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Thailand's First Survey Of Penis Sizes Launched As Part Campaign For Safe Sex


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Can't comment as I'm not too familiar with Thai condoms. I have to custom order all my condoms from Africa just to get one big enough. :)

There are Russian one, which should fit you.

hey h90, I figure your member must swell out to some sort of super mushroom head!!! You should be a carpenter with a head like thaT lol,,,,,,,,, 5555

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Can't comment as I'm not too familiar with Thai condoms. I have to custom order all my condoms from Africa just to get one big enough. :D

Yea, I think I saw you on halloween, weren't you the ding dong that threw it over your shoulder and said that you were a gas pump :)


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ask any thai girl they will say thai has small small penis. pointing to pinkie finger to emphasize the point!

The banter on this thread shows the maturity of the posters. Whoever posted this story surely had some urgent need to make themselves feel better than Thais. You all make me sick.

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"The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

What mistake did I made???

I am glad to see this topic as I have had a lot of trouble ever since I have been here.I use the biggest condoms I have been able to find [56 durex] and was with the help of my girlfriend,and I still find it very uncomfortable to put them on and they easily slide off and leave them inside her.This is to say the least a bit embarrassing!!! The measurement is the circumference of the penis and I do not consider myself to be so well endowed as to boast about it.Any help here? thanks Dougal

They should slip off if they are too big, not too small!!??

I agree in principal but they are so tight I can only pull them on half way and believe me they are not very secure

Yes with the Thai ones too small means the slide/pop off. In addition to not being big enough around, they are not long enough, which exacerbated the poping off problem. The latex is also very very think. In terms of sensation it feels like you're wrapped in a yoga mat. I bring ultra-sensative Trojans from home. It's the only way to fly. I have seen Tojan and other American brands for sale here, but you might need to go to several pharmacies before you find them. I'm pretty sure Santi Healthcare has them in Phuket town opposite the bus station.

Glad but surprised a mature topic can stay (mostly) mature for once.

Edit: Seems some posters have been busy while I was writing, and I will now rescind my last comment. :)

Edited by Scubabuddha
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ask any thai girl they will say thai has small small penis. pointing to pinkie finger to emphasize the point!

The banter on this thread shows the maturity of the posters. Whoever posted this story surely had some urgent need to make themselves feel better than Thais. You all make me sick.

That will be the Nation News then :)

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Increase turnover for rubber industry?

"Safe Sex" with a Condom is just one other "urban myth", cause they can slip off easely anyime and not being felt/detected...

there is only one type of "safe sex" = NONE!

Hmmm..not sure I agree. No idea how many times I have had sex with condoms, but I recall once, maybe twice one breaking or slipping off, and both times I knew it right away.

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My Girlfriend asked me to give her 9 inches and make her scream!

So i gave it to her three times and stole her handbag :D

What does a guy with a 12inch penis have for breakfast?

This morning I had bacon and eggs. :D

I know how to make mine 12 inches.

Fold it in half. :)

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"The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

What mistake did I made???

You didn't make any mistake.. but, this is strange??? I think it is them who made the mistake on wrong interpretation of widths, lengths or diameter.

The OP says "The scale given at 49-52-53-54-56 millimeters, is based on a standard of penis width of Thai men"...

It could just be a unitless number representing the range of "standard" sizes.

Does not necessarily have to be an actual mm measurement.

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ask any thai girl they will say thai has small small penis. pointing to pinkie finger to emphasize the point!

The banter on this thread shows the maturity of the posters. Whoever posted this story surely had some urgent need to make themselves feel better than Thais. You all make me sick.

Banter is all it is, don,t take it so seriuosly MW :D

A genuine thanks to the OP for breaking the monotonous subject matter of late and providing a non to serious interlude for a much needed change.

Thanks George, it is much appreciated by many of our membership, I,m sure

marshbags :)

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The mistake and confusion just might be caused by the source: The Nation is not endowed, if you will, with proper numerical reporting :)

Apparently so:

The campaign was launched in response a spike in the number of gay men and sex workers contracting HIV. A Bt200million budget has been approved for a countrywide drive to give away free condoms to gay men and males and females aged 1525, with a special focus on ensuring that people wear the rightsize protection.


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Increase turnover for rubber industry?

"Safe Sex" with a Condom is just one other "urban myth", cause they can slip off easely anyime and not being felt/detected...

there is only one type of "safe sex" = NONE!

Riddle me this Puritan...How can one have "safe sex" without actually having sex? :)

It's all in the palm of your hand

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"The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

What mistake did I made???

The mistake is the condom size is the measured width of the condom while on a flat surface, so that would be 1/2 circumference of the condom itself. The paper tool is not measuring penis size but only determining which condom size will best fit the penis in question.

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S E Asian men tend to have small peni in my experience, usually passive as well.

You obviously read that in The Sun :)

I love this! Everyone failed to spot the nice little earner for someone......"A Bt200million budget has been approved"......I wonder where that will go. And all you guys using condoms with your "girlfriends" are they the ones you bar fine every weekend? Ever heard of stable relationships ? I wonder who's brother got the contract to produce these measuring tapes and sell them at an exorbitant price? Shades of the up country rubber glove scam a few years back. On the odd ocassion I do bar fine I cut the fingers off one of those over priced gloves and use it, 5 shots per glove!

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I heard a talk given by a Thai official that includes his recollection of how this "measurement" program originated. Beyond this one issue.....the entire speech is full of interesting information and good humor. Definitely worth a listen. Here's a link.....I think you can watch it on video or download just the audio. Hope ya' like it!




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after watching a considerable amount of asian porn, i have to say Thai men have nothing to be ashamed of compared to Japanese men. I'm sure Japanese porn actresses are usually crying in the movies because they are ' longing' for a real man!

I don't know how it is with the Japanese girls but it's been said that Thai bargirls actually prefer Japanese men.

It's known as "The Rule of Fours" -- four inches, four minutes, four thousand baht.............

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"The tape records widths of between 49 and 56 millimetres"

I first thought that scale is diameter, but after looking on our caliper I doubt that. Thai men would be monster.

Than I took the size /3.14: 56/3.14=17.8 mm that looks too small.

What mistake did I made???

I am glad to see this topic as I have had a lot of trouble ever since I have been here.I use the biggest condoms I have been able to find [56 durex] and was with the help of my girlfriend,and I still find it very uncomfortable to put them on and they easily slide off and leave them inside her.This is to say the least a bit embarrassing!!! The measurement is the circumference of the penis and I do not consider myself to be so well endowed as to boast about it.Any help here? thanks Dougal

They should slip off if they are too big, not too small!!??

I agree in principal but they are so tight I can only pull them on half way and believe me they are not very secure

'biplanebluey' I know exactly what you mean, I have same problem. They roll back up and off coz they are too small. Or I tear them trying to stretch em on. But I had the same prob in Oz. I had to buy a bulk supply from under the counter in order to get the right size. Something about the Australian Health laws which specify what type of lubricant is used due to its affectiveness? against HIV. The larger sizes have to be smuggled in because they dont pass the test. Just a bit of trivia.

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