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I don't think I've seen reports of the Loxinfo ADSL in Pattaya, but I guess it would be at least as good as the Ji-net I'm using. Same price range I think as well.

With Ji-net you get 1 e-mail address ([email protected], so think twice what username you want to put down at the application form!!!)

Decent sized inbox at 100Mb, can access through pop3 (outlook express), or if you're away from home you can access it through Ji-nets website as well...

Hope some people try Loxinfo's offerings so we can get some reports of their service / quality :o

I read in some other post that TT&T will start their Hinet service again in Pattaya.

If it works it'll be certainly the most bang for buck speedwise, as it is 990 Baht/month for a 2 Mbps link. You probably won't have an e-mail, or even a SMTP server. Also I guess they might block some ports so you'll end up having problems with VOIP or some peer to peer networks...

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