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The "pink Stinks" Campaign Visits Thailand


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Man I don't know if that website is for real or some kind of joke.... If it's for real I guess it illustrates a new phase of hard core feminism that's developing?? Pink is girly therefore gives girls a poor image of themselves?... :):D I'm not sure if this is plain funny, stupid as hel_l or just terrifying...

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Man I don't know if that website is for real or some kind of joke.... If it's for real I guess it illustrates a new phase of hard core feminism that's developing?? Pink is girly therefore gives girls a poor image of themselves?... :):D I'm not sure if this is plain funny, stupid as hel_l or just terrifying...

The West is full of this sort of feminist nonsense. Look at 'gender studies' which is even taught at universities.

The good thing about Thailand: they rightfully laugh about it.

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Man I don't know if that website is for real or some kind of joke.... If it's for real I guess it illustrates a new phase of hard core feminism that's developing?? Pink is girly therefore gives girls a poor image of themselves?... :):D I'm not sure if this is plain funny, stupid as hel_l or just terrifying...

I agree with you. Some of these "groups of interest" start with a seemingly innocent agenda but it ultimately gets progressively worse.

Look at PETA! "We just want to save the animals"! The next thing you know they're giving presentations to primary school children explaining that their own parents are murderers because they're forcing them to eat chickens, pigs, and cows. Then they go home in fear wondering if they're next!

One wonders, what is THEIR ultimate agenda?

Edited by TimTang
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Man I don't know if that website is for real or some kind of joke.... If it's for real I guess it illustrates a new phase of hard core feminism that's developing?? Pink is girly therefore gives girls a poor image of themselves?... :):D I'm not sure if this is plain funny, stupid as hel_l or just terrifying...

I agree with you. Some of these "groups of interest" start with a seemingly innocent agenda but it ultimately gets progressively worse.

Look at PETA! "We just want to save the animals"! The next thing you know they're giving presentations to primary school children explaining that their own parents are murderers because they're forcing them to eat chickens, pigs, and cows. Then they go home in fear wondering if they're next!

One wonders, what is THEIR ultimate agenda?

Their ultimate agenda, as with all these groups is to force you to live your life in accordance with their wishes. All to be done without the inconvenience of aquiring any sort of democratic mandate!

It's a telling point that one of the leading advocates of the Pinkstinks campaign, one Baroness Prentice (UK Justice Minister) is an unelected (House of Lords) member of the UK Government.

Mind you, our Prime Minister Brown the Incontinent, and his de facto deputy Mandelson, have both succeeded to their posts without any democratic mandate either! What's all the fuss about Abhisit....... :D

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From the original post:

"They got pretty much everything wrong, from the desire for white skin to being a wish to be "Western" (which it isnt of course) to the Western evils of Hello Kitty (which is Asian)."

Gee, now why would they ever get those impressions? Perhaps it's because when one walks into the cosmetics section of any store EVERY women's (and some) men's skin products boast that it "whitens". Then one looks at the models on those products and they ALL look much more white and Western than 99.9% of the Thais we see every day.

Yes but the desire for white skin is not primarily to emulate Westerners. Its to make a statement of not being someone who works in a field all day in the sun. Sun-baked skin is seen as "lower class".

My statement has nothing to do with WHY they want whiter skin. I was only pointing out why people would get the (correct) impression that almost all Thais desire whiter skin.

If you want to show your amazingly in-depth understanding of Thai culture, simply post it. Quoting me here was inappropriate and not necessary.

Edited by Beacher
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THe significance of the colour pink in S.E. Asian countries is quite different from "the West".

As for women in Thailand - equals??? no way Jose!

Passive etc, the role of "prettygirl" is totally unacceptable in Western Society - most women here don't even have the basic education to question their role....

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..As a side note. Growing up I used to make my Cindy doll a daredevil. I got fed up with all the girly clothes she had (although i loved to dress her up of course, i wanted another side of her), so id go steal my brothers action man clothes and his bikes an stuff and my Cindy would go do amazing things (until my brother found that id niked his stuff again and came to kick my butt.) I loved to swing across rivers on monkey swings and climb trees when i was a kiddy. Never did i think of myself as boyish. I loved having long hair and dressing up too. I also adored boys! I just wanted something more "gritty" than pretend tea-parties and feeding baby dolls (how boring!). If we take an honest look at toys for girls, they are mainly about dressing up and role playing as the innocent princess looking for a prince etc. So yes, i can also understand why there is some kind of campaigning for girls to have a wider spectrum of toys and games.

That's the beautiful thing with the free market, if there is demand for it, it will be supplied! The fact that there is this supply of toys suggest those are in most demand and not that there is some evil sexist conspiracy.

If I had a daughter, I would frankly be more concerned with dolls that dress slutty, like the Bratz or what they're called.

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From the original post:

"They got pretty much everything wrong, from the desire for white skin to being a wish to be "Western" (which it isnt of course) to the Western evils of Hello Kitty (which is Asian)."

Gee, now why would they ever get those impressions? Perhaps it's because when one walks into the cosmetics section of any store EVERY women's (and some) men's skin products boast that it "whitens". Then one looks at the models on those products and they ALL look much more white and Western than 99.9% of the Thais we see every day.

Yes but the desire for white skin is not primarily to emulate Westerners. Its to make a statement of not being someone who works in a field all day in the sun. Sun-baked skin is seen as "lower class".

agreed - but it is also to look more JAPANESE - not western.

Methinks too that SOME posters should think hard and long about WHY they don't like the colour pink and how society and upbringing (brainwashing and gender stereotyping?) has brought this about.

I think in tackling a real problem, the site has slipped up by concentrating on why women are associated with pink - not why men are DIS-associated with it..............What about Elvis's Cadillac?

What does the colour mean to you?

Edited by Sherlocke
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