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Why I Moved To Thailand 5 Years Ago And Why I Stay!


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I am just happy to get my hands on a lady 20 years younger than me.

We know they want our money but we don't care.

They accept the deal, we accept the price.

Why is that so hard for some people to understand?

Exactly right. Donald Trump said the same thing about Western women! :)

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but that's exactly the type of philosophy why everyone hates us people from the west! why do old people come east? because a majority of those will not be able to get laid to such pretty girls in their own developed country - ok its not all the reason for coming east but for sure their eyes open up at how cheap and beautiful love can be in this part of the world.

hey - lets go thailand, lets go philippines, the girls need a way out and we need a pretty girl to somehow satisfy our ageing body's. it will cost us money but we accept the deal!

hey - let's go kuwait, lets go iraq, the people need freedom and we need their oil to somehow ensure our future existence. it will cost us money and lives but we accept the deal!

its the same western government philosophy of exploiting other nations resources and it filters down to their citizens doing the same thing.

my gf's sister is dating an old swedish guy 35 years older than her!! the family kept this a secret from me for a whole year. so its not correct to say thai's dont see age in the same way as everyone else. if it was a normal practice why hide it from me??

Just to clarify, you think the older guys are exploiting the girls? Or is it the other way round?

all i am saying is that the poor country girl from Surin would not be able to go to texas or london or stockholm and look for her meal ticket!

so she and all her family gets looked after in exchange for her looking after and having sex with a pensioner? it's hard to say who is exploiting who even if she did make her own way to texas :-)

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all i am saying is that the poor country girl from Surin would not be able to go to texas or london or stockholm and look for her meal ticket!

so she and all her family gets looked after in exchange for her looking after and having sex with a pensioner? it's hard to say who is exploiting who even if she did make her own way to texas :-)

So it's a relationship where both parties are getting out of it what they expected. There is no exploitation happening. So what's the problem?

Even though I am neither old nor in a relationship with a Thai girl the western view on this subject annoys me a bit. It doesn't take much of a leap in understanding to come to terms with the concept and to realise it is not as evil as the western world would have you believe. Not everybody can have a perfect life.

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my gf's sister is dating an old swedish guy 35 years older than her!! the family kept this a secret from me for a whole year. so its not correct to say thai's dont see age in the same way as everyone else. if it was a normal practice why hide it from me??

Thai people rarely seek confrontation. I would suggest your gfs family will be unlikely to tell you anything that would cause such an excessive, angry and strange reaction (only my opinion though).

I am not entirely sure it is me that is exploiting a younger Thai girl, certainly I could not easily back out of my current relationship. My gf has made it quite clear that her father (police officer), her two brothers (police officers) and her other brother (immigration officer) would look unfavourably on any such an action on my part.

Luckily, I am happy with the deal I have, romantic love appears to me, far less important than financial security in Asian countries.

I wonder who your gfs family thinks is the best catch, you or the old Swede, I already have an opinion on that, as I am sure many other TV readers have.

Jai. yen yen.

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so you're 26 years older than your pretty young girlfriend from a poorer country AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE HER MEAL TICKET???


in the developed countries of the west, your partner matches the way you are, in terms of looks and age. how can these old guys with younger girls not think there are other motives other than love? i can see it, my mates can see it, my parents can see it, but these old guys cant see it!! very strange.

anyway, am happy for you, thailand is an awesome place.

the op is merely telling the 5 years of his personal preference and experience in the land of thai, how much oral sex they have at home or in the park is really private, and we actually do not care, whatever age group the couple belong to , love or not is also an individual matter, similarly the lifestyle of yours spending hours on the 10 mbps internet line ranting about internet spped of another cntry

your preference of

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I'm quite sure Mick Jagger doesn't give a hoot when he's with some catwalk model 45 years younger than him, and it's widely accepted by western society that it comes as one of the perks of being a Rock Star or a Movie Star or some Business Millionaire, or even a wealthy gangster.

Nobody in the west bats an eyelid, we accept that these people can use thier massive wealth or notoriety to attract much much younger women, or men for that matter.

So why would Bob the Builder from Bradford, who has an Asian wife maybe only 26 years younger than himself be looked upon in a different light ? :D

Is it because we can associate ourselves with Bob the Builder and are therefore in some way envious of him ?

We certainly cannot associate ourselves with the likes of rock stars or movie stars, we accept that they live in a different world to us, so we just accept it and say good luck to them, we're envious of course, but we still accept it as the rock n' roll lifestyle.

If my daughter came to me and said she would be marrying a Multi Millionaire 26 years older than her, I'd be chuffed to bits and start looking in the new car showroom !! :)

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If my daughter came to me and said she would be marrying a Multi Millionaire 26 years older than her, I'd be chuffed to bits and start looking in the new car showroom !! :)

You sell out! you would be chuffed to bits your daughter turned into a whore? being banged by an old rich guy just so you can drive around in a new car..people like you make me sick and the reason we live in this mixed up world, pretty sad...

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If my daughter came to me and said she would be marrying a Multi Millionaire 26 years older than her, I'd be chuffed to bits and start looking in the new car showroom !! :)

You sell out! you would be chuffed to bits your daughter turned into a whore? being banged by an old rich guy just so you can drive around in a new car..people like you make me sick and the reason we live in this mixed up world, pretty sad...

My last sentence was rather tongue in cheek and unlikely as I don't have a daughter , so your insult rather fails.

Besides, I already have 2 cars ! :D

Nice work though. :D

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If my daughter came to me and said she would be marrying a Multi Millionaire 26 years older than her, I'd be chuffed to bits and start looking in the new car showroom !! :)

You sell out! you would be chuffed to bits your daughter turned into a whore? being banged by an old rich guy just so you can drive around in a new car..people like you make me sick and the reason we live in this mixed up world, pretty sad...

Maigo6 is right again! :D

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I'm quite sure Mick Jagger doesn't give a hoot when he's with some catwalk model 45 years younger than him, and it's widely accepted by western society that it comes as one of the perks of being a Rock Star or a Movie Star or some Business Millionaire, or even a wealthy gangster.

Nobody in the west bats an eyelid, we accept that these people can use thier massive wealth or notoriety to attract much much younger women, or men for that matter.

So why would Bob the Builder from Bradford, who has an Asian wife maybe only 26 years younger than himself be looked upon in a different light ? :D

Is it because we can associate ourselves with Bob the Builder and are therefore in some way envious of him ?

We certainly cannot associate ourselves with the likes of rock stars or movie stars, we accept that they live in a different world to us, so we just accept it and say good luck to them, we're envious of course, but we still accept it as the rock n' roll lifestyle.

If my daughter came to me and said she would be marrying a Multi Millionaire 26 years older than her, I'd be chuffed to bits and start looking in the new car showroom !! :)

Its only 'widely accepted' inso far as people 'accept' that very famous and wealthy people are able to attract gold-diggers. They are however, laughed at and considered a joke (why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who is obviously only with them for their money??). Bob the builder from Bradford is seen in exactly the same way.

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(why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who is obviously only with them for their money??)

Because for some people there is very little in the way of an alternative. Laugh at them and consider them a joke if you will, but you don't know the circumstances and the many events in the many years that have contributed towards that situation. To judge them is very prejudice and narrow minded in my opinion.

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Its only 'widely accepted' inso far as people 'accept' that very famous and wealthy people are able to attract gold-diggers. They are however, laughed at and considered a joke (why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who is obviously only with them for their money??). Bob the builder from Bradford is seen in exactly the same way.

And you think they're worried ? :)

Would you suggest to Mick Jagger that the next time an attractive model makes herself available to him he should decline and ask for her grandmothers number instead ?

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Its only 'widely accepted' inso far as people 'accept' that very famous and wealthy people are able to attract gold-diggers. They are however, laughed at and considered a joke (why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who is obviously only with them for their money??). Bob the builder from Bradford is seen in exactly the same way.

And you think they're worried ? :D

Would you suggest to Mick Jagger that the next time an attractive model makes herself available to him he should decline and ask for her grandmothers number ?

I'm sure you would, wouldn't you, just in case someone you would never know or care to know may laugh at you behind his envious anonimity ? :)

I never said they were worried, just pointed out that its not 'widely accepted' by everyone else in the sense you were implying.

I've no doubt whatsoever that Mick Jagger never considers for one moment (or at least, only does so in his darkest moments) that his g/f doesn't actually love him for himself. :D Everyone else knows better, which is why they laugh at the relationship and consider it a joke. (In exactly the same way Bob the Builder from Bradford is denigrated over his relationship with a far younger Asian woman)

Envy may be a brief twinge, but the vast majority (who have not lost touch with reality) would still prefer a genuine, honest relationship based on love.

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Envy may be a brief twinge, but the vast majority (who have not lost touch with reality) would still prefer a genuine, honest relationship based on love.

So , in Mick Jaggers situation you would choose the grandmother ? :)

Yeah right........so would I... :D

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"My girl is 26 years younger than I, but that age difference goes by each day without either one of us taking notice."

The funniest part of the rose-tinted post. Another, ah, "hansum man." Good on 'er. What we didn't see was the financial arrangement for the not taking notice--outwardly--on her part. But the OP must in fact take notice too, since he doesn't like older women closer to his own age.

..granted..certain parts are omitted..the OP has selective thinking.. delusions become perceptions, then perceptions become "realities", until reality sinks in..and of course we see young muscle bound Farang with Thai women 26 years older all the time, don't we?..and of course "neither one takes notice"..an Alice in Wonderland Fantasia Illusion folks,..step right up to the booth, the next show starts in 15 minutes..called "HELP, my perfect relationship fell apart..advice solicited, but no flames please", version # 42, 888, 669

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but that's exactly the type of philosophy why everyone hates us people from the west! why do old people come east? because a majority of those will not be able to get laid to such pretty girls in their own developed country - ok its not all the reason for coming east but for sure their eyes open up at how cheap and beautiful love can be in this part of the world.

hey - lets go thailand, lets go philippines, the girls need a way out and we need a pretty girl to somehow satisfy our ageing body's. it will cost us money but we accept the deal!

hey - let's go kuwait, lets go iraq, the people need freedom and we need their oil to somehow ensure our future existence. it will cost us money and lives but we accept the deal!

its the same western government philosophy of exploiting other nations resources and it filters down to their citizens doing the same thing.

my gf's sister is dating an old swedish guy 35 years older than her!! the family kept this a secret from me for a whole year. so its not correct to say thai's dont see age in the same way as everyone else. if it was a normal practice why hide it from me??

Just to clarify, you think the older guys are exploiting the girls? Or is it the other way round?

no, its NOT the other way around..as stated, delusions become perceptions, perceptions become realities. BTW..in large part the thai bar girl industry is perpetuated by farang seeking paid for-sexual favours, thus exploiting the bg's, what comes around goes around. signed: tired of slippery sloped arguments that are as hollow as a drum

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I donot agree with the OP about a few things he gives as his reasons for living here but good for him expressing his views. But Lou don't get mad when the knives come out and start carving you are not a newbie on Thaivisa.

If you want freedom where ever you go change the way you think.

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Envy may be a brief twinge, but the vast majority (who have not lost touch with reality) would still prefer a genuine, honest relationship based on love.

So , in Mick Jaggers situation you would choose the grandmother ? :)

Yeah right........so would I... :D

And of course Hugh Hefner, the mansion, the grotto, the smoking jacket,

the original icon of wealth and sophistication paired with youth and beauty,

He literally created the life style, and we'd all love it if we could only pull it off. :D

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Anyways, back to the original post.

What I like here is the fact my gf gets up at daylight to work on the banana plantation (sleeps all afternoon to make up), then when I get up a nice cooked breakfast is put in front of me. All my washing and cooking is done for me (initially I tried doing some housework myself but she sat me down and explained that it was her work and it was an insult if I tried to do it), the house is cleaned every morning. I am allowed to cut the grass and help with the trees.

Back in the UK, I had to work every day then return home to do my share of the housework. My former wife, of course, didn't go out to work and picked constant fault with whatever I did.

I also like the fact that other young girls make passes at me, ask for my phone number, give me lustful looks. Even if it is only because they want money, it's still nice to have, never happened in the UK.

What else .....

My money goes a lot further out here, after losing 80% of my assets to the former wife in the UK, I still have a better lifestyle out here with the remainder. My mortgage out here is less than my council tax was back home. No heating bills, my last winter in the UK I spent about £1000 on heating oil. No insurance bills, hardly any utility bills. The list is endless. Did I forget to mention, it's always warm!

Not to mention English bookshops, English restaurants, English movie channels (when I want them)

The police

Luckily I have never been shaken down by the police (normally they just wave and have a chat, maybe try to cadge a drink). They all know my gf. They all know whose meal ticket I am.

The lawlessness

Well there is a bit of that, I remember one day my gf saw a photo of my 6 year old son. "I would like to have him as my son" she said, "bring him out here". After explaining that my wife had custody she stated "just get him out here, my family will protect you, he will never be returned to the UK" ........ ooooweeer misses ....... that's just a little bit too lawless and slightly scary.


You all forgot to mention Peter Stringfellow and Bill Wyman (and Gary Glitter) all well known for having much younger girlfriends :)

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I live in Thailand and here is my view of the subjects mentio

Thai Massage

I too love Thai massage, especially with the happy endings. It`s worth living in Thailand just for that.

Once we give up our homelands and move to Thailand, then it`s too late to reverse the process. After that it`s either like it or lump it, no other choice.

whats a happY endinG?

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Actually a young woman who marrys an old man, doesn't improver her life and all, what she does is throw away and give up on her dreams of marrying a handsome man and having a family. She doesn't improver her life she throws away any hope for the life she really wanted in exchange for financial security. It might not be some horrible life or tragedy but that's the truth of the matter.

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I don’t have anything against marrying for money, or against marrying / having a relationship with someone younger / older. However, I find it hilarious when the OP says (sorry I find it easier to copy and paste than to use the quote functions):

"In the States it is totally different; your age will automatically eliminate you from having a relationship with a younger woman unless you can provide big dollars."

And then he says:

“Also I think in any country there are reasons why people get together so big deal if it is for money I dont care.

The remaining fact is I dont have a money issue and if my money can make her family happy it makes me happy.

So bottom line is I dont care if I am her meal ticket because she is my ticket to paradise on Earth!”

So basically he contradicts himself and refuses to acknowledge that the difference lies not in the women (Thai vs. Western), but in his dollar power (not enough in the US, but satisfactory in a poor country like Thailand).


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my gf's sister is dating an old swedish guy 35 years older than her!! the family kept this a secret from me for a whole year. so its not correct to say thai's dont see age in the same way as everyone else. if it was a normal practice why hide it from me??

Thai people rarely seek confrontation. I would suggest your gfs family will be unlikely to tell you anything that would cause such an excessive, angry and strange reaction (only my opinion though).

I am not entirely sure it is me that is exploiting a younger Thai girl, certainly I could not easily back out of my current relationship. My gf has made it quite clear that her father (police officer), her two brothers (police officers) and her other brother (immigration officer) would look unfavourably on any such an action on my part.

Luckily, I am happy with the deal I have, romantic love appears to me, far less important than financial security in Asian countries.

I wonder who your gfs family thinks is the best catch, you or the old Swede, I already have an opinion on that, as I am sure many other TV readers have.

Jai. yen yen.

without going into the financial details the family thinks i am the best catch off course, hands down.

when i found out about the sisters bf they were ashamed and my gf even started crying and thought i would end the relationship.

but thats my argument to the gf, i told her i dont mind what her sister does, its her life, but if shes going to do this then at least make some money from it! she hasn't even got a car from this 2 year relationship....but another girl in the village has a fortuner and a pick up in less time from her necrophilia activites. all she has is a cell phone and crappy computer and maybe he sends her 20k baht every 3 months.....whats the point in that??? if you're going to do this then make some money from the farang. take the western philosophy, if you're going to be a social outlier and have someone 100 years older than you as a partner, then as long as ur making money from it and people know you are then its ok. the jaggers and the stringfellows know the deal and pay the cash, but not all of us farangs do. the morals are another issue, but make money 1st!

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I like Thailand but I was also happy back in the USA. Right now I am visiting the Philippines and I'm happy here as well.

Folks that hate/despise their country of origin (unless we are talking a North Korea or similarly oppresive egime) always make me scratch my head. If the USA (or UK, Germany, fill in the blank) is so bad, why are their respective embassys besieged by locals wanting a visa to visit or live there?

Anyway, interesting post. To each his own :)

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Traffic Laws

I like to drive and I like to have an open road which means many times I am driving over the speed limit It’s not driving fast I like, it is just the fact I don’t like to be in traffic, I feel unsafe following cars. Of course this means many speeding tickets in the USA and much money and time going to driving class. I have been driving for over 35 years with no accidents I believe that I drive very safe, fast does not mean reckless.

In Thailand I get stopped many times, my girl will give the cop the equivalent of 3 USD and we are on our way. How nice is that?

I also like to have drinks sometime when I am go out, here you don’t have to worry about a DUI if you get stopped pay your money and go.

By the way did you know it is more dangerous to walk drunk than it is to drive drunk?

During my most recent visit my girl and I got stopped by a real asshol_e cop and he gave me a ticket for not moving over a lane? What kind of bullshit is that 220 USD!? He also threw in a seat belt ticket for 116 USD. Seat belt laws how foolish to make people wear seat belts, I can drive my motorcycle without a helmet in Florida but if I am surrounded by 5000 lbs of metal I have to wear a seat belt.

How about all those kids riding school buses, where are those seat belts? It is just another way for communities to raise money it has nothing to do with anyone watching out for you. Watch out for yourself and your family. I don’t need the government interfering in my personal life and preferences!

It is more dangerous to drive in Thailand that is for sure, so it becomes important to take safety measures while on the road. The most important being whenever possible DO NOT DRIVE AT NIGHT Thai’s feel as though driving with lights on is optional!

No I did not know that it is more dangerous to walk drunk than to drive drunk, niether do I believe it. Please show us the evidence, I think it may come down a case of "lies, dam_n lies and statistics"

Foolish laws like compulsory seat belt wearing, random breath testing, red light and speed cameras, lower speed limits, have halved the road toll in many western countries in the last thirty years. The USA, because of the reluctance to interfere with freedom of choice, or maybe a higher disregard of road safety laws, has lagged even Thailand figures below are taken fom an Australian goverment publication entitled road deaths (OECD) per 100,000 pop...1990-2007 these are some of the countries:

Country 1990 2007

UK 9.4 5.0

Netherlands 9.2 4.3

Switzerland 13.9 5.1

Australia 13.7 6.3

USA 17.9 13.6

OECD med. 13.9 7.8

I couldn't find figures covering the same period for Thailand, but 1995 was 28/100,000 and 2002 was 20.9 per 100,000. Very high, but even that is a better rate of decline than the USA.

I think many of us found it a pain in the arse when we first had to belt up/count drinks/slow down, but we got used to it and thousands of families have escaped the grief of losing a loved one. A small price to pay, lets hope things change for the better in both Thailand and the USA, it really is easy, most countries have already done it.

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