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2 Modems, 2 Telephone Lines, Double Speed?

Khun Jean

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I have two telephone lines and 2 modems (1 internal and 1 external).

I would like to make two dial-up connections and combine these two together so i will be able to surf double speed. :o

When i had ISDN there was some software that took care of combining the two channels and giving 128K speed. And i could share this with other computers on my windows XP machine.

Now that i am back on analog, waiting and waiting for my ADSL i really would like to make this work.

So the big question is "How do i do it?"

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Not so hard, follow the guidelines in following article:


Just a few things you'll have to realize:

Not all ISP's support multilink. I know CSLoxinfo does, forget about the cheap unlimited packages...

Important since you can only give one username and password so the ISP does need to support this, it's two connections simultaniously on one username.

You won't double your speed as with ISDN, more like 1.5 - 1.6 times the speed of a single modem

The hours of your internet package will tick down at double the speed, e.g. a 10 hour package will only last 5 hours...

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Thanks for the link.

.. forget about the cheap unlimited packages..

That is exactly what i am using. I am using KSC 7 days unlimited, it is not too popular. I get a connection always and a good bandwidth.

When i can combine these it would be great. Especially as i am in need of a higher upload speed. Most ASDL packages offer a high download but the upload is still slow. I still want to use ADSL, the problem is i am already waiting a few months and thought this would be a good solution for the time being.


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It won't work with the unlimited packages, they specify that only 1 user can be online at the same time.

So when your second modem tries to log on it will get refused because the username is already logged on (the first modem).

You will get it going with the prepaid hours packages only, both Ji-net and csloxinfo support multilink. I used them before I had adsl, with 3 modems logged in simultaniously. Gets expensive though as after 20 minutes 1 hour was already deducted from my package.

With phonecosts it came to roughly 40 Baht/hour(on 3 modems) with an indicated connection speed of around 135kbps and a tested speed of around 100kbps (downloading at 11 kBps, never tested upload speeds)

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what u could do is buy 2 unlimited packages and connect to the net together....

now when u try to use the net, it would use the newest connection...

then use the ROUTE command to route specific range of IP addresses thru the specific modem...

very hard work i guess....maybe there r some softwares which do this and will even do load balancing....as in depending on the network usage of one modem, it may divert some traffic to the other...

i have no clue on how this can be done....but im pretty sure it can be done....try search in google....

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very good question. we did it and that was pretty neat.

ext. modem + internal modem will not give you much pleasure of double speed, not even 1.5-1.6 - b.s., however two ext modems connected to modem share device will give combined speed as up to double if (!) even if your ISP doesn't support multilink connection.

it's very nice solution for bandwidth balancing in small office environment, backup connections and etc.

also, for some big companies it can work as backup connection with ADSL line too.

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Normally the modem share device cannot give you double speed. You just aren't influenced as much when another computer on the network accesses the net.

When your computer requests something from the net, it will be routed to the least loaded modem, but you can't split 1 request (e.g. a big file) over two modems unless they are multi linked.

A modem share device is indeed a usefull internet access back-up on a network since it works as a router, and connects to a regular network just as a router would...

Even if you're not on a network, it's still safer behind a modem share device since your PC will be invisible to the web. Only the modem share is visible....

Oleg, I did have consistently download speeds of 8kbps on two multilinked modems and 11kbps on three modems. Which would rate as 1.6X and 2.2X respectively. This was however using good USRobotics external modems and having good phonelines.

I dumped the modem share only because it could not deliver the higher top speeds when downloading big files.

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