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What On Earth Did I Do To You?


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OTOH, I understand where he's coming from, especially with the brats in N. American colleges and universities. You get those kids with an over inflated sense of entitlement, who feel that they should still get an A even though they never went to class or did the readings. When they get a mark that reflects their effort, they give the prof bad ratings instead of owning their own failures.

(School) rating systems are good, in that they put some power in the hands of the students, but bad in that the students are not usually mature enough to use that power rationally.

I was called in to see the dean after teaching an MBA class on leadership at a US university.  During one of the earlier classes, I had them read an article on Hitler and we discussed how he was able to galvanize a nation, and in another class, we discussed MacArthur's autocratic style of leadership. Well, in the professor ratings, three students, all three returning from the business world to get their MBAs, accused me of being a Nazi sympathizer militarist!

I almost laughed, but the dean was taking it seriously, and I actually had to invite other students to go see the dean and put things in context.

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

Don't agree. I have over 7000 posts and have been warned, suspended on several occasions. I seem to also recall recently that a member with more than 20,000 posts was banned.

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.


I always thought the fact that some members got away with A LOT more than others was because they were members of the "old boys club", so to speak. It occurrs to me that the vast majority of the posts made here at TV are placed by a very small core of people who seem to live, breath and eat TV forum. That's not meant to be a critisism - I always assumed that those who seem to make several post everyday are basically shut-ins, perhaps suffering a physical handicap that severely restricts their mobility, and TV forum is a welcomed way for them to keep in touch with society.

But I'll check out your theory some day.

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.


I always thought the fact that some members got away with A LOT more than others was because they were members of the "old boys club", so to speak. It occurrs to me that the vast majority of the posts made here at TV are placed by a very small core of people who seem to live, breath and eat TV forum. That's not meant to be a critisism - I always assumed that those who seem to make several post everyday are basically shut-ins, perhaps suffering a physical handicap that severely restricts their mobility, and TV forum is a welcomed way for them to keep in touch with society.

But I'll check out your theory some day.

:) Only a mental handicap mate.

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If nothing else, your post will have thousands of previously unaware members racing to check their profiles to see <deleted> you are talking about. Like James, I was not aware we got stars, what are they for? Good behaviour? Not pissing the Mods off? Anyway, thanks for raising my awareness, I'm off to see if I have any stars. :)

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

Don't agree. I have over 7000 posts and have been warned, suspended on several occasions. I seem to also recall recently that a member with more than 20,000 posts was banned.

yes you have been warned and suspended several times but never deleted, while others with less posts have just been deleted. i suppose there is no science to this, some mods will no doubt like certain posters so let things slide more than they would with other posters, I suppose they will also let things slide depending on which side of the political fence they sit on, they are never 100% impartial but that is human nature

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

While you are certainly entitled to think whatever you want, that doesn't make you right. or even remotely close.

I don't pay attention to stars, I sincerely doubt any other mod does as well. But rather to those who break the rules.

I suggest that instead of further discussing moderators, you read the forum rules. Might help.

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

Don't agree. I have over 7000 posts and have been warned, suspended on several occasions. I seem to also recall recently that a member with more than 20,000 posts was banned.

yes you have been warned and suspended several times but never deleted, while others with less posts have just been deleted. i suppose there is no science to this, some mods will no doubt like certain posters so let things slide more than they would with other posters, I suppose they will also let things slide depending on which side of the political fence they sit on, they are never 100% impartial but that is human nature

paranoia is treatable. don't worry mate, Friday the 13th will be over soon. SO say the stars. :)

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Do the stars do anything? I don't think they really have much of bearing on discussions do they? Mine's also been low since black Songkran, I guess the pro-Thaksinistas use the stars to show their displeasure...

I've never given or taken stars, but I gave you a 5 Neverdie, to make you feel better. Hang in there! :)

Well my take on it's been that if you have a too high a stars rating you are a bit of a goody-too shoes who doesn't p*ss anyone off.

Someone who is on one - three stars is usually apart from the crowd of TVers who don't rock the boat :D


Get your ratings down :D

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to the person that suggested MODs give out warnings based on how many stars one has?



is all I can say

but ok, Ill elaborate. the stars are given by fellow members. this is not a school and MODs are not school teachers that hand out gold stars for good behaviour you know.....

we just try to keep discussions on topic, and within the rules.

if u keep within the rules, then thats it. theres no stars, no brownie points. if you break the rules, then yes its either: posts are deleted, posts are edited, and/or warnings may be issued.

as an aside:

I have no friends, Im impartial. Im not racist. I just hate everyone equally :D

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

While you are certainly entitled to think whatever you want, that doesn't make you right. or even remotely close.

I don't pay attention to stars, I sincerely doubt any other mod does as well. But rather to those who break the rules.

I suggest that instead of further discussing moderators, you read the forum rules. Might help.

I have read the forum rules thanks and it does not change my view on the fact that there is a positive bias shown to certain posters and a negative bias to others, no matter how much you protest that. Like I said already it could be a subconscious thing.

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Wow, I also didn't know (or would even have suspected) that a "star system" existed.

Reminds me of being back in grade 1. LOL

I think on this forum the star rating gives the member more leeway with the moderators, the more stars you have the more chance you have of getting away with defamatory comments or flaming or trolling. That's how it seems to me although no doubt it will be denied, but if you look at what some posters get away with compared to others then check their post count you will see the difference in attitudes towards the poster. Whether its done consciously or subconsciously I don't know.

This post will be edited or deleted or I will be warned for dissing the hierarchy on the forum.

While you are certainly entitled to think whatever you want, that doesn't make you right. or even remotely close.

I don't pay attention to stars, I sincerely doubt any other mod does as well. But rather to those who break the rules.

I suggest that instead of further discussing moderators, you read the forum rules. Might help.

I have read the forum rules thanks and it does not change my view on the fact that there is a positive bias shown to certain posters and a negative bias to others, no matter how much you protest that. Like I said already it could be a subconscious thing.

Again, I think if you ran a poll of the mods of their least favorite member, I would rank high on the list, if not the top. I believe this opinion has been held since post #1. They love me long time.

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to the person that suggested MODs give out warnings based on how many stars one has?



is all I can say

but ok, Ill elaborate. the stars are given by fellow members. this is not a school and MODs are not school teachers that hand out gold stars for good behaviour you know.....

we just try to keep discussions on topic, and within the rules.

if u keep within the rules, then thats it. theres no stars, no brownie points. if you break the rules, then yes its either: posts are deleted, posts are edited, and/or warnings may be issued.

as an aside:

I have no friends, Im impartial. Im not racist. I just hate everyone equally :D

At the rate you are going, I suspect you are not far away from proving your own theory. :D

Edited by MiG16
deleted quote from a post which has since been deleted.
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Again, I think if you ran a poll of the mods of their least favorite member, I would rank high on the list, if not the top. I believe this opinion has been held since post #1. They love me long time.

au contraire jamie -- you are at the top of my list :)

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I would like to know how Bangkok dangerous has all this information on who was banned/warned/post deleted, is there some rogues gallery that I am nor aware of? How does one get this information?

here you go mate.. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/member-list.html

OK thanks James. visited there and searched for you and all I got was the profile page, no information about warnings, bans, deletions. It just seems to be alist of all the members with their profile page????

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I would like to know how Bangkok dangerous has all this information on who was banned/warned/post deleted, is there some rogues gallery that I am nor aware of? How does one get this information?

here you go mate.. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/member-list.html

OK thanks James. visited there and searched for you and all I got was the profile page, no information about warnings, bans, deletions. It just seems to be alist of all the members with their profile page????

Midas narrow the search (there is a box) and you can see all the banned members - some play guitar, some play drums... :)

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Again, I think if you ran a poll of the mods of their least favorite member, I would rank high on the list, if not the top. I believe this opinion has been held since post #1. They love me long time.

au contraire jamie -- you are at the top of my list :D

I'm shattered... a broken man.

This is how people get driven from the forum. :)

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