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Farang girls in thailand with partners?


Farang girls in thailand with partners?  

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I've noticed the size of my children generally corresponds to their wealth

I agree with your hypothesis, and I don't know why it is. Maybe those children grow sleeker as they get older, but I have noticed the same thing myself.

Having said all that, I don't want people going around thinking I am well paid or anything, so I shall have to retract that stuff about looking biggish and say some Thais reckon I am looking SLIM.

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I am interested to know where that was written supersuck!

You are really showing your true colors. Continue mi hermano.

Your tripe of flaming all of the male members do you remember -"Visited the other topics on this site, but most are bar-hounds swapping stories about how they will contribute to spreading diseases and contracting them. "

I am interested to know where that was written supersuck!

still waiting - or maybe you were just saying all that to "shine" amongst all us Aids spreading degenerates......

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Ladies, I've found an effective way of dealing with the Erco's on this site, I shall just continue to edit their posts until they go away.

People, I'll say it again, this is a section for farang women living in thailand,, men & non expats are welcome to post provided that they show a level of decorum.

Flames from sad geezers who really think that their "stunning looks & personality" is the reason that so many thai ladies down at Nana or whatever choice estableshment they choose to drink at want to be with them, is up to them, but please spout the crap elsewhere.

You don't like farang women, we get it, but please, stop crying like a bunch of katoeys that have run out of max factor & go somewhere else to whinge about it.


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Bravo Boo! loved the line about the katoeys running out of max factor! :o

Too bad there wasn't some way to edit their personalities too, like delete the hostile b.s. and add a little humility and compassion. But then, what am I thinking of? It's the Christmas season, compassion?? Silly me!

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hello ladies

i read this whole thread with a huge smile on my face, enjoying everything you've all got to say about being in thailand and relationships with thai men.

i've been here 3 years and have a thai boyfriend, too. he's lovely lovely as can be....and has recently proposed. eek!!

i'm considering it, but am nervous about the whole commitment thing. also, i don't know anything about the legal sides of marriage in thailand......i know my thai female friends have had some really hard times and no get-out options....what is the legal situation for women married to thais???

this sound really pessimistic, sorry!! but there seem to be some women on here who have a lot of experience and are getting on really well here, so i'd love to pick your brains..

thank you!

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All of you should wake up from the dream world to the real world.This is fake! Everyone starts talking nonsense and trying to make themselves better than others.All is about money,for instance; " my husband comes from a very well-to-do family" ( who cares??) or what is the matter with you about Thai lady boys.Please stop insulting people and thinking before speak out!

Sigur ros

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The Gentleman, my previous post was in no way aimed at you, it was a response to the 2 posts that have I since deleted, slamming us girls once again, you my dear Gentleman, have been nothing but sweet & complimentary to us farang girls, so are more than welcome to post more of the good stuff B) Can't say supersurch feels tha same way abt you though!!! :o

Sigur ros, I think the post you are referring to was aimed at making a point to the people who's posts I have deleted & my comment abt ladyboys was not intended to offend, I love ladyboys, but was meant as a funny quip :D

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Boo,I got you but sometime you made fun on people that I don't think that they would be happy with.Ladyboys aren't " JOKER " who can make you laugh.I'm not better than others but I always speak carefully on what might hurt the others feeling.This forum,my opinion,should be the place to exchange good ideas, new knowledges etc. in order to provide the helpful information to people.I don't think it's the place for insulting or making themselves superior than others.That is too shallow.


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The Gentleman, my previous post was in no way aimed at you, it was a response to the 2 posts that have I since deleted, slamming us girls once again, you my dear Gentleman, have been nothing but sweet & complimentary to us farang girls, so are more than welcome to post more of the good stuff B) Can't say supersurch feels tha same way abt you though!!! :o

:D Thanks Boo

Just a quick note re supersurch.

I get sick and tired of men slamming other men with made up dribble to suck up to the other women, I wish supersuck would realise that it is a VERY good chance that he will never meet anyone here in this forum as we are nearly all expats that are with someone............. so why bash every male poster with this kinda crap....


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I wish supersuck would realise that it is a VERY good chance that he will never meet anyone here in this forum as we are nearly all expats that are with someone

Good lord, how elitist that sounds, but my interpretation could be wrong. For the record: As much as I enjoy posting on this site and reading them, I prefer my anonymity. :o


If you associate yourself with "every" male poster, then you belong in that group. Re-read my posts. Never said "every". This is the same secenario with the "Saddam" posts. You have a habit of not processing the information, before you get happy fingers. I never said I am a "Bush" supporter and never said "every" male posters here are bar-hounds. And I won't justify my posts to you, because frankly, I could care less if you exist or not. As far as I know (this means my opinion), you are non-existent. Interpret that however you want, but you are NON-EXISTENT. Think about it.

This site is great for sharing information and every once in awhile debate on a sensitive topic. It seems (this means my opinion) like you have taken another step forward by actually incorporating youself into this forum as if you were actually here physically. Snap out of it, man. This is an internet web site! If you are actually offended by what someone has written in here, then you are every bit what they say. A little jab here or there is fun, but are you actually offended?

Click your heels three times and say "there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home". Gentleman, you're not in Kansas any more.

I will lay down my arms (first for an American, huh?). My jousting with you is over. Thank you and have a happy holidays.


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Gentleman wrote:

Excuse me for crossing over into your world for a minute. I really enjoy reading your posts, they are usually very informative.

Being the gentleman I am, I would like to wish all you beautiful Ladies a very Merry Christmas!>>>>>>>>> and a happy new year

suck up to the other women

Sucking up to women is not such a bad thing, is it Gentleman?

...And ladies, pardon the interuption on your forum. I consider every women, whether large or small, light or dark, and sophiscated or not as smart to be the most beautiful living thing ever created. Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year. Chok-dee, krup.

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Gentleman wrote:
Excuse me for crossing over into your world for a minute. I really enjoy reading your posts, they are usually very informative.

Being the gentleman I am, I would like to wish all you beautiful Ladies a very Merry Christmas!>>>>>>>>> and a happy new year

suck up to the other women
Sucking up to women is not such a bad thing, is it Gentleman?

...And ladies, pardon the interuption on your forum. I consider every women, whether large or small, light or dark, and sophiscated or not as smart to be the most beautiful living thing ever created. Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year. Chok-dee, krup.

I always said I was suck mate, I just said you were a bigger one :D

I dont find our posts to each other serious at all - Im just trying to be a bigger suck! - I am not embedded in the thread - you know give an inch...................

Merry Christmas to you Supersuck :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, I'm new to the list and this is the first time writing (although I read the posts regularly).

Moscow5's posting kind of mirrors my current situation. I just returned to Canada from another trip to Thailand but with a seriously broken heart because I could not believe that I was leaving my new Thai boyfriend (from a small northeastern town). I am returning in April to see him again. He is so kind, considerate, and the sex was awesome too. It's all part of it.

Anyway, I appreciated reading comments regarding contents of emails as he writes very deeply from his heart (or more exactly, someone translates his Thai into an English email for me) and his expressed love for me and desire for us to have a home built on his family's farmland, made me so happy (but then my mother says "he could be just messing with you" what?? don't get me all confused when I am in love mother!!). I would have stayed forever with him but alas, I had to return to the west to get back to ye'old law office and put in my time. But April is nearing, I keep reminding myself.

My mother (who is also my friend) is extremely skeptical about the whole thing saying that they like me cuz they think I am rich (I'm not, and his family is not poor by any means) and that they are only trying to sweet talk me into going back to them cuz they want something from me (like what, I don't know but then again love could have blinded me). Any thoughts on this one?

Since I left I have been continually pondering leaving my job and home in Canada and moving to where my heart was finally happy. What are the chances of a farang girl landing some work in Thailand (I've got a legal background)? But any work whatsoever.

Ok, enough, this could go on for pages. Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi Sassie and welcome.

Sounds like you're in a predicament - do you follow your heart or your (mum's) head?

The hopeless romantic in me would say, "drop everything and go for it - after all you only live once and nothing ventured, nothing gained". The responsible, logical me would say, "try to get to know him better before making any serious decisions". I've been in a similar situation (except I wouldn't have said I was head over heels :D ), spoke every day on the phone with my ex until I returned - which turned out to be a complete nightmare! See how you go in April and if you still feel the same than make the move. Wish you all the best and actually think it's beautiful that you'd sacrifice so much for love :o

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Hi Sassie, I am one of those who would say 'do as I say, not as I do'. I met my hubbie 15 years ago and did drop everything, 9 months later we were married. But and this is a very large BUT an Australian woman I met vouched for him, I probably would not have gotten so serious if she hadn't told me that she had known him for 3 years and that he was a really good guy. I always say I got lucky, I did get a good one. More often than not the girls who end up with Thai guys end up with heartbreak. The nice guys generally aren't too interested in farang girls for the same as reason as with the nice Thai girls, public opinion generally rates them as either gigolos or prostitutes whether its true or not.

So, I would agree with your mom on this one, having seen more relationships break up than survive, give it time. If things still seem good when you come back then give it a shot, but don't give up everything at home just yet.

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Thanks Nat and sbk for your thoughts. I go over this so much in my head (and in heated discussions with mother) that it is refreshing to have an "outside" view. I met his mom (but not him) and another couple the previous year and returned to visit them in December (as well as more northeastern touring). Have flirted and drank with lots of Thai guys (no sex) but never felt what I felt this time (heck not even in Canada). Knowing his shyness (and his culture), I was surprised at gestures as simple as holding my hand in public when we were out and about (mother would of course retort that he just likes showing off the blonde haired girl, maybe yes, maybe no).

Living with his family for a bit (they said nothing about our being together other than "char char, slow, slow. you shouldn't buy her a ring already, wait"), I came in tune with a part of me that was happy, relaxed and feeling peaceful.

Ah, but alas, I've no choice but to wait until April (darn my work obligations!) and see where this all goes. Experience tells me that I would be very happy waking up with the chickens and the dogs in our new house on the farmland. Never know whether I am dreaming, irresponsible or just plain crazy (in love) some days. Suppose time will tell.

Thanks for letting me share.


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You say you ''know'' his culture, but I would be careful about assuming so much. It takes a long time to get to understand Thai ways, and with them your man.

Thais are accepting. I am not surprised his family takes a laid-back stance, nor am I surprised they urge you to wait. They know him better than you (which is not to say anything bad).

You have more to lose in that you are a trained lawyer and have already sacrificed many years of your life to educate yourself and get into law. You might end up with work here but you don't seem too worried about that anyway. You have told yourself you'll be happy waking up on a farm every day.

I don't believe that. If you're a lawyer than you have an active mind and you are smart. A farm and a man (no matter how beautiful) are just not going to do it. Many westerners (more often men) try it. They might indeed lead happy lives here but in my view they leave themselves too much exposed to what life may throw them.

After spending several years here it may not be so easy to get back into law, or at least find a job you want in the West. Your expectations change when you go to the West from here, and vice versa.

I wish you'd found this place (and your man) later in life. I wish I had too. This place can be addictive. I wonder if I will ever manage to leave. I am talented at what I do yet my job does not challenge me nor offer me any opportunities to stretch myself. In a career sense, I am just wasting time. I work for the privilege of living here.

I didn't see much of my brothers and sisters when they were growing up. In my absence, they have just had or are having children. I won't get to see them bringing their kids up either. My parents are getting older, and I seldom see them.

You pay a price to live here. I think you should consider such things before you toss your life away.

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Anyway, all I can do is wait until April and see what is what.

Sorry, I should have said that I am not a lawyer (in terms of tossing away my education) but a trademark agent/legal assistant (and not as young as someone may think). Still, you are right, there are lots of things to consider. I am having a challenge between my heart and my head. But I have not exposed some personal aspects of who I am in my writing; aspects of which play a part in my decision making but make it difficult for others to respond in that they do not really know who i am. Sorry about that.

As for "knowing his culture", yep i should've bit my tongue on that one. Ouch! Bad Sassie, I say, what your tongue, your not gonna have one if you keep biting it!

Just the Sassie head/heart challenge. Thanks for any and all input.


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