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Kissing Good Girls


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"grease their palms with new shoes or blouses or something." Good grief..im HOPING this IS a troll.

There was me thinking that women give out clues and men (if not completely useless) read them.


@ the OP if they are good girls you'll find that knitted cardigans will do the trick, all the more so if you knitted it yourself!

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I had to go out on the first date with my 'now wife' with her best friend.

Nice. Rather old school traditional. Has it's merit in some circles.... :D

so did I, for the first 3 days..couldn't kiss her for a week..no sex before marriage..but after..talk about one extreme to the other..the opposite of easy come easy go i guess :)

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I had to go out on the first date with my 'now wife' with her best friend.

Nice. Rather old school traditional. Has it's merit in some circles.... :D

so did I, for the first 3 days..couldn't kiss her for a week..no sex before marriage..but after..talk about one extreme to the other..the opposite of easy come easy go i guess :)

With many women, no sex before marriage means no sex (or very little) AFTER marriage either. To me, a woman who has never had sex before, and is of adult age, does not like it in the first place.

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I think its sad that in this day and age women are still made to feel that they need to wait for marriage before having sex. Of course, waiting by choice is different. I was brought up so dam_n strict in a Catholic family and all hel_l broke loose if i was even caught TALKING to a boy! Needless to say i grew up initially feeling that i was somehow morally wrong if i even entertained the thought having sex before marriage. Hormones kicked in however, and religion went out. :) In saying that, I also know well about "dont buy the cow, if you can get the milk for free". Although each relationship and person is different, i do believe that men think more of a women if she bides her time. Plus in doing that it separates the keepers from the guys who are just after an easy lay.

But ...we were talking about kissing..so im off topic....

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A good Thai girl probably wouldnt want to kiss farang<full stop>

Even a bad Thai girl would probably bawk at kissing a fat old drunk farang :)

Not true! :D

Hehe...Yeh, i know

Disregard my comments..

I was just grumpy because i didnt score the night before

Come to think of it, havent scored for quite some time :D

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I think its about time the OP received a serious answer.

First of all pick up a kissing application form at the local council. Get the health section part signed by a Doc at the local hospital after hes given you the all clear on mouth and lip diseases. Take the form to the parents so they can sign that they give their permission (be warned..this is only the kissing application form. Other acts need a separate application). Take the form back to the local council along with the appropriate fee and register your request, then wait for the application to be processed. Note that the girl you plan to kiss isnt required to do anything in this process, however, approval of your application doesnt actually guarantee she will be receptive to a kiss.

The above may seem simple enough,but all depends if each process goes smoothly. Lastly, processing times vary greatly. You could always try grease the local council officers palms with new shoes or blouses or something.

LOL, I heard the Oral sex form required photos of relevant areas and dental records :)

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I think its about time the OP received a serious answer.

First of all pick up a kissing application form at the local council. Get the health section part signed by a Doc at the local hospital after hes given you the all clear on mouth and lip diseases. Take the form to the parents so they can sign that they give their permission (be warned..this is only the kissing application form. Other acts need a separate application). Take the form back to the local council along with the appropriate fee and register your request, then wait for the application to be processed. Note that the girl you plan to kiss isnt required to do anything in this process, however, approval of your application doesnt actually guarantee she will be receptive to a kiss.

The above may seem simple enough,but all depends if each process goes smoothly. Lastly, processing times vary greatly. You could always try grease the local council officers palms with new shoes or blouses or something.

Thanks for my morning laugh, eek. :)

I always thought the definition of good girls and bad girls was...

A good girl goes to a party and then goes home to bed.

A bad girl goes to a party and goes to bed, and THEN goes home. :D

It's been my experience that most Thai women are not into the kissing scene. I've only had two Thai girl friends who enjoyed kissing. But, they enjoyed all other methods of intimacy. But, I'm only looking at it from an old farts perspective. I have no idea what young lovers do or experience.

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Since any girl that kisses on the first date is per definition a "good" girl, then yes good girls do kiss on the first date.

Anyway, Good girls go to heaven - Bad girls.................go everywhere!

i have gotten considerably further than a kiss on a number of first dates, and can honestly say the the women involved were most certainly "good". in fact a few were great.

LOL good on ya mate :)

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"grease their palms with new shoes or blouses or something." Good grief..im HOPING this IS a troll.

There was me thinking that women give out clues and men (if not completely useless) read them.

I wonder if Thai men post on Thai forums this kinda nonsense. :D

hel_l just lube up your own hand and get what you want, you know you don't mean what you are saying about just kissing, get real :)

Edited by Stricken
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