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Is It Worth The Temptation


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I was a dedicated world of war craft player, i mean absolutely hard core (227 days played on my shaman alone) and I managed to kick it cold turkey, but after a recent flurry of emails from blizzard about my account being upgraded for free and giving me 60 days to play, then banning my account when I didn't react and forcing me to fight for it to get it back I find myself terribly terribly tempted to play world of war craft again. Needless to say I can't play it like I was before 15+ hours a day but I will be able to put in some time.

But is it worth it? Will I be tempted to get back into my endless grinding and leveling which is world of war craft?

I finally just got my account back, although I am not sure why I bothered fighting for it... I wonder if it is some system in order to attract my interest again? Can't say it has failed can we.

So what do you think? Can I find people here in Bangkok who will be playing with me? Should I just drop it? I don't know what I should do haha.

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I was a dedicated world of war craft player, i mean absolutely hard core (227 days played on my shaman alone) and I managed to kick it cold turkey, but after a recent flurry of emails from blizzard about my account being upgraded for free and giving me 60 days to play, then banning my account when I didn't react and forcing me to fight for it to get it back I find myself terribly terribly tempted to play world of war craft again. Needless to say I can't play it like I was before 15+ hours a day but I will be able to put in some time.

But is it worth it? Will I be tempted to get back into my endless grinding and leveling which is world of war craft?

I finally just got my account back, although I am not sure why I bothered fighting for it... I wonder if it is some system in order to attract my interest again? Can't say it has failed can we.

So what do you think? Can I find people here in Bangkok who will be playing with me? Should I just drop it? I don't know what I should do haha.

get a life - seek help :)

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I was a dedicated world of war craft player, i mean absolutely hard core (227 days played on my shaman alone) and I managed to kick it cold turkey, but after a recent flurry of emails from blizzard about my account being upgraded for free and giving me 60 days to play, then banning my account when I didn't react and forcing me to fight for it to get it back I find myself terribly terribly tempted to play world of war craft again. Needless to say I can't play it like I was before 15+ hours a day but I will be able to put in some time.

But is it worth it? Will I be tempted to get back into my endless grinding and leveling which is world of war craft?

I finally just got my account back, although I am not sure why I bothered fighting for it... I wonder if it is some system in order to attract my interest again? Can't say it has failed can we.

So what do you think? Can I find people here in Bangkok who will be playing with me? Should I just drop it? I don't know what I should do haha.

get a life - seek help :)

I have a life, it just required very little sleep and a lot of games. I do real life things as well, I work play paint ball 3 times a week(and travel with the team playing various international events), have a full time steady girlfriend who isn't a random Thai bar girl. In fact I am probably part of the 1% who didn't come here and meet a Thai *cough* lady *cough*. . . I only dabble in the international school girls here, love em.

But I am not sure if I can be bothered with world of warcraft again, it was fun and easily mind numbing but I just don't know.

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After I moved back stateside I joined WoW after 3 years of no MMO's due to Thailand's crappy internet. This was a good thing.

I play now because I am bored out of my mind here. However not nearly as much as I used to play games. My wife plays too (Thai). but sometimes we go a week or two without signing in. All in all we don't need these games and they can be highly addictive and take away from our free time which we could be using to do more productive things.

I say don't bother, if I could trade being back in Thailand for giving up MMO's for good, I would do it in a heartbeat.

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227 days??? Is that actual gametime played????

I was a dedicated world of war craft player, i mean absolutely hard core (227 days played on my shaman alone) and I managed to kick it cold turkey, but after a recent flurry of emails from blizzard about my account being upgraded for free and giving me 60 days to play, then banning my account when I didn't react and forcing me to fight for it to get it back I find myself terribly terribly tempted to play world of war craft again. Needless to say I can't play it like I was before 15+ hours a day but I will be able to put in some time.

But is it worth it? Will I be tempted to get back into my endless grinding and leveling which is world of war craft?

I finally just got my account back, although I am not sure why I bothered fighting for it... I wonder if it is some system in order to attract my interest again? Can't say it has failed can we.

So what do you think? Can I find people here in Bangkok who will be playing with me? Should I just drop it? I don't know what I should do haha.

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Hey I clocked up over 500 days on my last mmorpg. Not wow thankfully, I saw that for the life fail it was and got out before it got me..

But now im seriously getting into eve online.. we are but weak humans.

I have a theory that these games save us money though, I mean I can go out 5 nights a week and waste any savings I have on beer and thai *cough* ladies *cough*. Ive been playing eve for a few days and gone out once...saved a good chunk already, the only cost being my GF doesnt understand why I am not coming to bed until the wee hours.. and she hears explosions and me swearing at the pc all night.

Edited by OxfordWill
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I say do it, because it is in my opinion, the most bang for your buck you'll ever get out of a PC game. People will tell you that it's addictive, but it's only as addictive as you want it to be. If you have a bunch of free time to kill I'd recommend it. It's incredibly fun, the world is seamless and massive, and you'll meet a ton of people. 500 days game time is completely and utterly insane haha. I'm at around 29 days on my main character in WoW and I've been playing for years.

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  • 3 weeks later...
227 on my shaman alone, but its up to 240 now cause I started playing again... 69-80 took me 4 days -.-

Plus I have my pally mage ect with time on it, but I literally lived on my shaman for a while... My maid keeping me alive.

That's pretty nuts, but to be fair I hop around on alts alot. I hate dedicating myself to one toon because I get tired of the gear grind pretty fast. It's gotten very relaxed though, as far as endgame raiding goes. Been running totc for just over a month now and it's not nearly as challenging as Gruul's or even Kara was, I'd say. Gonna attempt ToGC next week with the guild to get prepped for ICC. Pretty dam_n stoked about that.

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i myself just got back onto the WoW bandwagon.

officially quit 3yrs ago pre TBC. Gonna start back again as of today....(yay no life again).

Wow you're going to be in for a shock lol.

yeah i think so too.

when i quit preTBC i had rank 12 warlock , T3 Rog , T2 priest. All sold before TBC launch lol.

gonna start over again on Thau.

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