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12 Places To Go If The World Goes To hel_l

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At first I was going to forward a link to several of my friends, who still don't quite understand my decision to move to Chiang Mai. Fortunately I decided to read about some of the other places first. In the Denver write-up I found this nugget. (Pardon the pun.)

"It's mile-high sea level also makes it an excellent place to go in the event of global warming and rising sea levels."

That is bad on more than one level. (Couldn't resist that one either.)

Anyone that writes like this has no credibility with me.

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CM is beginning to have a worsening problem of bad air due to all the growth it has seen in the last decade. As bad or worse than BKK during the Nov - Jun period when the air basically stagnates up there and the sky is raining soot from all the crop burnings going on during this time. The writer obviously has not been there during these months.

Thailand? My pick is Krabi. An all-around better choice.

Edited by ballzafire
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The writer is obviously partial to cold weather. Not my idea of a good place. Would not want to live any further from the equator than 35 degrees, but 10 or 12 degrees latatude is ideal.

yep, no heat required, not even for the water

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1. Scientific data about climate change is arguable. Many people debate this question.

2. Earth had climatic changes before (talk to cavemen or dinosaurs).

3. Climatic changes are cyclic phenomena. They come and go. They take THOUSANDS of years to develop noticeably.

4. If happen, they happen. We must adapt or die. And it is not up to people to cause or prevent them.

5. All this bulls-it talk on International level about preventive costs is another way of swindling money from many to some.

6. Let mosquitoes discuss means of stopping strong wind... We are small... Earth is big... Life is not infinite...

7. Having said this, BKK, CM, HH,- makes no difference. Thailand, US, Australia, Greenland,- makes no difference.

8. Any new posts?

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