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"Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."--Albert Einstein

If Ghandi was... Thai and female then this is what he would sound like.

I got a friend to read out parts of the script as well as the introduction for the astonishing 1982 film (it won 8 oscars) in the Thai translation.

Download the attached MP3 file here:



The English language is here for the whole film: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Gandhi.html (just use 'find' by Ctrl + F)

Scene 1.

Ghandi: Doesn't the New Testament say, "If your enemy strikes you on the right cheek, offer him the left"?

Charlie: I think perhaps the phrase was used metaphorically... I don't think our Lord meant --

Ghandi: I'm not so certain. I have thought about it a great deal. I suspect he meant you must show courage -- be willing to take a blow -- several blows -- to show you will not strike back -- nor will you be turned aside... And when --....

Scene 2

Ghandi: I am asking you to fight -- ! To fight against their anger -- not to provoke it!....

Scene 3

Ghandi: Since I returned from South Africa, I have traveled over much of India. And I know I could travel many more years and still only see a small part of it....

Scene 4

Ghandi: We think it is time you recognized that you are masters in someone else's home. Despite the best intentions of the best of you, you must, in the nature of things, humiliate us to control us.....

Scene 5

Reporter: ...The object of this massive tribute died as he had always lived -- a private man without wealth, without property, without official title or office...

More about the film: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandhi_(film)


The Thai script is available in the book: "Learn English with movies" published by MIS Studio. A book that is readily available in almost all medium or large size bookshops in Bangkok.

[and like Ghandi I went through great suffering to get this to you-- about 30 upload attempts, a re-editing of the sound, a 'cleaning' of the MP3 and so on. So you better download it... or I'll burn my ID card] :)


Many thanks Gacha to you and your thai friend (she sounds very young, but the enunciation is crystal clear) for this. A very good listening resource, particularly if people get the book (its only 150 baht and has thai-english excerpts from 30 famous movies).

If you have plans to do any other sound files from the book I'd be really interested.

Thanks again, an excellent effort.



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