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Converting To Thai License


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ive got international permit, and actual licence so i dont need to take any written test right?

i heard somewhere that i cant convert becasue im on tourist visa. am i right on this?

some ppl i know r driving without licence, and some got car licence but riding bikes...

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Basically yes to all three question. But you will need a certificate of residence from Immigration for license. If they will issue that then you might get a Thai driving license, depends on their mood.

So, what conditions should be met to qualify for a certificate of residence?

I have a home, which I reside in when visiting LOS, but I always enter as 30 day tourist.

I too would like to obtain (legally) Thai driving license, if only to cut-down on the amount of tea-money to the BIBs.

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Basically yes to all three question. But you will need a certificate of residence from Immigration for license. If they will issue that then you might get a Thai driving license, depends on their mood.

So, what conditions should be met to qualify for a certificate of residence?

I have a home, which I reside in when visiting LOS, but I always enter as 30 day tourist.

I too would like to obtain (legally) Thai driving license, if only to cut-down on the amount of tea-money to the BIBs.

First thing a would do is go to the driver license department on the Hangdong Rd next to Big C , 2nd floor window 2 and ask, good English. If they say yes then the owner of the house with their documents, title, ID, House book can vouch for you at Immigration for the letter, If Immigration will issue it on a 30 permission to stay. (Maybe) You do not have a visa per say you only have a 30 day permission to stay. A Tourist Visa is obtained outside of Thailand and paid for. If you had a Tourist visa you might get the License.

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i know this dude whos been living here for like 10 years and he owns a bike and a car, yet no license. :D

hes also with tourist police so i think theres some will let u go thing happening between friends n stuuf?

Sounds like the TP inspector needs to run a licence check on all his volunteers that drive :)

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Basically yes to all three question. But you will need a certificate of residence from Immigration for license. If they will issue that then you might get a Thai driving license, depends on their mood.

So, what conditions should be met to qualify for a certificate of residence?

I have a home, which I reside in when visiting LOS, but I always enter as 30 day tourist.

I too would like to obtain (legally) Thai driving license, if only to cut-down on the amount of tea-money to the BIBs.

First thing a would do is go to the driver license department on the Hangdong Rd next to Big C , 2nd floor window 2 and ask, good English. If they say yes then the owner of the house with their documents, title, ID, House book can vouch for you at Immigration for the letter, If Immigration will issue it on a 30 permission to stay. (Maybe) You do not have a visa per say you only have a 30 day permission to stay. A Tourist Visa is obtained outside of Thailand and paid for. If you had a Tourist visa you might get the License.

I didn't think you could get a licence with a tourist visa. I thought the rule was a non-imm visa of some kind before you could get a licence.

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By law you can not get a Thai license on a tourist visa but as was stated earlier it might depend on their mood. By law you need a work permit or a retirement visa, certificate of residence, medical certificate and house papers. International license doesn't mean much but if you have a VALID US or UK license you can use it to get a Thai license but you might have to take the eye test again depending on the mood of the interviewer. If your foreign license is valid for car you get the same. If it is also good for motorcycles you can get a second license for that. Good luck!

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Another thing to consider- if involved in an accident where there is an injury or death, and you don't have a proper license....you are most probably going to be judged the guilty party, regardless of the facts of the case; cause of the accident.

A very compelling reason to have a Thai driver license, IMHO.

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<deleted> is certificate of residence... i live in an apartment atm.. so do i go beg the immigration to write me some statement that i live here etc?

by meaning mood, prolly i have to go hard meaning present alll the documents beforehand i reckon.

i just dont wanna take thai written exam,its all multi choice right? but heard its pretty hard with many different rules... such questions involve i think is like whats the distance u need to keep from like a long object being hanging out from the front vehicle.. 20m, 25m, 30m ... lol ffffs

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<deleted> is certificate of residence... i live in an apartment atm.. so do i go beg the immigration to write me some statement that i live here etc?

by meaning mood, prolly i have to go hard meaning present alll the documents beforehand i reckon.

i just dont wanna take thai written exam,its all multi choice right? but heard its pretty hard with many different rules... such questions involve i think is like whats the distance u need to keep from like a long object being hanging out from the front vehicle.. 20m, 25m, 30m ... lol ffffs

At the time I went for my one year license I had both a valid California and International driver's license. I still had to take the written test, braking response test, peripheral vision test, etc. The written test (well actually it's multiple choice on a computer), is very easy in my opinion. I scored 95%.

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<deleted> is certificate of residence... i live in an apartment atm.. so do i go beg the immigration to write me some statement that i live here etc?

by meaning mood, prolly i have to go hard meaning present alll the documents beforehand i reckon.

The dept. of Immigration will issue you a certificate of residence on production of your passport and your lease agreement for the apartment. All originals and copies to be provided and the fee of 500 Baht

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When I applied for my first license i was hear on a 60-30 Tourist Visa. Used my Nevada driver license (no international). Received certificate of residency at Immigration, free at that time, obtained medical certificate with passport and went to the office on Hang Dong Rd. No written test,just eyes and reaction test. Cost 100 baht.

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You need a Visa to get a certificate of residence.

Immigration will not give you a certificate of residence on 30 day entry permit, this is not a Visa.

Immigration may not give you a certificate of residence on a 30 day Tourist Visa, but will under certain conditions.

Certificate of residence 500bht

Driving Medical at any hospital 100bht

Car Licence 180bht

M/C Licence 180bht

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lol i can see why ppl can be bothered getting thai licence...

i just been to immigration and theres heaps of ppl.... man i reckon theres some rich retired, etc folks out there, but i could feel the tight tension in that place... also thais working there seems to enjoy us forigners hardend out. aww....

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Written test is really no problem. I took it last year and failed on first atttempt. It then tells you the correct answers and you can retake immediately.

I had to take all of the tests, including motorcycle driving test, because I wanted motorcycle and car licenses and did not have motorcycle before.

Only problem I saw was the long waiting perods between steps. My advice, go early and take a book.

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I got a TDL about three months ago. Had an International Drivers License and a copy of my U.S. drivers license, having lost the original license. Didn't have to take the written test, just the eye exam, at the office.

I did everything in one day, but I got a really early start.

1. Manager of condo building brought up a form letter on his computer saying I lived there, input my name and dates of residence, printed it out and put a few official looking stamps on it for good measure.

2. Swung by CM Ram on my way to Immigration and got the "Health Certificate" which verified that I'm still alive and not color blind.

3. Hung out at Immigration for an hour, presented my lease agreement and official-looking letter from the condo manager and got the certificate of residence. Probably helps that I'm here on an O-A retirement visa.

4. Had lunch at the restaurant that's part of the copy shop at immigration. The food was good, cheap and the water was free.

5. Flagged down a tuk-tuk and attempted to explain the location of the drivers license office in using my best Thai with my flawless American accent. He got close and expected me to know exactly where it was. (I didn't) I don't think Thai was his first language. Finally, he stopped a Thai passerby and all I had to say was "bai khap kii" and the passerby pointed and looked at the tuk-tuk driver like he was crazy for not knowing where the office was located. This step was the most time-consuming and nerve racking of the entire process.

6. Trotted into the drivers license office, took the little color blindness test (again) failed the braking reaction test a couple of times, but they let me keep trying and finally I got it right or they got bored. They took my photo and produced a nifty-looking license, complete with a couple of little pandas in the lower right corner. (That's unique to Chiang Mai province, my Thai language teacher tells me)

7. No sign of the returning tuk-tuk driver but I saw song thaews entering the parking lot and the drivers coming into the building to take care of licensing business for themselves. I nabbed one as he entered the parking lot and waited about 20 minutes while he finished his business and returned me to Kad Suan Kaew for just the normal 20 baht fare.

I can't remember the exact cost, but I left home that day with a wad of 20s and 100s that were depleted when I got home.

Do I plan to drive in Chiang Mai? Heck no. I just wanted the spiffy-looking license and low-cost entry it would grant me to parks, the zoo, etc. Besides, my International Drivers License was about to expire and I'd lost my Michigan license and didn't want to try to get another one when I no longer maintain an address in that state. It's my understanding that I can rent cars in the U.S. (if I ever return) using my Thai license. It certainly has a nice, official look to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
By law you can not get a Thai license on a tourist visa but as was stated earlier it might depend on their mood. By law you need a work permit or a retirement visa, certificate of residence, medical certificate and house papers. International license doesn't mean much but if you have a VALID US or UK license you can use it to get a Thai license but you might have to take the eye test again depending on the mood of the interviewer. If your foreign license is valid for car you get the same. If it is also good for motorcycles you can get a second license for that. Good luck!

I have seen on some fairly authoritive sites that you may be able to get a one year licence on a Tourist visa but you will need the letter from the embassy as proof of residence as it is unlikely immigration will provide one for a tourist. You cannot get a 5 years licence even if you have held a one year. This is not definite.

Edited by harrry
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