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What woman is your role model/idol? Professional Or Otherwise?


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I think we all need role models that inspire us, I've always admired women who forge boldly ahead with their dreams.

Amelia Earhart, who did what she wanted to do, regardless of conventional society, tops my list (new movie coming out) and

Margaret Sanger (championed birth control, brought about planned parenthood) .

Who inspired you?

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Ohh thats a good question, and a hard one. The first name that popped into my head when reading that question is Anita Roddick. I admired her campaigning and work she did for creating awareness, funding and Fair Trade for third world countries and people in need. Im sad that the world lost her at only 60 something years old. However, her work lives on.

There are many women i admire, but she is the one that instantly sprang to mind.

edit: in regards to how she is a role model or inspires me, although im not perfect by any means, i do try to help where help is needed and live my life responsibly. I personally think its part of our responsibility in life to help where possible. Anita made many people realise that its not all about take take. She created an awareness.

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Henna, the woman that ran a dog and cat boarding kennel while raising her kids alone and where I spent every free minute as a teenager. She has had a significant influence on my life.

And then, of course, my mother. :)

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A manager I worked with early in my overseas career. She had four children under 10 and was religious about all her staff - including herself - being out the door at 5pm to go home to our families. She was a demanding and energetic leader but even-handed and always gave credit where it was due. Just being around her made people feel good. She is now near the top of the corporate tree in our organisation and continues to inspire a lot of young women in our profession.

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Somaly Mam is such an inspiring woman. Her foundation fights human trafficking of young girls and children in Cambodia and across Southeast Asia. (www.somaly.org)

Within the past year I've looked up to Natalie Glebova, I just found her so interesting as a Canadian girl whose married a Thai man. She's also one of the more respectable Miss Universes of the past few years ( no playboy or sextape/nudy pic scandals)... people scoff at the pageant as just a superficial institution, and to a I can agree, but it also gives women a platform and media attention to do good in the world, espeacially with the HIV/Aids awareness work they are involved in.

And of course my Mom and Nana are the best role models I could have.

Right now, as a history student I really enjoy learning about women's history and of extraordinary women in history in many cultures.

Of course I've looked up to models and pop stars in the past, every N. American girl has, and I still love Britney.

I don't know really, I've still always been my own person... I have never really "idolized" any woman in the media or entertainment industrys as someone I aspire to be exackly like... which I don't think is a bad thing really. Hmm never thought about it this much before hahaha.

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I would probably have paid a lot more attention in history lessons had my teacher looked like Shannyn Sossamon, instead I had one that looked more like Vera vinegar tits from prisoner cell block H. Needless to say I am not to clued up on world history.

Asides from that, my Nan is the closest I have to a Mummy (As opposed to mother, if you get my drift). My Nan is the kind of person that will always think of others first without allowing them to take the piss.

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My 96 year old grandmother. She was a blue stocking at Oxford in the 1930's, she then worked as a social worker and was a single mother in the 1950s when divorcees were ostracised in society. She speaks 3 languages fluently and taught me that your sex should have no bearing on the direction your life takes. She is also a dedicated quaker, who constantly champions oppressed sectors of society. She taught me that fairness is an eternal right for all human beings.

My mum. Too many reasons to mention.

Ang Sang Suu Kii, The Dalai Lama, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela for their beliefs and their examples to others that progress can be made and rights can be achieved, peacefully.

And really anyone that truly puts the lives of other before themselves. It is this altruism towards people outside of our family circle that separates us humans from animals. Without it there are no differences.

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One inspirational role model for many Isaan/Lao women is the singer, Tai Oratai. Why?

Mainly because through her music and dance she has helped forge a new image of Isaan people in Thailand from that of a country bumpkin to a more respected figure. You can see this in the popularity of her most recent cd, which is a collection of morlam that are popular in both Isaan and Lao, and among many Thai people too.

Here is one of her more recent hits in which she is performing lum Salawaan, which is particular to Laos. I have been informed that very few Isaan/Thai singers can do this. But Tai Oratai can. At times it seems like her dancers are almost floating on the air.

The other song is also very, very popular on both sides of the border. A number of Isaan and Lao people have told me that Tai Oratai is like an ambassador bringing the culture of Lao and Isaan people to a greater audience and for that they are very happy, and very proud, and so they should be.

Here is Tai Oratai:-




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