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Atm Phantom Withdrawals- What's Going On?

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Ok upset thai wife and sleepless mother in law situation and that is not good for me!

UK Nationwide flex account card, in wife's name, sent to Amnat Charoen.

For over 3 years, wife puts money in everry month, Mother-in-law takes it out.

Last weekend, M-I-L tried to withdraw 15,000 baht....says...trying to withdraw too much....pressed cancel...no cash, no receipt.

Checked account online from UK. Statement shows 15,000 withdrawn on that date.

Siam commercial say cannot check records as UK card.

Nationwide say nothing they can do unless wife fills out transaction dispute form, which she is reluctant to do as they want her to confirm it was her using the card (she has already told them she will be using the card regularly in thailand).

Police in Amnat say only wife can issue complaint. We are not going home until April.

Somrthing very fishy about all this, anyone else experienced anything similar, any advice on way to persue issue in the face of such incalcitrance and obfusctaion?

Someone , somewhere is taking the proverbial and it just can't be that we just take this as a fact of life.

M-I-L has always been told to check ATM looks kosher, have had experience of tampered ATMs before but this seems different and stinks to high heaven. Can you trust what the ATM tells you and do you have any comeback when you've been stolen from?

thanks for listening,

Phee Nick

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Newbie, I call you that as you are in denial on this one. First, you are giving away way to much money for the pleasure of your wifes company. Second, She and or her family is taking you for a ride. Cancel the card, save your money and watch your ass. Thirdly, and last. Only they have the pin number and only they are getting your cash, not some phantom thief.

welcome to Thailand


Ok upset thai wife and sleepless mother in law situation and that is not good for me!

UK Nationwide flex account card, in wife's name, sent to Amnat Charoen.

For over 3 years, wife puts money in everry month, Mother-in-law takes it out.

Last weekend, M-I-L tried to withdraw 15,000 baht....says...trying to withdraw too much....pressed cancel...no cash, no receipt.

Checked account online from UK. Statement shows 15,000 withdrawn on that date.

Siam commercial say cannot check records as UK card.

Nationwide say nothing they can do unless wife fills out transaction dispute form, which she is reluctant to do as they want her to confirm it was her using the card (she has already told them she will be using the card regularly in thailand).

Police in Amnat say only wife can issue complaint. We are not going home until April.

Somrthing very fishy about all this, anyone else experienced anything similar, any advice on way to persue issue in the face of such incalcitrance and obfusctaion?

Someone , somewhere is taking the proverbial and it just can't be that we just take this as a fact of life.

M-I-L has always been told to check ATM looks kosher, have had experience of tampered ATMs before but this seems different and stinks to high heaven. Can you trust what the ATM tells you and do you have any comeback when you've been stolen from?

thanks for listening,

Phee Nick

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This is a common occurrence in Thailand and has happened to me, simply fax a report to The Nationwide with details of the ATM (who it belongs to) plus time and date of the attempted withdrawal, location etc. They will investigate with SCB and you should get your cash refunded within seven days as I did.

ATM s are notorious for either not dispensing the cash or swallowing your card and I think its a bit unfair of posters to automatically blame the end user in this case the M.I.L. so report it to N/W and let us know how you got on (their phone number is on the back of the card)

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This is a common occurrence in Thailand and has happened to me, simply fax a report to The Nationwide with details of the ATM (who it belongs to) plus time and date of the attempted withdrawal, location etc. They will investigate with SCB and you should get your cash refunded within seven days as I did.

ATM s are notorious for either not dispensing the cash or swallowing your card and I think its a bit unfair of posters to automatically blame the end user in this case the M.I.L. so report it to N/W and let us know how you got on (their phone number is on the back of the card)

ATM use in Thailand is becoming a joke, with UK cards at least. I have given up after a SCB machine kept my card and now only get it transferred via swift. In theory you can get cash with your card over the counter, but many banks will tell you it's not possible even when it is, I think they just cannot be bothered and direct you to the ATM, which more often than not gives a communication error or transaction canceled message.

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Ok upset thai wife and sleepless mother in law situation and that is not good for me!

UK Nationwide flex account card, in wife's name, sent to Amnat Charoen.

For over 3 years, wife puts money in everry month, Mother-in-law takes it out.

Last weekend, M-I-L tried to withdraw 15,000 baht....says...trying to withdraw too much....pressed cancel...no cash, no receipt.

Checked account online from UK. Statement shows 15,000 withdrawn on that date.

Siam commercial say cannot check records as UK card.

Nationwide say nothing they can do unless wife fills out transaction dispute form, which she is reluctant to do as they want her to confirm it was her using the card (she has already told them she will be using the card regularly in thailand).

Police in Amnat say only wife can issue complaint. We are not going home until April.

Somrthing very fishy about all this, anyone else experienced anything similar, any advice on way to persue issue in the face of such incalcitrance and obfusctaion?

Someone , somewhere is taking the proverbial and it just can't be that we just take this as a fact of life.

M-I-L has always been told to check ATM looks kosher, have had experience of tampered ATMs before but this seems different and stinks to high heaven. Can you trust what the ATM tells you and do you have any comeback when you've been stolen from?

thanks for listening,

Phee Nick

I am in the process of trying to recover 20000 baht due to a faulty atm.. The atm did not issue the 20000 but my account in Oz was first credited with 20000.I have since learnt that at the end of the the atm does an auto adjustment to the days transactions which resulted in my account being debited for the 20000 that it had been credited.That should have left me all square for the day ,however after the first attempt to withdraw the money we thought we must have done something wrong so we repeated the transaction but again the atm did not issue the 20000 which has left us out of pocket.We immediately reported this to the police and they told us the atm was faulty and that similar incidents had been happening to other people.

It turned out the atm was at fault. Atm operated by Krung Thai and those people who were Krung Thai account holders were issued the money over the counter at the nearest branch.

This did not happen to me as i have an Australian debit card. My bank in Oz is in touch with Krung Thai.

Apparently there is an international banking rule that gives Krung Thai 90 days in which to respond to the request from my Oz bank for the money so they still have about 40 days in which to respond.

In your case i don,t believe Siam bank cannot check the records as Uk card>>> Surely the atm would need to balance at the end of the day. If the Krung Thai atm does an auto adjustment i am sure Scb and every other atm would to.

I wish you luck with this but you will have to follow it up through your bank.

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Thanks to all for taking the time to reply.

Agree only option is to apply pressure to nationwide, interesting to find if SCB records showed ATM didn't tally at end of day.

This was 6th Oct so if the situation was going to self correct it would have happened by now.


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I agree with the majority of posters here, the money can be recovered; however, recognising that it is missing in the first place can be a problem.

Whilst on holiday once, I was debited twice for a baht withdrawal, unfortunately, I was not aware at the time and only found out when I checked my account in the country in which I work.

On another occasion, something about the transaction caused me to doubt the withdrawal so I immediately rang the issuing bank who confirmed the double withdrawal indication. I explained that I had only made the single withdrawal, and to my great surprise, my account was re-credited almost instantly. In fact, the issuing bank confirmed that this was by no means an isolated incident in Thailand – Moral, get a Thai bank account!

As a post script, I am always saddened by so many reactions from this forum which immediately blames the girlfriend, wife or partner for attempted scams without a second thought for the circumstances, open your minds a little!

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This was 6th Oct so if the situation was going to self correct it would have happened by now.

As I said in my original post, you need to be proactive and fax N/W or if you have online banking send them a message from their home page, the longer you leave it the more difficult it will become.

As a post script, I am always saddened by so many reactions from this forum which immediately blames the girlfriend, wife or partner for attempted scams without a second thought for the circumstances, open your minds a little!

My thoughts exactly!

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This is a common occurrence in Thailand and has happened to me, simply fax a report to The Nationwide with details of the ATM (who it belongs to) plus time and date of the attempted withdrawal, location etc. They will investigate with SCB and you should get your cash refunded within seven days as I did.

ATM s are notorious for either not dispensing the cash or swallowing your card and I think its a bit unfair of posters to automatically blame the end user in this case the M.I.L. so report it to N/W and let us know how you got on (their phone number is on the back of the card)

ATM use in Thailand is becoming a joke, with UK cards at least. I have given up after a SCB machine kept my card and now only get it transferred via swift. In theory you can get cash with your card over the counter, but many banks will tell you it's not possible even when it is, I think they just cannot be bothered and direct you to the ATM, which more often than not gives a communication error or transaction canceled message.

I regularly draw cash using a UK ATM card over the counter from a Thai bank. No problems ever.

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