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I live in Chachoengsao and I have a desktop pc and ps3 with XP (Thai spec if you know what I mean) and a Netgear wireless modem/router. All was well (once I upgraded to Premiere TTT 2M/B connection) up until a few weeks ago.

I used to be able to connect to the EA servers and play Battlefield 1943 for hours on end with no problem, even very little lag. However, afer returning back from a holiday in England, I am now unable to connect to the EA servers, and also am having great difficulty getting Steam to work. Repeatedly downloading and updating and deleting and downloading and updating and deleting.

I've rebooted the router with default settings, then applied an old .cfg file to see if anything was changed. I have windows firewall disabled and also the router firewall disabled. Ive forwarded all required ports on the router*. I even setup my PS3 in a DMZ.

I've just been on www.grc.com to check the status of the ports and it tells me that every port I checked is in 'stealth'. All forwarded ports, all service ports, everything. I didnt have 1 port either open or closed, they were all stealth. I don't understand quite whats going on to be honest.

I have the most recent router firmware also.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

*I have a problem setting up a static ip, as soon as I set it up, I cant access the internet, I have followed the advice on portforward.com exactly numerous times but to no avail.

Edited by benavenell
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If you're seeing Stealth, it means the router firewall is active. This is normal even for ports that have been forwarded.

Setup static IP how? Through the router, Windows network settings? What? A little more detail would help.

Well that was my where my confusion started. I tried to set up a static ip through windows network settings, but that didnt work. I couldnt set it up for the router because I think you have to pay for a static ip address dont you?

So really what I was trying to do was set up a static ip for my pc which is connected through the router, though I guess that is unnecessary as it will generally be given the same (.0.2) ip everytime?

I have a Netgear DG834G Wireless modem/router. Firmware v6.

There is an option on one page (basic settings) to either enable NAT, disable NAT or disable router firewall.

I'm not sure how else to disable the firewall on the router.

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It's a good idea to assign your computer a static IP address if you're going to setup port forwarding. I wouldn't disable the router firewall since it's your first line of defense against potential intruders. Enable NAT.

With as the default gateway, you should be able to manually assign your computer a static IP within range. Windows TCP/IP properties should look something like this:

IP Address:	192.168.0.xxx
Subnet Mask:

Primary DNS:

Before you setup port forwarding, make sure you can access the internet after configuring Windows to use a static IP.

Edited by Supernova
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