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Leave It To The Drama Queens, Reds


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Leave it to the drama queens, Reds

By Tulsat(at)hotmail.com

Published on October 23, 2009

If I were the red shirts, my plan for the Asean Summit would be simple.

I would enjoy the long weekend, see movies, have parties, go shopping and thus make the Abhisit government look like a bunch of paranoid leaders who waste hundreds of millions of baht on silly security buffers.

If the red shirts want to ridicule the Thai government, they should do just that. If they want to justify the deployment of 36,000 troops and confirm Cambodian Premier Hun Sen - who has offered "best friend" Thaksin Shinawatra a home sweet home in Phnom Penh - as the man Thailand can't trust, they can feel free to run amok.

The Abhisit administration has no choice. It would rather spend massively on security measures and face a mini embarrassment in case nothing happens, than lower its guard and suffer a diplomatic humiliation it would never recover from.

The red shirts have the upper hand, although attempting to disrupt the summit is a double-edged strategy. If executed properly, the government's image will be dealt another blow. A clumsy effort to stir trouble will backfire against the movement itself.

The red shirts can simply choose to lie low. They have nothing to lose and may even be able to shake off a shade of the fanaticism which has hounded their reputation since Songkran. There is no need to try to tell the world Thailand is hosting the Asean Summit under abnormal domestic political circumstances. Let the gigantic security presence do that job.

Moreover, the red shirts now have Hun Sen to care about. Having established himself as Thaksin's best friend with the most touching sympathetic statement by a foreign leader to date, the Cambodian leader has stuck his head out for the entire red movement. Of course, considering the timing of his speech, Hun Sen obviously doesn't mind being seen by Bangkok as a bad neighbour. But he might mind being seen internationally as Thailand's bad neighbour.

Red-shirt violence would betray Hun Sen's sacrifice. As Thaksin would undoubtedly be linked with any trouble created by his supporters, Hun Sen's offered hospitality could be painted in a bad light internationally. It's one thing to offer Thaksin a home close to his real home; it's another if such an offer coincides with hel_l breaking loose on the Thai side of the border.

My assumption is the red shirts know what to do. After all, why take the headlines away from the Thai-Cambodia diplomatic soap opera starring top drama kings of both countries


-- The Nation 2009/10/23

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Let's see what the red shirt morons have up their sleeves. Hopefully they will decide not to cause trouble. But these guys aren't the deepest thinkers in the world. Water cannons all around!

This just it they are bunch of morons who care about themselves and not Thailand

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...The Abhisit administration has no choice. It would rather spend massively on security measures and face a mini embarrassment in case nothing happens, than lower its guard and suffer a diplomatic humiliation it would never recover from...


-- The Nation 23/10/2009

Not providing security is a non-starter.

The reason security is needed is the explicit threats to cause serious trouble.

If the security presence stymies the reds, then it CAN be seen as a successful operation,

the cost of which should rightly be caused by the reds and not the government.

It is not just the Democrats that would suffer if riots or disruptions occur, far from it.

It would be ALL of Thailand and Thailand's people. The reds can get around that if they do,

make a move on ASEAN they are damaging the whole country not just Abhisit's government.

And that they do it for partisan political advantage, just as their godhead leader is aligned

quite publicly, with one of the most ruthless despots in S.E. Asia, when Thais and Cambodians

are dieing on the border in clashes with said despot's troupes.

Not causing trouble doesn't absolve the reds and Thaksin

for the cost of preventing their 'announced moves' on the ASEAN summit,

It just would mean it was a successful security strategy at a highly volatile time.

Announcing their intent to disrupt ASEAN's summit by Ari and others in effect

makes them responsible for all additional costs associated with keeping the visiting dignitaries secure.

Edited by animatic
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The timing is appreciable PR.

The Asean summit in Thailand, the Red's rally, Hun Sen's announcement Thailand will become the new back yard of both Thaksin and Cambodia. Throw in the ISOC and all the troops and security, health issues and Thaksin's stirring the pot as he brews a new and potent stew for LOS and we could believe Thaksin's about to become PM again.

Throughout history the delusions of fanatics have became horrible reality. Altho a lot of grass would get trampled, I don't see how Thaksin could succeed.

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Maybe it is just me, but the daily Taksin bashing article from the Nation reprinted here with the regularity of a good laxative with the same posters lining up to offer forth the same oft repeated dogma does get monotonous. Yes I know, go and read something else.

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Seriously, 36,000 troops is a lot of people with guns. All it needs is for someone to get trigger happy and it all turns into dog do!

Or someone with a tailor-made vest.

These big displays of force and order usually prove to be farcical.

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Let's see what the red shirt morons have up their sleeves. Hopefully they will decide not to cause trouble. But these guys aren't the deepest thinkers in the world. Water cannons all around!

They are a majority and deserve to have their vote counted, no?

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Let's see what the red shirt morons have up their sleeves. Hopefully they will decide not to cause trouble. But these guys aren't the deepest thinkers in the world. Water cannons all around!

They are a majority and deserve to have their vote counted, no?

They are, they do, it was, and they had their chance, TWICE! No? douchebags for everyone

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Let's see what the red shirt morons have up their sleeves. Hopefully they will decide not to cause trouble. But these guys aren't the deepest thinkers in the world. Water cannons all around!

They sure might need cooling down...

Probably not much trouble from them, too close to the kings palace for fisticuffs...

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Maybe it is just me, but the daily Taksin bashing article from the Nation reprinted here with the regularity of a good laxative with the same posters lining up to offer forth the same oft repeated dogma does get monotonous. Yes I know, go and read something else.

and who is calling who drama queen?

isn't it astonishing that the frequency of the appearance of Thaksin topics seems to be still on the rise?

the tvforum search engine finds in the period of last 90 days that there are in the news section 46 active topics with "Thaksin" in the title. "Abhisit" topics only 16. (and three of them have also Thaksins name in the title.)

if i count only threads with more than 50 replies, there are 28 threads with "Thaksin" and only 5 theads with "Abhisit" (and two of them include Thaksin in the title)

if i check The Nation search engine, starting on July 1, 2009, "Thaksin" brings up 675 results and "Abhisit" 1031 results.

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Red shirts will not try to disrupt Asean summit: Natthawut

Published on October 22, 2009

Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, said Thursday the red-shirt people would not try to disrupt the Asean summit from Friday to Sunday.

He said seven representatives of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship would go to Puektian Beach in Phetchaburi on Saturday to submit their letter to show support for the summit and explain what happened during the failed summit in Pattaya.

The red-shirts stormed into the summit venue in Pattaya, prompting it to collapse.

Natthawut said the seven representatives would travel alone without other demonstrators and would leave after submitting the letter.

Arissaman Pongruangrong, who led protesters to disrupt the summit in Pattaya, said representatives of the government and Asean summit would come to receive the letter at the Puektian Beach at 1 pm on Saturday.


-- The Nation October 22, 2009


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I have the impression that the Nation would welcome a Redshirt protest.

Yellowshirt, Redshirt, noshirt (preferably buxom ladies) all should have a right to peaceful protest. The Reds have already stated that they intend to deliver a letter sans commotion and the government has graciously said it would accept the letter. If its ok for the Reds and ok for the government, then let it be and stop trying to stir up something that no one wants.

If some sh*t disturbers descend upon the ASEAN summit looking to make trouble, going against the Redshirt leadership statements and pledges, then those violent people should be dealt with accordingly.

In every movement there are people that will use an otherwise peaceful protest to cause trouble. These people have no affinity for the protesting group's views, they just want to burn, break and harass. The Nation should focus on the reasons for the dissent, instead of the presumed (or hoped for?) violent confrontations.

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Maybe it is just me, but the daily Taksin bashing article from the Nation reprinted here with the regularity of a good laxative with the same posters lining up to offer forth the same oft repeated dogma does get monotonous. Yes I know, go and read something else.

and who is calling who drama queen?

isn't it astonishing that the frequency of the appearance of Thaksin topics seems to be still on the rise?

the tvforum search engine finds in the period of last 90 days that there are in the news section 46 active topics with "Thaksin" in the title. "Abhisit" topics only 16. (and three of them have also Thaksins name in the title.)

if i count only threads with more than 50 replies, there are 28 threads with "Thaksin" and only 5 theads with "Abhisit" (and two of them include Thaksin in the title)

if i check The Nation search engine, starting on July 1, 2009, "Thaksin" brings up 675 results and "Abhisit" 1031 results.

Gripping data. Could you kindly do the same for Thai Rath? Thanks.

Oh, and the Economist too.

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Read The Nation, The Bangkok Post, Bangkok Pundit, TAN and anything else you can find.

Ignore those that tell you one or the other is; a ) totally wrong, b ) totally right.

Read everything you can find, talk to real people face to face, and form you OWN opinions.

And if others disagree that's their under informed problem.

Edited by animatic
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The Nation is a yellow shirt propaganda machine only.

If you want news, don't read this papers trash.

well said :)

you should read The Nation in print or at http://nationmultimedia.com/ and not only here.

The Nation is one-sided and a propoganda paper, i agree. but the selection criteria for articles and news that appear here at TVforum respectively which articles and news appear NOT at TVforum makes it even more tacky, trashy and campy.

it is fun to follow.

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The Nation is a yellow shirt propaganda machine only.

If you want news, don't read this papers trash.

well said :)

you should read The Nation in print or at http://nationmultimedia.com/ and not only here.

The Nation is one-sided and a propoganda paper, i agree. but the selection criteria for articles and news that appear here at TVforum respectively which articles and news appear NOT at TVforum makes it even more tacky, trashy and campy.

it is fun to follow.

Apart from the present Thaksin funded media, which privately owned media are champions of Thaksin, or ever were? The Thai media whether print or broadcast never was for Thaksin.

While Thaksin was PM he went after all media whether private or state owned/operated with a meat axe. The Bangkok Post, an establishment newspaper, capitulated to a certain extent as should be expected, but which mass media support Thaksin now or previous to Thaksin's fall?

I think it's safe to say those who are trying to bash the mass media were cheering Thaksin on while as PM-Tyrant he was campaigning to emasculate all Thai media who did not obey the CEO's directives or refused to strictly adhere to the party line. Chronic media bashers from the get go.

Edited by Publicus
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Apart from the present Thaksin funded media, which privately owned media are champions of Thaksin, or ever were? The Thai media whether print or broadcast never was for Thaksin.

While Thaksin was PM he went after all media whether private or state owned/operated with a meat axe. The Bangkok Post, an establishment newspaper, capitulated to a certain extent as should be expected, but which mass media support Thaksin now or previous to Thaksin's fall?

I think it's safe to say those who are trying to bash the mass media were cheering Thaksin on while as PM-Tyrant he was campaigning to emasculate all Thai media who did not obey the CEO's directives or refused to strictly adhere to the party line. Chronic media bashers from the get go.

Thaksin wasn't a hugh supporter of a free media. it was restricted. everybody knows that.

a 'meat axe' against the media you say. can it get worse? the press freedom index rank of thailand according to Reporters Without Borders:

year 2002 rank 65th (of 139 countries in total)

2003: 82th (of 166)

2004: 59th (of 167)

2005: 107 (of 167)

2006: 122 (of 168)

2007: 135 (169)

2008: 124 (173)

2009: 130 (175)

but that is not the point here. The Nation is just a paper of low quality. there is not much to say to their defence. but okay, it is that what you can get here in Thailand. and from the one-sided broader spectrum The Nation has to offer, the selection here at TVforum is even more one-sided. mostly the hardcore propaganda part is picked up and copy&pasted by the moderators for the news forum. nearly exclusive Thaksin themes seems newsworthy for the expatforum. other news items got ignored, kept silent.

so if you read the Nation news only at TVforum, you can get the wrong picture how trashy the Nation is.

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Apart from the present Thaksin funded media, which privately owned media are champions of Thaksin, or ever were? The Thai media whether print or broadcast never was for Thaksin.

While Thaksin was PM he went after all media whether private or state owned/operated with a meat axe. The Bangkok Post, an establishment newspaper, capitulated to a certain extent as should be expected, but which mass media support Thaksin now or previous to Thaksin's fall?

I think it's safe to say those who are trying to bash the mass media were cheering Thaksin on while as PM-Tyrant he was campaigning to emasculate all Thai media who did not obey the CEO's directives or refused to strictly adhere to the party line. Chronic media bashers from the get go.

Thaksin wasn't a hugh supporter of a free media. it was restricted. everybody knows that.

a 'meat axe' against the media you say. can it get worse? the press freedom index rank of thailand according to Reporters Without Borders:

year 2002 rank 65th (of 139 countries in total)

2003: 82th (of 166)

2004: 59th (of 167)

2005: 107 (of 167)

2006: 122 (of 168)

2007: 135 (169)

2008: 124 (173)

2009: 130 (175)

but that is not the point here. The Nation is just a paper of low quality. there is not much to say to their defence. but okay, it is that what you can get here in Thailand. and from the one-sided broader spectrum The Nation has to offer, the selection here at TVforum is even more one-sided. mostly the hardcore propaganda part is picked up and copy&pasted by the moderators for the news forum. nearly exclusive Thaksin themes seems newsworthy for the expatforum. other news items got ignored, kept silent.

so if you read the Nation news only at TVforum, you can get the wrong picture how trashy the Nation is.

The point of such posts is Nation newspaper bashing and TVForum bashing. Bash, bash, bash.

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The point of such posts is Nation newspaper bashing and TVForum bashing. Bash, bash, bash.

it is criticism and a comment.

once you grow up, finish school and move a little bit around in the world you will maybe learn that your love and obsession for certain things isn't likewise shared by all people and some have a different opinion. sometimes maybe hard to accept, but you have to live with that. maybe you will also learn that criticism can help to improve things.

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The point of such posts is Nation newspaper bashing and TVForum bashing. Bash, bash, bash.

it is criticism and a comment.

once you grow up, finish school and move a little bit around in the world you will maybe learn that your love and obsession for certain things isn't likewise shared by all people and some have a different opinion. sometimes maybe hard to accept, but you have to live with that. maybe you will also learn that criticism can help to improve things.

Thank you for your concerns, time and attention. Should I need any further unsolicited advice from you, I'll get back to you.

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