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Need A Telephone Number Of...


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I am desperately looking for the telephone number of a vendor in PanTip plaza or something similar that Buys and Sells notebook computers!

I have tried all sorets of directories but no Luck

A name of a company that sells and buys would be ok but i really need a number.

having agreed to help a friend sell his notebook and forgetting about it i feel kind of obliged to assist.

Pls help

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Just take a taxi down there and ask around in a few of the shops there are many in Pantip but not all reliable.

.Have you had a look on Pantipprice.com? look in the second hand shops and you may get some e-mail addresses and shop names.

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I bought my laptop (new) and my GF laptop (used) from Global Solutions on the 4th floor of Pantip plaza. I have also bought used hardware from Pratom.com in Fortune Town. Both of these were decent shops (IMHO) with english speaking staff. Don't have the numbers- I usually just go down there when I need them. I find it is almost impossible to speak with a Thai on the telephone.

Kringle is right though- you probably won't get much from these shops as they will be looking to be able to price it competitvely themselves and make a profit.

Tell the forum about the laptop U want to sell... maybe someone here will be interested or know someone else who is.

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Put an advertisment in the forum classifieds section, and next time you post use a proper title that gives readers an idea what the post is about without having to open it. ie: "Need a telephone number of.. A shop in Pantip" not "Need a telephone number of.. looking for a telephone number"


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