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Ok, Ms. Sub's birthday is November 5. In a desire to satiate my fascination with all things motorcycle related and Ms. Sub's desire for a decent birthday present, I have decided to get her this, which is an Icon Motorsports Ladies motorcycle jacket in Pink leather:

I wanted to ask the ladies for their opinion on the jacket. I would ask in the motorcycle forum, but I know the guys in the TV motorcycle forum and their opinion (as well as my own opinion) simply can't be trusted with anything fashion related. (And guys if you are reading this you know it's true--I have seen pictures of you clowns.)


The conundrum I am having is I don't know if I should have gotten the jacket in white instead of pink. For reference, here it is in white:


The deal is I got the pink because it was cheaper and I got a better deal on it. FYI, these jackets go for $400, and I mean legitimately sell for $400. All the stores that I have gone into have them for $380, and the cheapest I could find it on the internet was $375 plus shipping. I was looing for a while, and there was a dealer close out on new display jackets (with tags) on Ebay and I snagged one for $185. I tried getting the white one first but I got out bid, and the winning bid was so close enough to the price of retail that I didn't even bother.

Now the question I have is whether the pink would be hard to color coordinate. The white would go with everything, but I thought it might be hard to match things to the pink. Now, Ms. Sub does not know that I got this jacket for her so I could get rid of it without her being any the wiser. (Think socks or a chia pet for a b-day present.) However I would like some ladies opinions on this.

And before you complain about my cheapness, I did also get her boots with the money I saved. Icon women's bombshell boots in black (retail $170, $30 from Ebay brand new with tags in box, also dealer closeout):


I like 'em, but am wondering if it will color coordinate with the pink jacket (and no they don't come in pink). Anyway ladies, opinions? Thanks as always.

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The boots are hot but I don't know that I'd go for the pink tbh. Depends on how girlie your gf is. I like pink, I even wear pink but a black one would go way better with the boots, tbh.

But, since the purchase is made, and clearly alot of thought went into it, if it were me, I'd still love it and appreciate it for the thought and effort that went into making a purchase that so clearly showed you want to share an important part of your life with me.

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I can't comment as to mix and match, as I have to remind myself to make sure my belt matches my shoes or I will look like a jackass. BUT, if those boots and jacket passed me on the highway I would speed up to get a second look. Purely a male perspective. I do agree that you have put a lot of thought and effort into finding a gift for Mrs. Sub, so I hope she likes it and I wish you both safe riding!

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Why thank you SBK! Now this is why I asked for a lady's opinion. I really don't know that much about how women think about dressing. Black? Really? You see I would have thought that she would not think it was feminine enough:


I have both black and white leather jackets. I found that the black gets really hot at times, hence I wanted a lighter color. I really would just go for what she thinks would be cool and not worry that I already bought the pink. Christmas is coming, it's new with tags and I don't think I would have problems unloading it because I know alot of guys who would buy something like this for his lady (they, like me, will tell her that he spent $400 on her jacket :) ). There is still enough time to snag another one prior to her birthday so I want her to really like it.

FYI she is not a 'girly girl' and does not really wear alot of pink. But she already has black leather...and actually white leather outfits. (Like leather jackets, pants and/or miniskirt.) Maybe the Icon "Kitty" jacket in black (I originally passed on this one because I thought it was too 'femmy', but in black maybe it will work):


BUT, if those boots and jacket passed me on the highway I would speed up to get a second look. Purely a male perspective.

You see, that's the problem with being male. While I do want her to look hot, my idea of "hot" maybe her definition of "humiliating". And I can't coordinate outfits either. For me, black boots with pink jacket works...but what do I know?

Edited by submaniac
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but does she have black leather motorcycle jacket?

The pink is pretty full on, IMO. But I really don't know your gf's tastes.

Why is it called kitty? I don't see a hello kitty on it :D

I like the second black jacket, the buckles on it match the ones on the boots :)

But, again, thats me and my taste. You aren't buying it for me. Well, you can buy one for me too if you want. haha

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Oh it is so hard trying to think what a different girls tastes would be. I personally find the pink waaaay to girlie, but Thai girls seem to have different attitudes to pink than farang girls (everyone laughs at me cos I wear boys pajamas here...I just refuse to buy anything pink and/or with cartoon characters on, over the age of 14). Personally I think the white is really quite nice. Black would be more my style, but white would appeal to more girly girls too.

The boots are totally not up my alley so I couldn't really comment. Pushing 5'9'' I am not a high heel girl really. I wear boys biker boots to bike parties cos I think they make me look like a rock chick! I am looking out for a cool leather jacket, but will probably go for a beaten up boys vintage one.

But I would trust your insticts Sub....you seem to know your gf's wardrobe really well (which is more than I could say for Mr Sabai) so I think you would know her best. Good luck!

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I wasn't sure if she was or not - that was just a general observation about the colour pink and my feelings on it! But actually saying that, one of my best female friends from home loves "anything pink and sparkly". It's safe to say we do not share clothes!!

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IMO, The white is pretty cool, and the black is sexy. The boots are hot. The pink jacket takes a brave lady and/or a girly one. Reminds me a bit of "Grease" (Pink Ladies).

I was stuck by your comment of "before you complain about my cheapness". Woah! I was thinking the opposite. I was thinking 'here is a guy who REALLY loves his gf'. You are putting in a lot of effort for her birthday. To be perfectly honest, i would have thought the Jacket was an expensive enough gift, but thats just me.

Sub, you already seem to know the styles your gf likes. Im sure you are a good enough judge of the best one to go for. You can always let her know that you can exchange it for her if she prefers a different colour. Im sure that whatever you decide she will be happy that you went out your way to do something lovely for her (even if she exchanges it! :) )

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I was stuck by your comment of "before you complain about my cheapness". Woah! I was thinking the opposite. I was thinking 'here is a guy who REALLY loves his gf'. You are putting in a lot of effort for her birthday. To be perfectly honest, i would have thought the Jacket was an expensive enough gift, but thats just me.

Yup, that was my thought too eek. Cheap never crossed my mind at all. Sweet, lovely, considerate, yes those words crossed my mind, but not cheap :)

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Err, but also hang on a minute Eeek. Just because he has spent all this money is not proof that he "really loves his gf". The amount of time he has spent thinking about it though does show how much he cares. But the amount of money he has spent is not a barometer of his love I hope!

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I think this is for his wife?


As a farang wife of many years with a husband who enjoys motorcycling, I'd be delighted with any of the choices. However, if I were to chose it for myself, I'd go for white. Pink is nice in small doses.

What we've found (husband and me) is that for personal items (clothing, watches, etc) it's often best to ask the preference first. But I know that's hard to do when you want it to be a surprise.


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Err, but also hang on a minute Eeek. Just because he has spent all this money is not proof that he "really loves his gf". The amount of time he has spent thinking about it though does show how much he cares. But the amount of money he has spent is not a barometer of his love I hope!

mssabaiiiiii, i had thought that that is what came across by my saying: "here is a guy who really loves his gf", followed by "you are putting a lot of effort" in for her gift, followed by "expensive enough". :)

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well thank you ladies for your input. I must say I feel like blushing because I do not think I am particularly worth much praise on this. I mean, (1) it's only $230, (2) I had fun because I like looking for motorcycle gear, and (3) I feel I need to buy this because if she gets dumped off a motorcycle, it would be due to my piloting and I would feel terrible if she was injured due to me--hence safety gear.

Ok, so based on the opinions here: SBK=Not pink, MsSabai=Not pink, Eek=Not Pink, Misty=Not Pink.

Hmmm...mebbe should be looking for another color.

Boots? Well, seems the boots got a unanimous approval, so those can stay. :) These particular boots I was planning on getting her for a while. For her last birthday, I had her choose whatever boots she wanted. She's like 5'4 and likes high heels. The problem is that she was born with a slight birth defect in that her right leg is angled in slightly (it's not straight as it should be). That puts the weight on parts of the boot that shouldn't be there with the end result being a $300 pair of boots broke the high heels off in 3 weeks. I figured these were motorcycle boots (even lined with steel) and she will have a harder time busting this pair!

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Ok, so based on the opinions here: SBK=Not pink, MsSabai=Not pink, Eek=Not Pink, Misty=Not Pink.


Boots? Well, seems the boots got a unanimous approval, so those can stay. :) These particular boots I was planning on getting her for a while. For her last birthday, I had her choose whatever boots she wanted. She's like 5'4 and likes high heels. The problem is that she was born with a slight birth defect in that her right leg is angled in slightly (it's not straight as it should be). That puts the weight on parts of the boot that shouldn't be there with the end result being a $300 pair of boots broke the high heels off in 3 weeks. I figured these were motorcycle boots (even lined with steel) and she will have a harder time busting this pair!

Submaniac, I can definitely say that the thought counts huge--well above the color! It's just if you want her to actually wear it often, might want to think about or check with her regarding what color she likes....

Also, totally a side thought and from my limited experience in motorcycling...is leather good for a hot weather country like Thailand? The reason I say this is I borrowed a fantastic motorbike jacket from a friend that came from a shop on Rajadapisek that was built for hot weather--made of mesh and padded--actually was nice and cool (weather wise) to wear while cycling in Laos, imagine would be similar in Thailand....if you're interested will check the name of said shop when I return to Bkk next week. Only problem is the jacket was in black and not quite as cute as the pic you've posted. But comfortable to wear.

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USA, baby. Wish I was in Thailand. :) Really really really wish I was in Thailand.

And yes, the mesh jacket works better. I guess that will be the next search.

How about a little mis-direction? Hey miss Sub, my friend bought this pink jacket for his GF for Christmas but I think it is too pink and he should have got this white or black one. What do you think?

If you do it right you might be able to pull it off without her guessing what you are up to.

Not that my oppiniom matters (I am male) but I like the white one.

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How about a little mis-direction? Hey miss Sub, my friend bought this pink jacket for his GF for Christmas but I think it is too pink and he should have got this white or black one. What do you think?

If you do it right you might be able to pull it off without her guessing what you are up to.

Not that my oppiniom matters (I am male) but I like the white one.

Mis-direction--I like that.

Or you could try something I think is called "imprinting"...play that old Aerosmith song before giving it to her:


Pink it's my new obsession

Pink it's not even a question,

Pink on the lips of your lover, 'cause

Pink is the love you discover

Pink as the bing on your cherry

Pink 'cause you are so very

Pink it's the color of passion

'Cause today it just goes with the fashion

Pink it was love at first sight

Pink when I turn out the light, and

Pink gets me high as a kite

And I think everything is going to be all right

No matter what we do tonight

You could be my flamingo

'Coz pink is the new kinda lingo

Pink like a deco umbrella

It's kink - but you don't ever tell her

Pink it was love at first sight, and

Pink when I turn out the light

Pink gets me high as a kite

And I think everything is going to be all right

No matter what we do tonight

I want to be your lover

I wanna wrap you in rubber

As pink as the sheets that we lay on

Pink it's my favorite crayon, yeah

Pink it was love at first sight

Pink when I turn out the light

Pink it's like red but not quite

And I think everything is going to be all right

No matter what we do tonight

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Hi Misty, thanks for sharing the Aerosmith lyrics (I never bothered to find out what the words were before), however, didn't everybody who responded to this thread say no to the pink?!?!?!?! :)

Sorry, was just having a bit of fun... :D didn't mean to be confusing...

I personally like the white, but these things are individual--so rather than "no to pink" I think what I wrote was to ask your gf directly...

Were you able to switch it out?

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