?


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Getting back to the original thread, anybody ever been done by a farang scamming you by saying he's lost his passport and out of money, etc.? I'll own up to it, a good few years ago outside Amari Watergate hotel, Pratunam. i'd just crossed over the footbridge walking towards Pantip and this geezer with a French accent came up and spun a really good story about how he'd been ripped off on the bus up from Samui, lost everything, it was the w/end and he had to wait til Monday to go to the French Embassy to inform them. I knew what he was leading up to, and of course he told me that he somehow had to live and eat thru' the w/end, so in the end I gave him a thou. baht (in the interests of the entente cordiale of course). Not a great deal if he was in genuine dire straits, but a very nice earner for a ten minutes story if you can persuade 5 other mugs an evening to do the same.

It's the only potential farang rips off farang case I've come across, but then again, his story may just have been true, in which case my bit of "nam jai" was appreciated. Thing is, anyone else ever come across the same sob-story anywhere else in Bangkok? And if you do ever come across this Gallic character, who speaks English remarkably well, then give him a good kicking from me.

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Plachon i had not come across that one here, but i was in Zurich Station and some guy came up to me with a very similar story, to get rid of him  i told him that i had been just about to ask him for help, cos i had lost all my money also.

He saw the funny side of it , laughed with me, bade me Bonjour, and left with a smile.

I saw him 30 minutes later talking to some other guy in the Station.   :o

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I think it's probably a common story - I got accosted by a chap with a London accent outside the entrance to World Trade Centre one afternoon.

I got the full spiel on his woes, lost this, waiting for that, couldnt get any money until after the weekend etc - and then he asked me for 700-1000 baht!

That's what struck me the most.  He didnt just ask for money, or a round figure of money - He specifically said he wanted 700 to 1000 baht.  I gave some excuse, and went out a different entrance when I left.  

I could see him at that time down the far end accosting someone else.

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