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Data recovery from damaged hard disk (any conditio


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Data Recovery from Damaged Hard Disk (Any Condition)

I can do this.

I need to know the prices that you are willing to pay to recover your damaged Hard Disk.

Also send me all your thinking behind this idea. Not many people in to this in Thailand.

What about US?

All suggestions welcome.

Thank you.

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I have two answers to this.

1) i'd pay about 3 baht - enough to download Tiramisu (arguably the best low level recovery tool out there).

2) I'd google for the above - if a hard disk is trashed that much and a customer is desperate to get it back, it's bound to contain loads of company/organisation's sensitive material - therefore ruling out a third party. Unless of course you have legal NDA contracts etc.

just my 2p's worth.


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Mechanical failures or damaged from Voltage fluctuations etc. No Software Recovery program will work in this type of situations.

Normally the only option you have now is to throw away and buy a New HDD.

Anyway, it seems to me that people take good Backup and these types of needs are not common.



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Guest IT Manager

Are you suggesting putting the platen into another case or using magic Kwiz? This needs a clean room and a skilled tech? Are you one and do you have such an object. If so I would use it on a quoted basis. The issue of backups I agree strongly with.

Software recovery from a spinning drive is essentially simple, just time consuming.

As Phazey says, Tiramisu or 1 or 2 others that cost a baht or 3. IMHO.

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