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Christmas Is Coming And Here’s Your Chance To Make A Real Difference To Daily Life In Pattaya.


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To celebrate the festive season, all Thai visa members are invited to submit ONE new bi-law Pattaya City Hall which will be of enormous benefit to the local community

The legend that is Mobi, has been officially requested to kick the campaign off.

So here is my humble offering:

1. Effective immediately, no ladies within the Pattaya city limits are permitted to wear shorts under their mini dresses or miniskirts. The only attire permitted to be worn under said garments are knickers, (the briefer the better), or nothing at all.

This bi law will be of great benefit to the entire male population of Pattaya, and in particular, the dirty old men, (for whom the esteemed Mobi is their chief spokesman). It will rectify this fast growing and abhorrent "modesty' habit , that prevents lechers from enjoying the most beautiful legs in the world in a manner that miniskirts and mini dresses that were intended to do, to say nothing of the shocks and disappointments experienced by many of us when little breezes catches hold of miniskirt hems and we wait with baited breath to see the treasure beyond, only to have our hopes and expectations dashed by the unwelcome sight of the ubiquitous denim shorts, barring our way.

So come on folks, here's your chance to make a real difference to your city. Remember only ONE bi law per person, and keep them light hearted. :D

(And as it is the festive season, spare a little thought for the less advantaged amongst us – particularly the impoverished and deprived kids in orphanages and living in the streets, or in slums, many of them having suffered terribly from sexual abuse. A brief Google will reveal many worthy local causes for you to direct your largess. Thank you and Merry Christmas. :) )

Edited by Mobi
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No Thai females are allowed to drive a car unless they have passed an international standard driving test and know how to use the gas pedal.. :)

No Thai Person to drive any vehicle unless they have passed a driving test (to an international acceptable standard) and can define the difference between left and right.

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:) I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

Edited by jaapfries
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:D I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

A little abusive Jaapfries , but I agree with your sentiments. :) I didn't think that this was that sort of forum, but clearly some would wish to drag it down to those levels.

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:D I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

Wow..... I meant every word I said. I would never jest on such a serious matter :D

But seriously though, it must be extrememly difficult for the so called "ladies of pattaya" , living and working as they do in one the the biggest whore houses in the world, to go through the day and not have to put up with "demeaning & derogatory crap"

Not that I was demeaning them in anyway whatsoever - I am simply admiring their attributes, and if you don't, you are either gay or a liar..

I'd rather be an honest "dirty old man" any day of the week that a hypocritical old fart who is in denial about the nature of the place where he lives (or stays), has no sense of humour, and goes about flaming people on Thai Visa in some kind of moral crusade , and with a 'holier than thou' zeal.

BTW, why would i need to sweat over a PC when I can walk out of my front door and see the real thing, 24/7? (If only they wouldn't keep wearing those dam_n shorts!! :) )

Put a few of your hard earned stangs into one of the children's begging bowls, get a life and enjoy your Christmas.

Peace be with you my misguided friend :D

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A. All women in Pattaya (Thai and Foreign) should be limited to cooking, cleaning and providing services to the hard working male population.

B. Driving may be permitted only under the supervision of a qualified male passenger.

C. No busybodies should ever read any materials that may offend their sensitive nature.

D. Have a Merry Christmas

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:) I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

I think a bloke with those sort of moralistic and narrow minded thoughts should relocate to the politically correct Western World where girlie calendar int he work place are banned and normal working guys can't share a joke in case some uptight lezza gets offended..

Sorry to say Asia has changed in the last 20 years... All the uptight PC litigation and moral minded straights that I came here to escape have now discovered my easy going slice of the World.. Worse they seem obligated to change it to suit their idea of what is acceptable.. Get over it .. This is Asia.. Men are still in charge and un-emasculated.. It's okay to find slim attractive girls sexy and acceptable for me to fantasize about it.. While I don't condone guys making unwanted advances on girls (whatever their work maybe) There is nothing wrong with a little male humour... Up to me I'd ban underware for girls between 18 and 25 completely... But hey that's just me :D

Never ceases to amaze me the ammount of peole who come to Pattaya fully aware it is one of the sex centers of Asia.. and then complain about the fact that other visitors/residents here are often very interested in sex.. I'm not homophobic, but I'd rather not see guys holding hands... ergo I don't go to Boyztown.. I don't complain about guys that do either..

Anyhow .. lighten up it's Xmas :D

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:D I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

A little abusive Jaapfries , but I agree with your sentiments. :) I didn't think that this was that sort of forum, but clearly some would wish to drag it down to those levels.

I think uptight little farts like you two should go out and get a life, no cancel that you'd only waste it.

My bylaw.

No motorcycle capable of speeds in excess of 30 kph allowed on the streets of the city.

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:) I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

You claim to be in Pattaya. Why? What are you doing in this place? Preaching your moral standards to people with different values and opinions than yourself? What Mobi said in a lighthearted manner was in no way disrespectful to the ladies. If you cannot see that, and clearly you can't, then please refrain from posting such pompous, uptight crap! And he did not judge any characters! Which, however, is just what you are doing.

I thought about recommending you to try and find a nice lady to make you feel better but at second thought realize it would be to no avail. They would not put up with you for five minutes. So can you just go and hide in a chapel or temple for your holy, wholesome and healthy christmas, please. So no boardmembers will risk facing you during their degenerative celebrations of christmas.

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I'm going to break my own rule

here's another bi-law:

Immediately following the festive period, all grumpy old men (as opposed to "dirty old men") who have their noses so far up their own arsholes that they do not even understand the nature of the place where they are living, should be reported to immigration and immediately have their visas revoked, on the basis that they are giving all us "dirty old men" a bad name.

Happy New Year's leching to you all... my fellow Pattayans.... and may your declining years be ever brightened by the never ending sight of beautiful ladies. :)

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they are going to have to were nickers of some sort,theyll be mess everywere,, pmsl, enjoy it all boys, my wife wont let me go,,lol, happy new year to all, and christmas, jake, 49,, when do i become a dirty old man? and i live in thailand

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:) I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

Even politically correct, hypocritical politicians, need a winter break .Maybe Jaapfries is here on a cultural visit and misses lording it over us mere mortals. Tough, only one by law. Gotta be- Lady boys must wear a badge denoting 'em as geezers in dresses.Hopefully this will stop my mates accidental sleeping with em! If any ones interested, I belong to a well known International charity organisation.We have a drive on at the moment to sponsor underprivileged children and OAP'S in Thailand.100% of all donations reach the child or Oap.Merry Christmas or would Jaapfries prefer Happy Holidays!

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:D I guess I don't fall into this category of "Dirty-Old-Men", because I find this 'initiative' (fun intended or not) in very bad taste.

Don't you think that the 'ladies in Pattaya' have to put up with more than enough demeaning & derogatory crap from the likes of you ? ?

I suggest you (and those inferior "men" like you) go back to your sleezy & humid little PC's and keep on watching those infantile "Up-Skirt-Flicks" or whatever you call these degenerate things and leave the rest of us to think of X-mas in a more wholesome and healthy manner !

Oh; and if your response would be "Just Kidding"; let me tell you Mr. Moby; this says a helluva lot more about YOU than about the ladies of Pattaya whose characters you so easily judge. What's more, Mr. Moby - this makes you the Dick ! ! :D

A little abusive Jaapfries , but I agree with your sentiments. :) I didn't think that this was that sort of forum, but clearly some would wish to drag it down to those levels.

I think uptight little farts like you two should go out and get a life, no cancel that you'd only waste it.

I strongly concur.

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