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Gmail Improvements.


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Just launched!

G is for growth

Storage is an important part of email, but that doesn't mean you should have to worry about it. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we're giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party there? Our plan is to continue growing your storage beyond 2GBs by giving you more space as we are able. We know that email will only become more important in people's lives, and we want Gmail to keep up with our users and their needs. From Gmail, you can expect more.

We're not in the plains anymore

Fonts, bullets and highlighting, oh my! Gmail now offers rich text formatting. And over 60 colors of the rainbow. Discover a land of more than just black and white. Learn more, click here

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^^ Interesting new development........however

Ask yourself......Why is GMail still in Beta, after 1 year of operation?


Ask yourself why can a company like this bring out a fantastic product FREE and then fix all the bugs and add huge improvements FREE. Provide POP3 and mail forwarding FREE with 2 Gigabytes of storage FREE.

While the competitors that have been around for much longer than 1 year are only now expanding their storage because of the increased competition. But if you want to use POP3 or mail forwarding then you still need to give them $$$$.

The improvements seem to include a ban on logging on.

I have not been able to get in for two days.

I have had no problems accessing GMail over the last few days, and I only use the 1222 internet connection.

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They hope to make money in the same way they have with their search engine, with paid advertisements that are shown next to your e-mail. They are unobtrusive and don't worry me at all and I find Gmail much superior to Hotmail. Have some invitations if anybody want one.

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I have cookies enabled, I have also entered gmail specifically to allow cookies. I still cannot get in.

I have now, out of desparation tried using IE6 and hey presto I'm in again.

So what the f is wrong with Firefox. Why has it started to block me.

I have not updated or added any extensions lately.

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I just can't imagine why people want so much email storage Delete your old email people (although iif you could use it for other purposes like ftp would be cool).

I don't really like the thought that people will probably be able to retrieve every casual conversation 10 years down the track. Governments and lawyers will be unable to resist the temptation to stick their noses into this - with or without your permission - for sure.

I've got 50 invites, if anyone out there still wants one PM me.

Edited by Crushdepth
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Thetyim, in Firefox tools/options/security trying ticking the boxes there, then clear the cache and see if that makes a difference.

Gmail is really starting to look good :o now that you can change fonts, colours etc. it starts to become more usable, even with Firefox. To use colours and fonts in Firefox with Yahoo! you have to install an extension which is a bit flaky :D whereas Gmail works just fine as is.

Interesting to see the reason for the larger mailbox is that some users were starting to run out of space. Unless you send lots of picture and photo files then even 1Gb is heaps for most users.

I'll continue to stick with Yahoo! for my main account for now because of Address Guard, the best built in anti-spam tool l've found so far. :D

Yahoo! will have 1Gb of storage later this month btw. :D

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