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Can A Small Pharmacy Legally Sell Xanax?


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Just an enquiry, I guess the title and subtitle says it all.

Just curious to know the answer as it is not widely available, in fact I only know one little green cross booth staffed by a masked woman that sells it.

Edited by Shoeboat
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Grey area, not strictly legal, thats why it's not on display, and often kept out the back or in the own personal belongings, ie a handbag.

It is only supposed to be distributed by hospitals or clinics staffed by doctors, not pharmacists.

Here in samui it is available just about anywhere, on the mainland it is much harder to find.

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Grey area, not strictly legal, thats why it's not on display, and often kept out the back or in the own personal belongings, ie a handbag.

It is only supposed to be distributed by hospitals or clinics staffed by doctors, not pharmacists.

Here in samui it is available just about anywhere, on the mainland it is much harder to find.

Why do you even care? What a stupid question. Its even available online. Whether or not pharamacies shoud be selling it or not strikes me as utterly trivial. Dont you have more important things to worry about?

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These drugs can be highly dangerous if you don`t know what you`re doing.

Medication such as Xanax should be prescribed by a qualified Doctor and not bought from a little lady on a stall.

Most Thai Visa members are not Doctors or lawyers, so what`s your point?

You pay your money if willing to risk your life, you get what you get, on your head be it if anything bad should happen.

I hope the mods close this thread, one similar thread has already been closed.

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Frankly I don't care if pharmacies sell it or not because most of what goes on here is illegal because that's the primitive nature of the country.

This morning I asked my pharmacist (well, masked woman with back room unit) for treatment for a stye in my left eye and that I didn't want to spend more than 100 baht... She tore an old A4 letter in half and wrote a 'prescription' for some 7 day course of antibiotics on it.

One pharmacy said they were out of stock, the other looked at my sty and told me all I needed was plenty of water, fruit & veg and a good nights sleep.

Upon returning to the woman who ripped me off 100 baht, I asked her why she didn't give me any treatment when she knew my 'budget' was 100 baht and when she knew what the good pharmacist knew - that all I needed was sleep and vitamins.

Anyway, perhaps I am being petty, perhaps I should know better in future - perhaps I'm getting a bit sick of the money for nothing attitude of this country, I feel really sorry for the good Thais here.

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Most likely a counterfeit product. Xanax is a prescription drug and is a monitored product. Translation: Purchase from a hospital or accredited pharmacy only. If you have a script from a homeland physician, you can have it easily recertified by presenting to a local physician. Know why you need that? Alprazolam gets treated the same way as yaba if the cops find it on you without a proper prescription. Unless you want the hassle of a drug charge go the legit route of purchase and use. Drugs dispensed by a certified pharmacy will have proper labeling, indicating a legit purchase, i.e. pharmacy id is affixed by label. Purchase in the black market and you do not get that and will have a hard time explaining how you came to be holding an unlabeled prescription drug.

I'll leave the p[ros and cons of self medicating to someone else. :)

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I would not dob her in for selling Xanax for the sake of 100 baht, but I returned an hour ago and gave her back the piece of paper I unwittingly paid 100 baht for and explained that I had not asked for a prescription or a consultation (if you can call it that).

All I needed to fix my eye was fruit and veg, plenty of water and a good nights sleep - she has been my neighbor for two and a half years so I was disappointed that she couldn't just tell me that or give me some eye drops or something useful for my 100 baht, anyway - she did the right thing and offered me 5 xanax (100bahts worth) - I said 4 would be fine, i'll take 20 on the chin for having too much faith.

Xanax are not good to depend on for sleep, but that aside - can you get them on prescription in Thailand by going to a doctor and explaining nothing else can put you in a nice deep sleep? I do use them when I absolutely have to be fresh the next day and would rather get them by the book - is this possible?

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the piece of paper I unwittingly paid 100 baht for and explained that I had not asked for a prescription or a consultation (if you can call it that).

Were you expecting after giving her 100 baht your piece of paper would get you free medication at another pharmacy?

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Xanax is a prescription drug and a controlled product. It can be very dangerous and cant be taken just "for a good sleep"

I can confirm this. You need to contact your physician.

This board is not the place to give advise what a person has to tell a physician to get it prescribed.

I suggest a visit to your physician and leave it up to him whether he prescribes it or not.


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