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Extreme Domestic Violence At Our Neighbours House


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To the OP: I am not going to read the tread, neverdie put me off, but:

Your best option might be to move.

We had a domestic incident with a neighbour's wife.

The husband decided he would not take it and came out with a knife threatening my wife.

Believe me, he was not joking.

Some Thais switch from easy going nice folks to murderous attitude in seconds.

For the next two nights he haunted our porch, was drunk and crashed beer bottles on our door step.

We called the police from evening one, they came by, not much they can do anyway.

By the third night we no longer were there, we went out to rent an other place far away from there.

If you plan to interfere with your neighbour's bad business, think more than twice :)

Edited by tartempion
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Alot of good advice on here..with relevant telephone numbers from foundations etc..shame the OP/troll is not acting upon any of it :D

However, I notice the troll/OP is only adding bits of information like... I am weak... :D to further fuel the debate/postings

Good show by the OP...Even managed to cause a rucus between two long standing members...riveting stuff.... :D

The OP must be p1ssing himself laughing so hard :)

IMHO... after this post the troll/op will either be banned or never post again.... however 10/10 best effort in a long time...

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And I cannot believe that someone who spends a fair few hours of their time giving constructive advice gets slammed for trolling.

Maybe you should spend 5 minutes reading the posts and the advice before putting your 2 peneth in.

Looks like this is turning into a bitch fest. Big shame because it is a serious issue that could happen to anyone and the advice given is something for all to consider.

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I had a similar situation in Pattaya, though not nearly as serious as one you describe. Thai guy was beating his wife. I went to his house and rang bell. He came to door and I told him to stop. I do not speak Thai but he understood what I was talking about. Through gestures and such I told him that if he did not stop I would do the same to him. Apparently he believed me as the beatings appeared to cease . I do not live there anymore so I suppose things have gone back to the way they were. I hope not but probably they have. I know things could have gone wrong and the guy could have shot me or something, but it is not in my nature to do nothing, partly because I am retired from law enforcement so have dealt with much violence. I do not know your situation, such as your age, physical condition, etc. I am a big guy so I am sure this is why I got away with this. I only say what I did. My advice would be at the least call the police. it is unfortunately the Thai way not to get involved. In situation I described my girlfriend was actually mad at me for getting involved, but I told her that is the way I am so get used to it or find somebody else. Actually the neighbors were happy I did this. However, the problem is, not only in Thailand either, no matter what you or even police do, the woman will stay with the guy in the end anyway. I never understood this, but that is the way it is.

I am very thin and weak so absolutely not the guy who would go over to them (its a whole gang not only one guy)! And besides that I have my wonderful girlfriend living with me and I want no one to do her any harm when I have to leave the house. Yes we are moving now. And I am sorry I this situation seems to offend some people - just don`t read it @braingurl! And to all the others! Thank you so much for sharing and not leaving us alone with this! Helpful advise was given and we are on it to do this step by step and in the best possible manner. As many of you have helped, I figure its good to tell you how its going on in the future.

I dont think anyone is recommending you go over and fistfight the bad boys. But cant you muster up strength enough to make a few phone calls to SAVE the childred that you are so concerned about.

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I have scanned this thread and have the following comments:

1) First, the thread should probably be moved to the Phuket forum if that is where OP lives and observed the DV

2) He says his GF has talked to the wife and he said the wife's legs are blue from beatings. In that circumstance a simple photo of the victims legs would help to reduce the doubts of TV members who may (reasonably) think this is a troll or exaggerated post.

3) OP has not given any indication of the neighborhood where this is occuring in Phuket (if Phuket). Many of the TV Phuket members have traveled extensively throughout the province and know the neighborhoods. None of the posts that I have seen have described any incidents to indicate this type of violence going on. Though it is possible of course.

In sum, OP needs to provide more specifics and some visual documentation to add credibility and help inform the response. In 30 years in Thailand in all types of communities at all times of day, I have not witnessed or heard about such flagrant abuse going on for an extended period without community intrvention. It is not typical of Thailand and therefore not plausible.


May I answer your questions as good as I can. After you have scanned this thread you came to those conclusions and I try to sort it out a litlle bit.

1) You are right. I am in Phuket.

2) My GF didn`t talk to the wife about the incidents. The wife was asked by another neighbour in the presence of my gf where the blue legs come from and she answered she had a car accident. That`s all so far. Talking with the wife is very difficult as she is constantly observed by her husband either by him or by his friends. How would you make a good photo of her legs? She has some bandage around her legs. Should we ask her to remove it so we can make a photo of her in front of her husband? How strange would that seem? If you have difficulties believing this story, well - I don`t force you to believe it and you certainly don`t need to live with this story if you don`t want to.

3) I didn`t and won`t give indications of the neigbourhood to protect me and my family. I don`t want to have some people of their gang read this post somehow cause they have some foreign friends as well. It is occuring in Phuket and people do not intervene because they simply are afraid by all those young people hanging around. If you have only seen the good parts of Phuket where people are well off, then I believe you that you don`t know bad and poor neighbourhoods here. Thats probably places, where the "tourist"-police doesn`t have to appear that much.

In short - I will not give any visible proof on the internet because I am afraid of beeing identified by the wrong guys. Its that simple. I don`t want to risk this and so I don`t follow your advice. We have to be very very careful about this whole situation and I wont risk anything by exposing their private pictures within an expat internet forum so you can believe me. Actually many Thais have said the opposite of what you are saying - it is very typical that woman and children are beaten and abused by their drunk husbands. Just ask them for yourself and you will hear their answers. Besides that you know that Thais are afraid of interveneing in others family affairs?

Best regards

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Please let me clarify a few points.

First of all: Thanks for all those who have helped us finding possible solutions since you`re all staying longer in Thailand (probably) then me. Seriously - thank you for your trust and for believing us in such a situation.

We feel sometimes even ashamed having started this topic. I never thaught that it would get so big at all and we hope that we didn`t steal your time asking for advise and help.

We are not the kind of people trolling around or lying about such a thing. I was answering honestly and I planned updating you with informations. I have decided to mail the updates to neverdie and people who have provided great ressources of help instead. Whats the reason?

I don`t want to create more hatred, mistrust and suspicion in this forum. It started accumulating in the last few posts so I will use what I think is best for us and this family but I figured it will be sensless posting here since this topic is slowly beeing destroyed.

Thank you again for all your help so far and sorry to those who feel bad about this post. I dind`t mean to create something bad instead we were looking for a solution.

Best regards


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On that note Menny, it might be a good idea for a mod to close this thread, especially since some people just can't help themselves. Since your relatively new here I will ask a mod to do that for you and perhaps you can PM a mod if you want to re-open the thread if theres a significant update or something. Cheers and good luck with it.

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