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Letting Outsiders Into Our World...

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I see the topic is back on some kind of track now. I posted this reply to Scampy's query in another forum - however it has died in the a*se over there and I felt it relevant to re-post it here:

This strikes a chord.

While looking for a friend's details (an online profile) in a Hong Kong web search, I stumbled across someone's Blog (weblog). Random find - no idea who the person is. Having never read one before, I ventured through to have a look (it was publicly listed, surely no harm)

I was hooked at once - and sucked in to what turned out to be this person's online journal (which I guess for many people is what a blog is, eg have a look at some xanga blogs sometime).

I was fascinated, but my thoughts turned to 'should I be reading this person's private thoughts online?" In the end, I decided that as I didnt know the person, it didn't matter. As an outsider - I was unable to judge their life.

This led me to think - if I was doing my own blog, how honest would I be with what I posted? If I thought persons that I know might read it (ie a family member - someone who knows me, but not in the same light that people know me anonymously on the web) - then I would not post everything in my thoughts.

If I was assured complete anonymity - I would open up and post intimate thoughts, gripes, joys, and analysis on everything I see, think, or do.

Incidentally - why was I fascinated with the unknown person's blog? They captivated me with their completely raw postings on themself and their lives. It was completely intimate and personal - and it was just brilliant reading.

so to get back to the original post by TGS - it will affect you (ie anyone) if you ever post anything which could have the possibility of impacting someone you know IF they were to ever read it in the future.

does this make sense?

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Did you happen to name-drop your nickname to your Dad during your discussions??? If so, a simple search on your nickname, and add thailand to just refine the search a tad... and your nick on this website are the first three results.... thus allowing him to log as a guest or anyone else and read your hundreds of past posts.... or the 1 or 2 you have left to post before backing off from this ID?


good info.. i just checked myself wow.. anyway around this besides changing nickname... i feel like somebody pulled my pants down...this really is a public forum....

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Did you happen to name-drop your nickname to your Dad during your discussions??? If so, a simple search on your nickname, and add thailand to just refine the search a tad... and your nick on this website are the first three results.... thus allowing him to log as a guest or anyone else and read your hundreds of past posts.... or the 1 or 2 you have left to post before backing off from this ID?


good info.. i just checked myself wow.. anyway around this besides changing nickname... i feel like somebody pulled my pants down...this really is a public forum....

You must have missed the disclaimer when you joined here:

*** This is a public forum. Your nick and ALL the comments you make are easily found and are available for viewing by the entire world. ***

Edited by sriracha john
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Ok - back on topic boys and girls or it will be closed. The flame wars will stop NOW.

Sir! Yes Sir!

Soldier, you stink! Go and brush your teeth. :D

Dear Gentleman Scamp,

My compliments on your well-written contribution to this forum.

The only remark I would like to make, is that it is not really Thailand related, aside from the fact that you mention that meeting Thai girls had a certain influence on your present perception of western girls.

This is however a very interesting point. It implicates that your earlier experiences with western girls influenced your perception of Thai girls.

I wonder if this rather common attitude is related to the general looks of western cq thai girls. Actually I don't think it is.

Foreigners mostly don't find the most attractive Thai ladies at their side. Those are strictly reserved for Thai gentlemen.

Is it the lack of communication, camouflaged by a pretty smile? The stimulant of fantasy? :o

Anyway, thanks for your very interesting contribution.

The question about privacy is personal, the answer to that question is not of a general character.

Great, the rain has come, at least in Northern Thailand. I wish you strenght in the Isarn!

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:o"Ohhhhhhh, Limbo, Limbo, I understand y'lingo, thankyou for the compliment but Ning she was a bimbo..."


Yes, anyway... Sometimes I would love to post a link to one particular thread to a member of my family as I know it would be of interest, though they wouldn't be restricted to just that one thread and if curiosity got the better of them - which it would - they would get nosey and may see something they didn't like.

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Yes, anyway... Sometimes I would love to post a link to one particular thread to a member of my family as I know it would be of interest, though they wouldn't be restricted to just that one thread and if curiosity got the better of them - which it would - they would get nosey and may see something they didn't like.

Yes, it isn't like an online photo storage website that allows public to only view the ones you want them and you can designate specific individuals to view specific files...

here, it's get one link in and they access


^^^^ luv doing that to your thread... :o

Edited by sriracha john
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Yes, anyway... Sometimes I would love to post a link to one particular thread to a member of my family as I know it would be of interest, though they wouldn't be restricted to just that one thread and if curiosity got the better of them - which it would - they would get nosey and may see something they didn't like.

Yes, it isn't like an online photo storage website that allows public to only view the ones you want them and you can designate specific individuals to view specific files...

here, it's get one link in and they access


^^^^ luv doing that to your thread... :o

Yep, that was good. :D:D

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Personally Scamp for a serious reply to this topic, I would not even tell many of my FREINDS about Thai Visa, for the simple reason that it would not be very difficult to work out my idendity, and I personally would like to be the one to decide to reveal it. (anyway my Old Mum and Dad have not got a Computer let alone e-mail, so I think I'm pretty safe)

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