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Why So Many Angry People In Pattaya?


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Without sounding racist in any way, the Indian Tourists are causing a lot of problems as well.

Could you please tell us more bad things about the Indians? :D

They will sacrifice (read kill in cold blood) 30 thousand live animals in a religious festival next month. It is expected that more than 1 million Indians will gather to enjoy the sacrifice :)

Sorry that is 500 thousand and sacrifice 6 Nov.

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^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

Sort of - othere than it is half a million animals: including buffalos, pigs, sheep etc.

Just a nice day out to satisfy the gods :)

PS there are more pigs than people in Denmark

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As a Pattaya expat, I never bother going to walking street when out drinking with my (expat) friends. Sometimes the wife insists going, just to look at people so we go and have one drink only and not too late.

There are many options here for good food, friendly bars (with or without girls), walking street is in mine opinion for tourists.

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^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

Sort of - othere than it is half a million animals: including buffalos, pigs, sheep etc.

Just a nice day out to satisfy the gods :)

Well when the people of the Faroe Islands do it, they manage to turn a small bay into a bloodbath, literally turning it red, young macho idiots everywhere swimming around in it basking in the joys of slaughtering poor innocent dolphins :D

PS: I must slightly correct the issue too, its actually the Faroe Islands which are now part of Denmark (apparently) but have their own laws seperate to the Dannish.....MY Sincere appologies to the danes....but of course they probably are the people who need to attend to this issue the most.

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^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

Sort of - othere than it is half a million animals: including buffalos, pigs, sheep etc.

Just a nice day out to satisfy the gods :)

Well when the danish do it, they manage to turn a small bay into a bloodbath, literally turning it red, young macho idiots everywhere swimming around in it basking in the joys of slaughtering poor innocent dolphins :D

According to the Tibetan Book of the dead these kinds of people are antigods. They have a lower level of consciousness than animals. :D

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^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

What! I am a Dane, never heard about it, you must be looking like you pix. nerverdie (yes you do), old and brain gone too. :)

Every year, in Denmark, specifically the Faroe Islands, innocent and helpless Calderon Dolphins are slaughtered brutally by the danes. Why you may ask, simply because. A pointless and stupid right of passage to manhood.

What points is there in killing another living being just to prove you have "evolved", you have transcended. There is simply no need.

This poor dolphins are stabbed a number of times, but as if that weren't enough, they bleed to death, probably in excruciating pain while the whole town watches.

Needles to say, that killing a deffensless animal is no prove of anybody's manhood.

So, I urge, as I am sure many more have, to stop this nonesense. And take action.

Never, ever, killing an other creature, another living being, with whom we share this world, has done any good, to anyone. So let's stop it.


I could understand doing this if someone was hungry and needed food, but doing it for fun is insane.

There is a difference between killing an animal outright (bullet), and slaughtering it with a knife for it to die slowly,

especially an animal as intelligent as a dolphin.

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^Is that like the Danish that slaughter hundreds of dolphins each year to celebrate boys reaching manhood?

What! I am a Dane, never heard about it, you must be looking like you pix. nerverdie (yes you do), old and brain gone too. :D

Well here it is, you feel free to apologise via pm :)



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Faroe Islands have local government, own flag and own language (they can speak Danish too), it is a bit like Commonwealth. When they went broke some years ago they were on their own so keep us Danes out of the nasty Dolphin killing, thanks.

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Well you wont see this on walking street pattaya folks....well err not this week anyway.

Its easy to say keep us poor danes out of it, but I'm afraid the reality is, the Danes are the ones who need to step up to the plate and stop this senseless killing, since Faroe Islands are now part of Denmark :)

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lets not forget the indians:

From The Times November 3, 2009

<H1 class=heading>Animal activists outraged by Nepal’s plans for mass animal sacrifice</H1><H2 class="sub-heading padding-top-5 padding-bottom-15"></H2> ahindu_festival_385_638519a.jpg'Buddha Boy' Ram Bahadur Bamjam has spoken out against the killings

Rhys Blakely in Mumbai

gSiteLife.Recommend("ExternalResource", "6900102","http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6900102.ece");Recommend? (3) div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;} Plans to sacrifice more than 500,000 animals during a two-day religious festival in Nepal this month have met with the wrath of animal rights activists, who have called for the 300-year-old ritual to be banned.

Every five years the tiny village of Bariyapur near Nepal’s southern border with India is swamped with blood as hundreds of thousands of Hindu devotees flock to the local temple to take part in what is thought to be the world’s biggest ritual slaughter.

This year it is expected that about 500,000 animals, including about 25,000 buffaloes, will be offered to Gadhimai, a Hindu goddess, by devotees who hope she will answer their prayers in return. Proceedings begin with the sacrifice of two wild rats, a cockerel, a pig, a goat and a lamb.

Supporters of the Gadhimai Fair say there is no question of them departing from a centuries-old tradition. Devotees can then bring their animals into the temple for ritual purification before taking them into the grounds where the beasts’ throats are slit.

function slideshowPopUp(url){pictureGalleryPopupPic(url);return false;}<H3 class=section-heading>Related Links</H3>

“The festival will lose its charm and become meaningless if we break with tradition,” Mangal Chaudhary Tharu, the temple’s head priest, said.

This year, however, the temple authorities face a more powerful set of opponents than ever before:an international group of activists who include Brigitte Bardot, the French actress, and a 17-year-old Nepalese boy whose followers believe he is the reincarnation of Lord Buddha. Last year thousands of pilgrims flocked to a remote jungle in southeast Nepal to see Ram Bahadur Bamjan when he emerged from the forest after vanishing from view for a year. Dubbed “Buddha Boy” by the press, he first garnered headlines in 2005 when tens of thousands of devotees travelled to see him as he sat cross-legged amid the roots of a tree for nearly ten months — without, it was claimed, food or water.

This week he spoke out against the ritual slaughter, with a spokesman saying that Bamjan was “disturbed at the thought of such mass killings in the neighbourhood”. “The campaign is producing results,” the spokesman added. “Three villagers have already handed over three buffaloes to us which were intended for sacrifice at the fair, saying they have had a change of heart.” The Kathmandu Post also suggested that some devotees were having second thoughts. “Many people are in a dilemma: whether or not to bring animals for sacrifice — they fear that the issue might trigger clashes during the fair,” it said.

Opponents of the ritual say that it will harm the reputation of Nepal, one of the world’s poorest countries. Pramada Shah, of Animal Welfare Network Nepal, said: “By perpetuating such a mass massacre in the name of religion, culture and tradition in the 21st century, we are projecting Nepal as barbaric.” Activists have also claimed that the slaughter is a health hazard. Govinda Tandon, of the Stop Animal Sacrifices Alliance, said: “There are rivers of blood for months with carcasses lying everywhere. The grounds are dominated by vultures, while the stench makes life miserable for people living nearby. The only people who benefit are the skin traders who bid for the pelts.”

Most observers think it is unlikely that the Nepalese Government, which has pledged about $60,000 (£36,500) for the festival, will intercede. Indeed, an influx of “sacrifice tourists” are expected from India, where ritual slaughters are banned in several states.

The temple priest Mangal Chaudhary Tharu, whose family has presided over the festival for four generations, said: “We are not forcing devotees to sacrifice animals. It is an age-old practice and it must continue.”

Culture clashes

• This not the first time that animal sacrifice has sparked controversy in Nepal. In September 2008 Kathmandu was gripped by riots after the Government decided not to pay for 108 cattle and goats that were due to be ritually beheaded as part of the annual Hindu festival of Dashain.

• Demonstrators, mostly drawn from Kathmandu’s Newar community, barricaded streets with burning tyres and clashed with police who deployed teargas

• After three days of protests, the Government backed down and agreed to provide the livestock

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Faroe Islands have local government, own flag and own language (they can speak Danish too), it is a bit like Commonwealth. When they went broke some years ago they were on their own so keep us Danes out of the nasty Dolphin killing, thanks.

To be fair the slaughter is opposed by 99.999% of all danes.

According to a Thai maths proffesor the practice could be stopped overnight if only the other 33% would agree to oppose this brutal act (as reported in the Nat---)

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Faroe Islands have local government, own flag and own language (they can speak Danish too), it is a bit like Commonwealth. When they went broke some years ago they were on their own so keep us Danes out of the nasty Dolphin killing, thanks.

If you dig deep enough you will find skeleton in everyone's closet - so agree with guzzi850m2 - I thought the topic was about angry/rude people in Pattaya/Jomtien.

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(nice to see the City has got what it wanted with new (poorer) tourists making up for the unwelcome and departed longstayers).


Out of curiosity, where have the longstayers gone to? A different city, or to a different area within Pattaya?

Yes, well killings aside, I thought thailandlovr had a good question. Where do the longstayers and good people of Pattaya go these days? I'm assuming he doesnt want to meet angry people there.

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Interesting thing happened to me. I moved here from the US in Feb and my skin was WHITE as a ghost. I have american indian blood

so i started tanning quick and then finally went to burriram for 2 weeks and got BLACK as its my dream in life is to ride out deep into the

countryside with a mint pu ying and cold beers exploring, and of course no shirt as its so hot.

SO i come back to Pattaya and instantly i am feeling the cold shoulder from girls, then they would ask me where i am from and i say America

and they dont believe me and say "no you india" or "no you alum (arab)" scolding me saying "Gohoke Look your skin dark" etc etc So i go make a copy of my

passport and start showing it when this is raised and still it was hard to get girls. I even had a longtime girlfriend that i met when i was

white confide in me she didnt like going out with me because i look like alum!

Now i avoid the sun at all costs! and i have returned almost to whiteness and having no problems girl-wise.

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Well Thailand has tried to move away from longstayers and towards give us your money and then leave. It was always thus but seems to have become more pronounced since the military coup.

The low/no budgeters have already gone to Cambodia. And before anyway says good riddance to Cheap Charlie's there used to be a whole lot more of them and they all had to eat drink and sleep even if it was 30 baht for a beer 100 baht for a meal of the cart and 300 baht for a fan room.

Other long stayer's are considering their options. Thailand could make the place more welcoming by instituting a few easy changes such as multiple year visas for all supplied on producing evidence that your not destitute but instead they headed in the other direction as usual. Plus they could reform the laws so that farangs get a least a slim chance in a Thai courtroom instead of none at the moment but again they are heading in the other direction.

And what has replaced the longstayers? Chinese everything paid for in advance at the lowest possible price, Arabs who are all either skint or behave as if they are and Russians who are all totally pot-less and can bare afford the cheap flight that bought them here.

Thais are hurting economically thats for sure and whats holding the baht up on the foreign exchanges I do not know but as usual the problems are largely of their own making.

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Only ever go down WS for a good laugh, people watching...its amazing what you spot down there. It really is a crazy place for crazy people. I agree it should be policed more, as HM said, it must be tough dealing with people who aint got a clue what the place is about and are off their heads, black, white, Russian or whatever...its like a pic n mix bag of all sorts hehehe. Soon to be like the wild west I reckon.

As many have said, to the people who are pi$$ed of with the place or feel intimidated there are lots more options available to you a baht bus away....its not all bad you know and there are many sane people here :)

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Interesting thread, lets keep it alive by being nice to each other and all the other different nationalities that come here to enjoy themselves in their own strange ways.

im american and have live at jomtien beach in pattaya for over one year now

i have nothing but positive things to say about my stay here

i have found the thais to be very cordial and expats from other countries to be the same

im not a bar rat and dont hang out with that kind of crowd

im amazed how clean the area is where i live and how friendly the ppl are at the beaches including the vendors

im new here on thai visa but i have noticed a lot of complainers

if you dont like it here i suggest you return to your home country

thats my opinion


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I was out and about between North Pattaya & WS Saturday night two weeks ago & to tell the truth, nothing seemed much different from years gone by. Many places seemed busier than I have seen in a while, one of my favourite eateries had sold out of their snitchels, and I was still being served alcohol at 5.00am. :D

I didn't see any agro in the whole evening. :)

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if you dont like it here i suggest you return to your home country

thats my opinion

So you like people getting arrested in bars, aggressive drunks who can barely walk down the street whilst shouting, being intimidated whilst clogging ones arteries with Ronalds finest, and getting shouted at because there isnt anywhere safe to cross the street. When all i was doing was innocently going about my business.

Maybe ive set my standards to high ..... but tomorrow morning i will be leaving Pattaya becuase i dont like it .... pity as i stay in decent hotels, eat relatively expensive food, employ individual boxing trainers dropping about 130GBP a day into the local economy in the process.

PS Your go home if you dont like it attitude is a wonderful one, youre definitely on your way to becoming a pure blood Thai!

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if you dont like it here i suggest you return to your home country

thats my opinion

So you like people getting arrested in bars, aggressive drunks who can barely walk down the street whilst shouting, being intimidated whilst clogging ones arteries with Ronalds finest, and getting shouted at because there isnt anywhere safe to cross the street. When all i was doing was innocently going about my business.

Maybe ive set my standards to high ..... but tomorrow morning i will be leaving Pattaya becuase i dont like it .... pity as i stay in decent hotels, eat relatively expensive food, employ individual boxing trainers dropping about 130GBP a day into the local economy in the process.

PS Your go home if you dont like it attitude is a wonderful one, youre definitely on your way to becoming a pure blood Thai!

Sounds like you have no standards as you are judging Pattaya by THE IDIOTS oN WS.May i suggest you get out of the tourist wild west and go to some places away from there,you may be surprised at the kindness of many people. <snip>

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Don't bait other members.
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im american and have live at jomtien beach in pattaya for over one year now

im amazed how clean the area is where i live and how friendly the ppl are at the beaches including the vendors

Well you say you have been in pattaya for over one year now and that you are amazed how clean the area is. May I ask which garbage tip you use to live in because I have heard pattaya described as alot of things but clean aint one of them.

If you like Pataya 2009, you should of seen it when I was a boy :D ....but Im not going to tell those stories again, you can just search thru the thai visa archives and find them for yourself.

Welcome to Thailand newbie. Now thats nice and friendly, isnt it? :)

ps: A garbage tip is the same as a rubbish dump (americanism i believe)

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if you dont like it here i suggest you return to your home country

thats my opinion

So you like people getting arrested in bars, aggressive drunks who can barely walk down the street whilst shouting, being intimidated whilst clogging ones arteries with Ronalds finest, and getting shouted at because there isnt anywhere safe to cross the street. When all i was doing was innocently going about my business.

Maybe ive set my standards to high ..... but tomorrow morning i will be leaving Pattaya becuase i dont like it .... pity as i stay in decent hotels, eat relatively expensive food, employ individual boxing trainers dropping about 130GBP a day into the local economy in the process.

PS Your go home if you dont like it attitude is a wonderful one, youre definitely on your way to becoming a pure blood Thai!

Hope you do not go home thinking that all expats (and short term visitors) in Pattaya/Jomtien are just a bunch of low-life-drunks with no manners. There are many of us here who leads a normal, productive, polite and decent life :-) Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll can get a few people a little bit over the edge, but believe me - it's not all that bad either. So just ignore the ignorants and the idiots and have a pleasant stay in Pattaya.

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