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Hi all,

My gf applied for an Australian spouse visa earlier this year, but we are having delays due to the TB screening process. She hasn't been diagnosed with active or latent TB as her sputum culture tests were all negative, but she has to take the medications because of how her x-ray was intepreted in Australia (panel doctors gave her the all clear). Anyway, she has just started the medications, and the doctor even said he'd be willing to write a letter saying she is not a travel risk. So, I was just wondering if this will be a problem in applying for an Australian spouse visa in the near future?

Also, she is from Myanmar and we are both living in Thailand waiting for this visa for us. I'll only apply for the visa if I get a well paying job in the next few months - which will give me plenty of cash to support us both. I also have stat decs from my spouse visa application, and my gf's case officer said he'd be willing to verify the relationship. She doesn't have a job here, and we're both only here for the purposes of staying together and obtaining the spouse visa (going back to Myanmar is problematic for her).

I've checked different websites and it seems her diagnosis should be ok for travel, providing we make arrangements with a medical facility in Oz to continue the medications and check-ups. So, in short, will her being on TB medications be a problem in getting the tourist visa?

Any info will be appreciated,

Thanks :)


She has been medically cleared so that part isnt an issue and she should be ok to travel and it shouldnt interfere with the spouse visa application.

The issue is, as I see it and the Department will look at, who is going to pay for the medical checks and medicine while she is here on the tourist visa. She will probably need to provide some assurance of who will cover any medical costs that she incurs while she is here.


I think you're biggest problem would be ensuring that you remain "outside" of australia for her spouse visa process to complete. If you apply outside of australia and the application is pending, then you will have a hard time getting temporary entry to australia due to the rules around permanent entry applications IMHO. Try contacting the consular general's office and ask the questions including the part about her needing protection from Myanmar. They do sometimes allow in TB people if there is compelling circumstances and they're satisfied treatment will continue in australia. In my experience, the process is much friendlier to those who ask first than those who do not educate themselves first and complain later.

If the permanent app doesn't count, I think the income would be the biggest part of it. They look for 6months of steady flow and as previous post the biggest concern is you stiitching up a "free" medical system and not paying the bill.

I recently got a 6month medical treatment visa for my gf as we applied for a tourist visa, admiting she would need hospitalisation and they were kind enough to call up and tell us to apply for a different one (as opposed to just stamping the tainting denied stamp in the passport). If your gf will "enter hospital", medical treatment might be the only option, but seek 2nd opinions on this as pregnancy is a bigger deal than a few shots.

Key points are:

- If she will have to enter hospital, she will need the full medical (which you've probably already done).

- Show regular income or good enough savings to support her for her time here. If you have little income, they will be looking for at least $1000 per month (saved for at least 3 months preferably 6 before) to cover you both (pretty meagre if you ask me) and a commitment from you to put her up.

- Nothing goes further than a doctor saying they are satisfied you will pay all the bills and if there are regular appointments/treatments, paying them in advance will really make the difference. I paid an obstetrician for the full pregnancy management in advance and despite a good income, had no savings to speak of. Our doctor was fantastic and gave me receipts and a letter saying she thought it was better that she be able to "see the treatment through", that I had paid up front and she was satisfied I could pay any additional expenses. That was the big winner for a medical visa.

- Also get a letter from the doctor in thailand saying "satisfactory arrangements have been made to continue the treatment in australia"

I love thailand and am currently preparing for permanent partner visa for my gf. If i could keep my aussie sallary and stay for longer than the 3 months i am at the moment, I would. You could always lap it up just a little longer :)



It is allowable for her to get a tourist visa while waiting on a spouse visa application....there maybe a further delay to the decision on the spouse visa as they may hold up the process while she is in Oz. remembering that they need the passport to grant the visa.


The spouse visa is being held up due to Australian doctors insisting on her completing a course of treatment for TB. I assume the panel doctors are in Thailand. The x-ray might carry more weight as a diagnostic indicator - I have had dealings with the WA TB Clinic (wonderful service that they provide) and they used XRays for the main diagnosis.

I would think it highly unlikely they will allow entry on a tourist visa because

- Australian doctors believe she has/had Tb or exposure

- You'd need to show substantial funds to cover the costs of any potential medical treatment during the stay as a tourist - full-price is hugely expensive.

- by applying for a spouse visa already, there are indications that she wants to stay in Australia. (Tho your post says "gf applied for an Australian spouse visa earlier this year" but later says "will be a problem in applying for an Australian spouse visa in the near future")

However no harm in trying - good luck.

Did she have a mantoux test as well?

she had that back in myanmar a few years back, but the thai doctor didn't mention it in the report. it was negative back then, and we don't have any copies.


thanks for your replies :) they have all given me much more to think about and consider as we plan for the future.

we talked about the possibilities again over the weekend, and i realise that although it's feasible to stay in thailand for the next few months, we cannot gaurantee that her visa or passport status will allow her to stay for the entire length of the medical screenings. more importantly, i cannot gaurantee her safety if she returns to yangon and that stress and worry is a constant in my life everyday. i don't want to screw-up the spouse visa application, but then again i don't want her to spend a couple of years in insein prison either :D

from talking to a number of lawyers and my case manager (reading between the lines), it seems the most realistic thing to do is go for the tourist visa and then apply for protection status when we are in australia. to be honest, i'm starting to get very frustrated by the amount of time this is taking, and the complete uncertaintity of it all.


assuming i understand the process correctly, all my gf would need to do in australia to complete the tb screening process would be to continue the medications (bought in bangkok), then get the liver function tests done (diagnostic fees for those), another two x-rays and/or a sputum test.

i know australia is generally more expensive for health care than thailand, but these fees can't be too expensive can they?

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