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Is This Asus Laptop A Good Deal?


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I've found a laptop that I think is a good deal. If someone who knows about computers could tell me if this is a good deal I'd really appreciate it. I'll even buy you a pint next time I see you out.

Here it is: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/175974

I just need it to be fairly fast and efficient for work. No fancy graphics or anything needed.

My price range is 350-500 pounds (19000 - 27000 baht).

Any input, even a "yes" or "no" would be great. Alternative suggestions in that price range would also be good.



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I concur- sweet deal and a sweet computer. I'm a fan of ASUS - been using their motherboards for a long time, and my current laprop is from them. It has been trouble free and hasn't missed abeat in 18 months.

DO enquire about a two year international warranty... mine has it, as I believe all ASUS laptops do.

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No it's not.. Of course if you treat your Windows installation as poorly as many people do it will become slower, but so will XP and Vista.

Just don't install every single program you find and forget to uninstall them again.

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No it's not.. Of course if you treat your Windows installation as poorly as many people do it will become slower, but so will XP and Vista.

Just don't install every single program you find and forget to uninstall them again.

Well if you mean that installing Incredimail and an antivirus program is "treating it poorly" then I fully agree. I also agree that XP and Vista have exactly the same problem.


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  • 3 weeks later...

i am thinking about to buy a sony vaio cw series for my girlfriend.

does anyone have experiences with that series? i heared that the display is not that stabile and its quiet expensive to fix if its broken then.

it will come with windows 7

4 gb ram

centrino 2 - 2.5 ghz

320 gb hard disk

14 "

for aorund 27.000 THB

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i am thinking about to buy a sony vaio cw series for my girlfriend.

You must not care for her very much if you are going to get her one of those expensive / unreliable pieces of crap.

Buy an ASUS product instead.

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