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Uk Sim Card For Use In Thailand.


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I'm looking for a way of having a phone connection in Thailand that will have a UK number, that people in the UK can call and it not show that I'm overseas.

If I have a uk simcard in my phone here, when people in the uk call that number, does it automatically show that it's abroad, or will it even connect without them putting in international phone number code (00 66 etc)?

I was also looking at skype but don't have any experience with this type of thing. Would be great if simply calling a uk simcard from the uk will connect even though it's in Thailand. But not sure if it's the case.

Can anybody help advise?


PS. I should add that it would be rarely be used so call cost isn't a major issue.

Edited by Yimmy
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If you have a UK sim card in your phone in Thailand it will connect if the card supplier has roaming facilities and they are enabled on the sim.

It will cost YOU when they call you. They pay for the connection to the UK number as normal then YOU pay for the connection from the UK to the local Thai network your sim is roaming on.

They may well know you're abroad too as the ringtone they hear is often different from the normal UK 'two rings'. So if it's your boss calling to see if your 'bad back' is any better then that might just give the game away! :)

Also, 'Hello weeelcome haaandsum maaan' in the background might be a clue that you're not in Skegness

Edited by bifftastic
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If the UK sim works the same as the sim cards from other countries I’ve used it will work as you plan.

The person will call your UK number and won’t know you’re overseas (unless they hear Thai background sounds during the conversation). They’ll pay the usual UK to UK charges.

You will also pay the international rate of the UK to Thai leg of the call at your phone company’s rates.

There has to be cheaper options.

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Good info thanks.

And not all that naughty really.

If you have a UK sim card in your phone in Thailand it will connect if the card supplier has roaming facilities and they are enabled on the sim.

It will cost YOU when they call you. They pay for the connection to the UK number as normal then YOU pay for the connection from the UK to the local Thai network your sim is roaming on.

The person will call your UK number and won’t know you’re overseas (unless they hear Thai background sounds during the conversation). They’ll pay the usual UK to UK charges.

You will also pay the international rate of the UK to Thai leg of the call at your phone company’s rates.

Do you know if this is possible with a card that is prepaid, such as a new sim with say £50 topup on it? Or does it have to be a monthly fee one?

It would rarely be used so call cost would be an issue from my side of paying for it.


Edited by Yimmy
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I use a UK Vonage number.

It means I have a land-line hooked up to my router. (so you need pretty expensive ADSL - i.e. I'm using an SME package, not a home package), but it's probably still a lot cheaper than receiving calls on a UK mobile.

The other option is probably a skype phone (i.e. a mobile with Skype) - and a skype-in account with a UK number. Just a shame Thailand's so backward on the 3G networks.

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I also us Vonage but only have a crappy 1Mb TOT connection but the Vonage service still works perfectly to both make and receive calls! Tha advantage with Vonage is that my calls to the UK are FREE! and I have to pay nothing for people to call me.


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I also us Vonage but only have a crappy 1Mb TOT connection but the Vonage service still works perfectly to both make and receive calls! Tha advantage with Vonage is that my calls to the UK are FREE! and I have to pay nothing for people to call me.


You're obviously not running a (throttled) torrent client on another PC at the same time... 8-)

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