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Question For Any Thai Ladies


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Don't know if anyone can really answer this but thought it was worth a go to try and get an insight from a Thai lady.

Basically 12 months ago i had been involved with a lovely girl from bangkok (for 5 months) and at the time we were spending at least 2 hours a day together chatting online even though the hours she was working in nursing and the time difference made it hard. It really was a special relationship and guess she was very different to some of the ladies i have seen discussed as we never exchanged money and in fact she was spending a lot on me via the postcards and small gifts she bought plus her regular texts. She was 31 plus i think i was the first proper b/f she felt true love for.

Anyway 12 months ago i was involved in a very bad accident that meant i was hospitalised for a very long time and had no means to contact. At the time i broke her heart reading her subsequent emails as she thought i had found someone else i guess which could not have been further from the truth just was not in a position to repond as was in a coma.

Early last week i did make contact and we have exchanged a few text messages and emails together over the last few days and tells me she is very happy we chat and has made merit for me. But when i first contacted her she did tell me 2 months ago while travelling abroad she has met new b/f. So i dont want to cause her anymore emotional pain even though i still love her very much so the questions really are for the thai girls what would be the clues that a thai girl would give if she still loves me as i don't want to intrude and cause her more upset if she genuinelly has found love with her new b/f.

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Well, I am not Thai, but I am a Female.

I would suggest that you leave her well alone, and if she loves you, she will contact you in due course...

If you contact her, which may cause a problem between her and her new BF, she will always blame you if anything happens with her new BF.

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"She was 31 plus i think i was the first proper b/f she felt true love for."

She was 31, and you think you were her first boyfriend. Well, I hate to break it to you...

"when i first contacted her she did tell me 2 months ago while travelling abroad she has met new b/f. So i dont want to cause her anymore emotional pain even though i still love her very much"

Well, I hate to break it to you, but you've been replaced. It's not clear that she has suffered any emotional pain, but it's clear that you're very upset. It's time to move on.

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You couId send her one Iast message, teIIing her that you are very sad about the circumstances the accident caused. Iet her know that she was the first person you wanted to contact as soon as it was possibIe. Iet her know that you care for her deepIy, but dont wish to interfere with her new reIationship. Iet her know that you wiII be there for her if she decides that she wouId Iike to pick up where you Ieft off (but Iet her know that after a period of time you wiII move on..and just keep your time together as a happy memory). Iet her know that wiII be your Iast message, so as not to cause either yourseIf or her discomfort or pain.

That way you wiII have no regrets that you Iaid it out on the Iine. That you made it cIear you want her in your Iife. That way she wiII know how you feeI, but can choose what she wants to do about it.

After that, just get on with your Iife. The baII is in her court. Dont be tempted to keep sending messages and dont Iet it eat you up inside.

Best of Iuck.

Edit: btw..amazing that you recovered from your coma! Think of it as a new Iease of Iife. If this girI isnt the one for you, another one wiII be. Take care :)

Edited by eek
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OP - you don't make it clear whether you actually met this girl or not. You just talk about chatting online, postcards and text's.

Anyway, it all sounds like a script for a Thai TV soap to me - so my advice is... turn up at her wedding and when it gets to the part where the priest asks if anyone knows of any reason....

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Just be honest with her , Tell her the truth and back it up with photos or by a family member , Ask her strait out , Then give her time to think even if she still has a boyfriend , If she wants to carry on the relationship she will contact you , But where do you go from here it can only be one way , marriage,

Margery Proops,

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You couId send her one Iast message, teIIing her that you are very sad about the circumstances the accident caused. Iet her know that she was the first person you wanted to contact as soon as it was possibIe. Iet her know that you care for her deepIy, but dont wish to interfere with her new reIationship. Iet her know that you wiII be there for her if she decides that she wouId Iike to pick up where you Ieft off (but Iet her know that after a period of time you wiII move on..and just keep your time together as a happy memory). Iet her know that wiII be your Iast message, so as not to cause either yourseIf or her discomfort or pain.

That way you wiII have no regrets that you Iaid it out on the Iine. That you made it cIear you want her in your Iife. That way she wiII know how you feeI, but can choose what she wants to do about it.

After that, just get on with your Iife. The baII is in her court. Dont be tempted to keep sending messages and dont Iet it eat you up inside.

Best of Iuck.

Edit: btw..amazing that you recovered from your coma! Think of it as a new Iease of Iife. If this girI isnt the one for you, another one wiII be. Take care :D

Well said eek.

David, good to hear you are out of the coma. I was recently in a car accident in Thailand. Almost killed my FIL.

Take eek's advice.

btw, eek, is your L key broken? :)

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thai girls are like frequent flyers, always looking for an upgrade

You're either hooking up with the wrong ones or you are giving them too many reasons to jump ship if that's your experience.

But I suppose it's easier to blame the girls. :)

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You are so cruel.

Daviduk I know a great soi where you will forget all your troubles.

Just off Beach Road in Pattaya , it is....mmmm maybe number 6 :D

I was that impressed I got married to it :)

Cats out of the bag now

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People asking for relaionship advice on Thaivisa should just quit now....come on David you must be 30+ you can at least sort your love life out!

Yes, more interesting questions should be posted, such as how to defrost the refrigerator, what kind of spider is it, where to buy white socks or round peas, etc.

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This should really be addressed to men not women.

If op never met girl in person, which i think is the case.

Chances are sir you were never a real b/f. Maybe a potential sponsor or something.These girls thrive on the internet , they can handle multiple bfs at any one time.

They all nurses :):D:D . Shes an internet version of watering hole girls.

YOur gut tells you all is not right, nurses dont do what your love is doing. Its true they dont have the time and money .

Sorry pal you prolly fell for a bad thai girl.AND THEY ARE THE BEST. iNTERNET CHAT was invented by thai girls :D

Edited by megirlthai
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The main problem you have is,

falling in love too quick,as you havenever met her before.

Trusting too much

Not able to move on.

A few years ago me and a couple of mates went on all these sites and had a laugh by talking to the same girl,you know what??? she loved us all after a couple of days lol lol.

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Well, I am not Thai, but I am a Female.

I would suggest that you leave her well alone, and if she loves you, she will contact you in due course...

If you contact her, which may cause a problem between her and her new BF, she will always blame you if anything happens with her new BF.

No. It's clearly a test. The line of thought is: "I'll tell him I have a boyfriend and if he truly loves me he'll do something that proves he wants me."

Doing nothing the worst thing you can do. At least follow up a bit to figure out if it is indeed a test or not.

Thailand is not the same as the West. What she says is really quite often the complete opposite of what she wants.

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Well, I am not Thai, but I am a Female.

I would suggest that you leave her well alone, and if she loves you, she will contact you in due course...

If you contact her, which may cause a problem between her and her new BF, she will always blame you if anything happens with her new BF.

No. It's clearly a test. The line of thought is: "I'll tell him I have a boyfriend and if he truly loves me he'll do something that proves he wants me."

Doing nothing the worst thing you can do. At least follow up a bit to figure out if it is indeed a test or not.

Thailand is not the same as the West. What she says is really quite often the complete opposite of what she wants.

Think you have been reading too mnay love stories.

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Well, I am not Thai, but I am a Female.

I would suggest that you leave her well alone, and if she loves you, she will contact you in due course...

If you contact her, which may cause a problem between her and her new BF, she will always blame you if anything happens with her new BF.

I'm neither Thai of female but I would have to agree with pattaya girl.

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If it has ONLY been an internet relationship then it is NOT real. You can NEVER know a person over the phone or internet. The internet is a great place to make a FIRST CONTACT, but after than you need to meet in person. The best place is somewhere neutral where there are no constrictions on anyone. If the woman already HAS another boyfriend then the game is over. Search somewhere else and try somewhere new. From what I've seen there are thousands of Asian women of all ages looking for a partner. Some will make somebody a great wife... if that is what you are looking for. If you just want a short time relationship then you are better off with a bar girl and be willing to pay the going rate.

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btw, eek, is your L key broken? :D

Haha, yes, on my Iaptop it is. So those times that i use it u wiII see the captiaI "i" being used. I guess u noticed it when u quoted me. :)


Your iaptop, huh :D

I thought you thought that her user name was LeeK!!! Not so good for as Scot's lass!!

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First post - a bored old timer trolling maybe??

Nevertheless, taking it at face value - and it is still unclear as to whether you've met her or not - my view is to go for it. It's your life and if you feel this way, tell her how you feel. All's fair in love and war and you don't know the new guy from Adam. If it is good with the new guy she'll stick with him, but if she prefers you, she'll come back.

Give it a shot but don't die wondering.

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you never met her, she was not your girlfriend, she did not love you.

end of story

I have met plenty of people in my 14-16's from online who i had been chatting with and enjoying a lot then finaly realising that we couldnt fit together...

Thats why 'internet boyfriend and girlfriend' is a thing of children, because its not real.

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