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Why Women Love Vampires


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What's Really Going on With All These Vampires?

From Twilight to True Blood and now The Vampire Diaries, is it vampires that so many American women love... or just gay men?

By Stephen Marche

Forget everything you've read about vampires so far. The current bloodsucking trend, achieving maximum ferocity in November with the release of the sequel to Twilight, isn't about outsiders or immigrants or religion or even AIDS, as critics and bloggers have argued ad nauseam these past few months. There's a much better, simpler, more obvious explanation: Vampires have overwhelmed pop culture because young straight women want to have sex with gay men. Not all young straight women, of course, but many, if not most, of them.

The rest of the article can be found here: http://www.esquire.com/features/thousand-w...es-gay-men-1109

I'd be interested in women's responses to this article. I know what mine was, but I'd be curious as to what the other women think of it.

I will give my opinion after others have had a chance to read :)

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I would say that is balls. Very bizarre tenuous connection! I think it is much more to do with taboo (cannibalism), power and a woman's subconcious desire to be dominated (eg rape fantasies). Being that vampires do not exist, it means that women can revel in a fantasy knowing that it could never be a reality. When I was a teenage girl I thrived on fantasies and day dreams...not neccessarily sexual, but usually romantic...so this genre really appeals to a teenage girls favourite hobby. As we get older reality becomes more, well, real and it becomes harder to lose yourself in day dreams.

Which is sad - I miss them!!! My day dreams now usually involve vast amounts of money falling into my lap, or the invention of a teleporter device...

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Um okayyy..i kind of dont know what to say about that too much...ahh forget that..i will still a few things to say, but i just might not be in the right "vein". :D

Ive never been into the whole vampire genre much. But, from what i can see the allure of the vampire notion is one of sexual liberation, passion, romance, letting yourself go. I think for woman it may be this feeling of being allowed to be sexually liberated (not that we arent, just that even today there is still some stigma). I always had the impression that although vampires are portrayed as sexual and passionate, they seem sort of in tune with each other, less divided as men and women. Sexually androgynous in a way. Maybe what appeals to women about this is that a male vampire comes across as protective and in tune with her but still sexual and passionate in a male way. Ive never sensed anything about vampires as being "gay" :D Effeminate maybe..but gay no. (I mean the Jack Sparrow character in Pirates of the Caribbean could be viewed as pretty gay/camp in his mannerisms, but certainly didnt have me thinking he was actually gay. Just more of a "Fop". There are many men who are effeminate in some way be in their dress, actions, or emotions, doesnt automatically mean they are homosexual.)

Now, this is a guys magazine, written by a guy, so that has me thinking in a few directions. Maybe his gf is into vampire novels and hes pissed..haha. Maybe he is threatened by the idea of a man being in tune with a womans emotions (even if fictional). He MUST be gay if he knows women too well, right? But, I really dont know the thinking behind why a man would draw the conclusion that women want to sleep with their gay friends based on the concept of a vampire. I think its sending out a bizare message. Its almost like saying that any man who reflects aspects of a vampire (haha..bare with me) such as being romantic, sensual, caring, he is a closet gay. Then again, im just rambling on throwing up ideas and seeing if they will bounce back. Is it just that a man is threatened by another man (even if fictional) who the kind of man desired by women? Some kind of macho thing where they dont like to feel they fall short of a womans expectations. Me man, me touch you like u button, so why you not scream in pleasure? :) HAHA, ok im definitely rambling now!

Drag was gonna say something else, but i lost my train of thought when i veered all over the path.

Sbk, you arent very fair, you asked such a loose question. Was there any particular aspect that you were wanting to focus on? Am I even in the vicinity of the ball park? :D :D

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I would say that is balls. Very bizarre tenuous connection! I think it is much more to do with taboo (cannibalism), power and a woman's subconcious desire to be dominated (eg rape fantasies). Being that vampires do not exist, it means that women can revel in a fantasy knowing that it could never be a reality. When I was a teenage girl I thrived on fantasies and day dreams...not neccessarily sexual, but usually romantic...so this genre really appeals to a teenage girls favourite hobby. As we get older reality becomes more, well, real and it becomes harder to lose yourself in day dreams.

Which is sad - I miss them!!! My day dreams now usually involve vast amounts of money falling into my lap, or the invention of a teleporter device...

Great response mssabai, particularly liked the line i marked bold.

Interesting about the domination fantasies.

Edit: and maybe my notion of the vampire genre is different, because ive never been much into it. So i didnt think about the dominating aspect. I was thinking more along the lines of the way Bram Stoker has romanticised the concept of vampire. That instead of the ugly and frightening Nosferatu figure, the vampire became a lost soul with a broken heart, searching for his love. So i thought of it more along the lines of romance etc etc.

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All over the place is fine eek. :)

It struck me as an interesting article and I was curious what other women's first impressions were unsullied (as it were :D) by my reaction.

As for gay or effeminate vampires all I can say is the vampire in the BBC show Being Human certainly never struck me that way. :D.

Carry on ladies, great responses so far :D

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tall dark stranger, controlled but tempermental, still waters run deep, 'bad boy' but misunderstand, a male man with a bit of 'animal carnivore ' in him.... i can definitely understand the attraction... i am sick of metrosexual men...

have always fantasized about 'wild, animal type, dark and silent, wolflike or panther like' men... yep, definately understand the attraction and loved the books btw, but the female main character in twilite is too wimpy and cry baby for me (she bursts in to tears and tortures herself a little too much but i think i was the same way as a teenager, having more then one boyfriend that i truly loved... )

i always dreamt of a dark stranger sweeping in off the steppes (not steps :) ) on a huge wild stallion (phallic stuff that) and running off with me (im fairly dominant myself so prefer my men to haave testtestarone and not too much wimbly womblyness) ... so far, have a short wide stranger (well, now not so strange, my husband) with a wild cat and dragon tatoo on his back, with mystierious slanty eyes, loves to eat raw liver, drinks blood mixed with vodka and refuses to ride horses but an rise a sexy fiery buffalo... i guess he' s as close as u can get to a thai vampire.. :D))



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:) I myself prefer the cleancut look, but a hot looking bad boy will do in a pinch.

Personally, I think mssabai and eek's analysis of the article and women's fascination with vampires (but is it really limited to women? I don't think so..) was probably more valid and in tune with how women view men and the writer of the article is perhaps more in tune with how men view how women view men.

If that made any sense at all :D

I've never been "into" vampires, but do enjoy the show Being Human (funny, witty, dark and weird), True Blood is alright but the awful Southern accents used by the actors kinda puts me off.

Havn't watched any Twilight stuff, nor read the books. Neither was I a big fan of Anne Rice who, interestingly barely mentioned by the author, had a huge group of vampire devotees with her books, which, if my memory isn't too far off, have been around for more than 20 years. Interesting the author decided to focus solely on the current crop of vampire themed movies and yet didn't apply the same thinking to the last rash of popular vampire pics.

**edit, movie came out 1994, the book was published in 1976 and quickly became a cult success.

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Well I can't speak for Ladies, or gay men.

But as a straight guy who likes Role Playing Games. I have been LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) a game called Vampire The Requiem/Masquerade since maybe 98'. You can google "Vampire LARP" to get a better idea (we even have a group here in Thailand with about a 70/30 Thai Farang ratio.

Basically I think women love Vampires because they cheat their worst enemy... Time. The Vampire never needs face lifts, laughs in the face of gravity, and represents a eternal, dark, sexy beauty and the promise of everlasting love...even if it is in a twisted sort of "bad boy' sense.

Personally I love the dark themes of the struggle for power, the elitism, the secret society aspects, and of course the kindred spirit of it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't confuse what people think with what people are being told to think.

True Blood is a platform promoting gay rights. It's not about what the audience want or think it is about what the producers are telling the audience to want and think.

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No idea if that is true or not GH but don't you think that people are generally capable of making their own decisions and their own minds up? If people found it offensive they do have the ability to push that little button on the remote control.

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I thought the article was pushing a viewpoint beyond credibility, but did like the point about vampires being “intelligent, glamorous and doomed”. I suspect this is part of the fascination for some women.

But, he’s missing the point – many men enjoy these films, series etc. too. I’m not convinced that women are more attracted by them than men.

Personally, I think many people just enjoy horror films!

True Blood is unusual, largely I think because of the brilliant opening credits which are the epitome of ‘creepy’ – whoever came up with them deserves an award, but to say that the vampires in the programme desire “normalcy with humans” indicates he’s never watched the programme - the hero does, but not the other vampires by any stretch of the imagination!

The programme is weird, but strangely addictive – despite (as a previous poster said), the awful Southern accents. How anyone can think it is promoting gay rights is completely beyond me! (I’ve no idea how the show makes “(cannibalism), power and a woman's subconcious desire to be dominated (eg rape fantasies)” attractive either).

I agree with SBK, I've never been "into" vampires either, but find the programme “funny, witty, dark and weird”

At first I thought it was promoting acceptance of anyone who is ‘against the norm’, but quite a few of them are betrayed in a v unbecoming light. (I’ll forgive Eric though, he is GORGEOUS despite being pretty nasty!).

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No idea if that is true or not GH but don't you think that people are generally capable of making their own decisions and their own minds up? If people found it offensive they do have the ability to push that little button on the remote control.

Quite simply they don't. People will watch all manner of low level <deleted> purely because it is on television and they don't have to engage brains.

Then there are the other's who WILL watch offensive stuff only to write in to the papers signing off as "Disgusted of Maidenhead".

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No idea if that is true or not GH but don't you think that people are generally capable of making their own decisions and their own minds up? If people found it offensive they do have the ability to push that little button on the remote control.

Quite simply they don't. People will watch all manner of low level <deleted> purely because it is on television and they don't have to engage brains.

Then there are the other's who WILL watch offensive stuff only to write in to the papers signing off as "Disgusted of Maidenhead".

I agree with you (there are few things I like more than being able to switch on the TV and disengage brain!). BUT...how on earth does True Blood promote gays??!

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And more importantly, so what? I mean, really I don't care if its subliminally promoting homosexuality, I've certainly had non-subliminal messages forcing heterosexuality down my throat for aeons so what the heck is the difference? And why should I give a flying?

***edit did a quick google and found one article stating that True Blood hated gays, another article saying that True Blood is a gay rights analogy and another one from the screenwriter stating that the show is not a metaphor for gay people***

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No idea if that is true or not GH but don't you think that people are generally capable of making their own decisions and their own minds up? If people found it offensive they do have the ability to push that little button on the remote control.

I'm in agreement with Phil on this. And yes you can find any number of postings on the internet arguing all angles on True Blood and what it's message is.

But these things absolutely do matter.

But I would not disagree with your point that hetrosexuality dominates the mainstream media, likewise it does matter to question the message.

Let's take the waif like models strutting the catwalk as an example - There is a clear link between the image of skinny women being thrust on us and body dismorphia among women and young girls, too often with tragic results.

That image of women is a direct example of a gay aesthetic - boyish, sexless looking women - Rants and raves against men dictating that image ignore the proven preference of hetrosexual men for women with fuller figures.

The images being presented do matter, they do change opinions, social norms and personal/social expectations.

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But... but... doesn't EVERYONE want to sleep with gay vampires???


(just thought I'd throw in a remark to show that we vampiric homosexuals don't take ourselves too seriously, even when we are taking over the world with our 'television' mind-control devices)

(SBK, on no account are you allowed to say how well I am aging in order to add credibility to the prospect that homosexuality and vampirism are related phenomena- oh, well, ok, you can say something about it if you want to... but what's YOUR excuse, then, Sebastian? :D:D)

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Well, thats your issue then, GH. I, for one, do not have issues with homosexuality and frankly, am not really sure I want to go that direction in this thread.

Forgive me for having an opinion...... call it "an issue" if putting other people's opinions in a box helps you ignore opinions if you will.

I've read and very much enjoyed your posts for a long time now sbk, I'm somewhat saddened by your turning to this level of argument.

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Yes, you are certainly entitled to your opinions and you are more than welcome to express them, I just said I wasn't sure that was the direction I wanted this thread to take. To me, its not about some people's feelings about homosexuality but about one man's rather one sided and frankly silly argument regarding a "trend" that is hardly new. For me, the article was more about how one man twisted things to fit his own preconceived notions of women and what they want rather than actually ask some women.

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No idea if that is true or not GH but don't you think that people are generally capable of making their own decisions and their own minds up? If people found it offensive they do have the ability to push that little button on the remote control.

I'm in agreement with Phil on this. And yes you can find any number of postings on the internet arguing all angles on True Blood and what it's message is.

But these things absolutely do matter.

But I would not disagree with your point that hetrosexuality dominates the mainstream media, likewise it does matter to question the message.

Let's take the waif like models strutting the catwalk as an example - There is a clear link between the image of skinny women being thrust on us and body dismorphia among women and young girls, too often with tragic results.

That image of women is a direct example of a gay aesthetic - boyish, sexless looking women - Rants and raves against men dictating that image ignore the proven preference of hetrosexual men for women with fuller figures.

The images being presented do matter, they do change opinions, social norms and personal/social expectations.

Sorry SBK, I agree entirely that this thread should not be reduced to arguing about gays! But.... I think GH needs to justify this post.

Agree entirely that the media encourages women to be extremely thin (by always using them in fashion photos), and this leads to tragic results. But, as you say, this is not a look that the majority of men prefer. HOWEVER, to go on to imply that this is down to a gay aesthetic seems a stretch too far!

I think it is far more likely that the fashion industry use thin women 'cos it shows their clothes off better - it is far easier to make clothes look good on a stick insect than a larger woman! I can't be alone in thinking that GH's view that "this look is pursued 'cos gays want to promote boyish, sexless looking women" is somewhat unlikely - why on earth would they care a fig about how a woman looks??! (I doubt that there are too many gay women in fashion.)

I hope this doesn't sound as if I'm attacking you GH, it certainly wasn't intended that way.

Getting back on topic, I would genuinely like to hear why you believe True Blood is "a platform promoting gay rights".

If you would like to reply to my comments re. gays, please PM me (or perhaps start a new thread) as it is definitely off topic!

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I'm happy to justify the comment. Let's start with a couple of links.

Contrast what the fashion industry is giving us, and what men vote for.

No your deluding yourself GH..... Nothing at all that could be misconstued as a 'Gay Aesthetic"

And the argument, unless you've missed it, is Gay men dominate the fashion industry and dictate the 'Gay Aesthetic' that we see as skinny, adolescent boyish women.

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I'm happy to justify the comment. Let's start with a couple of links.

Contrast what the fashion industry is giving us, and what men vote for.

No your deluding yourself GH..... Nothing at all that could be misconstued as a 'Gay Aesthetic"

And the argument, unless you've missed it, is Gay men dominate the fashion industry and dictate the 'Gay Aesthetic' that we see as skinny, adolescent boyish women.

Maybe it's not related to the OP, but I've got to agree with Guesthouse on this one. No one ever talks about it here but the average Thai woman sought by western "sexpats" here, has the body of an 11 year old western boy in probably the most androgenous socirty on Earth. Creepy

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I'm happy to justify the comment. Let's start with a couple of links.

Contrast what the fashion industry is giving us, and what men vote for.

No your deluding yourself GH..... Nothing at all that could be misconstued as a 'Gay Aesthetic"

And the argument, unless you've missed it, is Gay men dominate the fashion industry and dictate the 'Gay Aesthetic' that we see as skinny, adolescent boyish women.

Maybe it's not related to the OP, but I've got to agree with Guesthouse on this one. No one ever talks about it here but the average Thai woman sought by western "sexpats" here, has the body of an 11 year old western boy in probably the most androgenous socirty on Earth. Creepy

then, according to GH logic, they must be gay men promoting an agenda of boyish looking women. An agenda, that frankly, makes no sense to me at all since gay men are not interested in women sexually.

Frankly, I find his hypotheses as far fetched as the vampire guy.

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Not quite right SBK.... The corollary you draw is your own logic not mine.

My argument is of Gay men in the fashion industry promoting a Gay aesthetic in their choice of female models. Skinny, asexual and adolescent boyish looking (Contrast this with the full figured women hetrosexual men vote for in men's magazines).

But following your point about Gay men not being interested in women – Well yes precisely that - Skinny, asexual and adolescent boyish looking women.

But like I say, the second link I have posted demonstrates I’m imagining all this, those women absolutely do not look like adolescent boys!

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