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Immigration To Check Sailors Work Permits


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If true it has the potential to give some very negative publicity to Thailand's premier sailing event. As it should be considered a sporting event it could set a precedent whereby every sporting team coming to play in Thailand will need to be vetted for WPs.

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If true it has the potential to give some very negative publicity to Thailand's premier sailing event. As it should be considered a sporting event it could set a precedent whereby every sporting team coming to play in Thailand will need to be vetted for WPs.

I've often wondered how this works. I suspect that professional sportsmen actually do have to have some sort of work permit to come here. Or is there a clause allowing it? For example, if Liverpool come and play in Thailand then they are clearly professionals playing (working) football for a salary, some of which is garnered by the audience paying an entrance fee.

Same with singers. If a pop group comes, surely they are 'working' and need a permit.

It will be interesting to see how immigration check who is sailing because the only way to do this is actually on the water.

Is sailing a boat in a regatta 'work' or not. I know you don't have to get paid for work for it to be classed as work - but in a regatta it's the other way round. You pay to enter. So in that case, are you PAYING to do some work?

Where did this news source come from please?

If it's true, and surely it can't be, then it's an insult. The King's cup has Royal Patronage. His Majesty himself was a very keen sailor, and i believe one of the Princesses too. The spirit of the event, being held over His Majesty's birthdate is to honour the King. Over 100 boats - with thousands of sailors take part. This is the BIGGEST sailing regatta in Asia. If they lock up the likes of Frank Pong or Neil Pryde for not having work permits (and i suspect both are professional sailors) then there will be significant fallout.

Top flight sailors are often rich and very well connected. Moving in those sorts of circles comes with the territory of top class racing. They bring prestige to events, and people join events to race against the top guys.

Go one Immigration - throw them in jail and see what happens to the event next year. 110 boats this year. How many next year?

Some serious heat from foreign embassies will follow. Immigration staff will be moved to none active posts for having such a stupid idea but the damage will be done.

There is a phrase somewhere....................If you keep shooting at your feet, eventually you will blow your toes off.

Keep aiming lads. Keep aiming. You're nearly there.

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The specific rule in this case for requiring a WP is the below:

5. Temporary business of entertainment, religious, social welfare, cultural or sporting without intention to make profit and paying income tax to the government.

Source: Legal Thailand

I'm sure that the organizers are well aware of this and have arranged the necessary paperwork.

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expect anything from the phuket labor department racists. when they see a group of white people doing "things" they begin to salivate like a soi dog with rabies. which is pretty much all that they are, in moral terms. I will never forget being threatened with jail for helping my Thai neighbor rebuild his house after the Tsunami. There is a hotel there now and my neighbor is homeless. Moderators, feel free to censor or edit my post.

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I'm sure that the organizers are well aware of this and have arranged the necessary paperwork.

I think you'd be wrong. Having competed in many of these regattas, there has never been any mention of a work permit. You sign on as crew and pay your entry fee. That's it.

I have a work permit, but it isnt for sailing. I'd need another one for that. I've never been asked not been made aware by the organisers that i would need one.

If this is true, then imigration will shoot themselves in the foot.

SOURCE from the story please anyone? Or is it just gossip?

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