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A Historical Analysis Of Why Thailand Likes America


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Caf - William L.Shirer was a journalist not a historian, there is a big difference. I am not sure how historians would regard his work, but I guess it wouldn't be too favourable.

William Shirer never wrote anything about Thailand neither did Allenbrooke. I can't understand why anyone would mention them in a discussion about Thailand.

I take off my hat to anyone who has read all of Shirer and Allenbrooke. By saying they never wrote about Thailand you imply that you have.

I have read a lot of Shirer, not all. I have read a great deal of Allenbrooke, and others.

Thailand and other SEA was obviously important for Allenbrooke. I have mentioned previously what his role was.

I do not have access to Allenbrooke here in Thailand but Trevor-Roper quoted Allenbrooke's writing on Thailand. I give his summary of some of Allenbrooke's very detailed observations ( which involved Thailand both during and after the war ) below.

""In the talks at Cairo Chiang Kai-shek demanded vast reinforcements in SEA. In Allenbrooke's opinion Chiang had no contribution to make toward the defeat of Germany. He failed to understand why the Americans attached so much importance to Chiang."

Instead of comments like "William Shirer never wrote anything about Thailand neither did Allenbrooke. I can't understand why anyone would mention them in a discussion about Thailand." why don't you read the sources, form an opinion, then post. If after reading them, you had a different opinion from me, fine. I'm open to reasonable comments and arguments. Debate the issues, Chiangmaikelly, don't shoot the messengers.

Trevor Roper made many ennemies but there was always respect for opinions amongst historians. Disagreement and respect can go together ( and not only in historical discussions )


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I dont know that the Thai’s especially like America or if they do it is for the reasons you stated - however that was a very informing writeup. Especially the parts about the French war (didn’t know that happened) and that the King is an American (wow!).

DengenFarang, Unless you are Stephen Hawkings, in which case I might understand it, your bizarre font would give a more sensitive type an epileptic fit.

Strange font indeed but maybe sent from an iPod or iTouch ?

I noticed the same with the new playmobile from my wife :)


you guys have way too much time on your hands I think. Strange font? hel_l, it's clear, lacks serif, and is easy to read. Ever seen papyrus? or copperplate? Maybe like the mention of nazi's when talk turns to fonts, stick a fork in it, the topic is done :D

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Caf - William L.Shirer was a journalist not a historian, there is a big difference. I am not sure how historians would regard his work, but I guess it wouldn't be too favourable.

William Shirer never wrote anything about Thailand neither did Allenbrooke. I can't understand why anyone would mention them in a discussion about Thailand.

I take off my hat to anyone who has read all of Shirer and Allenbrooke. By saying they never wrote about Thailand you imply that you have.

I have read a lot of Shirer, not all. I have read a great deal of Allenbrooke, and others.

Thailand and other SEA was obviously important for Allenbrooke. I have mentioned previously what his role was.

I do not have access to Allenbrooke here in Thailand but Trevor-Roper quoted Allenbrooke's writing on Thailand. I give his summary of some of Allenbrooke's very detailed observations ( which involved Thailand both during and after the war ) below.

""In the talks at Cairo Chiang Kai-shek demanded vast reinforcements in SEA. In Allenbrooke's opinion Chiang had no contribution to make toward the defeat of Germany. He failed to understand why the Americans attached so much importance to Chiang."

Instead of comments like "William Shirer never wrote anything about Thailand neither did Allenbrooke. I can't understand why anyone would mention them in a discussion about Thailand." why don't you read the sources, form an opinion, then post. If after reading them, you had a different opinion from me, fine. I'm open to reasonable comments and arguments. Debate the issues, Chiangmaikelly, don't shoot the messengers.

Trevor Roper made many ennemies but there was always respect for opinions amongst historians. Disagreement and respect can go together ( and not only in historical discussions )


I like the writings of Shirer that's why I read "The rise and fall of the Third Reich". I would like to read anything he wrote about wartime or post war Thailand and the same is true of Allenbrooke. The problem is neither man wrote about Thailand.

If I am wrong I will be more than happy to admit I am wrong and go and read what they wrote and in addition I will write on the black board "Shirer and Allenbrooke wrote about WW II and Thailand 100 times." Honest I will.

But if you don't know of any instances where either man wrote specifically about WW II and the topic of this thread in some way I suggest you need to go to the black board and write, "I was shooting my mouth off without ever reading anything written by Shirer or Allenbrooke about Thailand."

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A Historical Analysis Of Why Thailand Likes America

To the OP Chiangmaikelly:

I kindly suggest you to have this large blind world map* printed on a large scale; glue it onto a large piece of hardboard/wood; nail a wooden pole onto it and allow yourself to have a good laugh with some friends on a lazy Saturday afternoon near the entrance of a market; an early morning is also all right of course.

Print a sign on your printer on A4 format saying in Thai: !!! WIN Baht 100 !!!

Than: ask one of your friends to take a megaphone and have his gf shout in the megaphone:

post-13995-1262740657_thumb.png !!! WIN Baht 100 !!!...........!!! WIN Baht 100 !!!

Curious Thai will show up by the hundreds and you tell them if he/she can point where America is on that blind map I pay you Baht 100 BUT............. if you miss it, YOU pay me Baht 100.

post-13995-1262740780_thumb.png large blind world map

Guess who will go home, his pockets full ?

That's how much Thai like America ............the majority doesn't even know where America is on the world map and I'll bet that 30-40% will not even be able to point where Thailand is, probably more.

But, don't worry; the masses in any given country won't know where they're going on holiday if you would show them the map, above. :)


I didn't want you to think that I am a narrow minded person. I am always open for new scientific methodology. I thought your new map technique so important I opened a thread to inform the other members what a scientific breakthrough you had made. Hope you don't mind. Credit due where credit is deserved.

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LaoPo, I am disappointed in your negativity! It's the same for most Americans, who can't find Thailand on a map either.

Now, I think we should let the more knowledgeable and academic posters get back to educating us.

Ask anyone in LA to pin most eastern USstates on a map and see what happen's!

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That's how much Thai like America ............the majority doesn't even know where America is on the world map and I'll bet that 30-40% will not even be able to point where Thailand is, probably more.



And where did you get your information on the majority of Thais not knowing where the US is on a map?

(And, of course, I am not sure how being able to pinpoint a country on a map equates to a general opinion one way or another of said country. Most Thais with whom I have spoken dislike Afghanistan due to the Taliban's destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas, but I don't know how many Thais (or anyone else, for that matter) could point to Afghanistan on a map.)

It's a well known fact, all around the world, not just Thailand, that if you go onto the streets and show a blind map of The Americas or Europe, Asia for that matter, the vast majority of the audience can't tell where a certain country is on a blind map.

Try it and you will be shocked about the ignorance of most.

With my post I was a little teasing towards the OP who claims that Thailand likes America for which he has no proof either, but I'm sorry if some misunderstood.

Maybe I touched a sensitive American toe here and there ?

Personally I would had laughed if somebody would have said the same (blind map) about my own country or the whole of Europe.

But, humour is a strange thing; make a joke in the UK and the UK laughs but France doesn't, America doesn't; same-same here I notice.

I'm still waiting for the evidence of the OP, claiming his point; I don't think he can prove his "Historical Analysis...." which doesn't matter of course.


Edited by LaoPo
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LaoPo, I am disappointed in your negativity! It's the same for most Americans, who can't find Thailand on a map either.

Now, I think we should let the more knowledgeable and academic posters get back to educating us.

Sorry Scott but it's not negativity; see my previous post.

If you Gents can't understand my sense of humour, so be it.

And, of course you're correct: most Americans but Europeans as well, can't point Thailand on a blank map either!

Ask anybody in your neighbourhood to point Tadzjikistan, Austria or Rumania on the same blind map and let's see the outcome, OK?

Why didn't anybody make the same fuzz when I opened the same kind of thread about Europe, last December 17th ? :)


Why were there just a few responses ? Bonobo certainly has a bad memory. Because everyone knows so good where the countries in Europe are ? hmmmm

Just don't take everything so serious!


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LaoPo, I am disappointed in your negativity! It's the same for most Americans, who can't find Thailand on a map either.

Now, I think we should let the more knowledgeable and academic posters get back to educating us.

Ask anyone in LA to pin most eastern USstates on a map and see what happen's!

I agree 100%; I couldn't name all the states, absolutely no way.

That's why I don't understand the reaction of most posters here;......Americans ? :)

Why are they always so sensitive if it comes to America ? :D


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A Historical Analysis Of Why Thailand Likes America

To the OP Chiangmaikelly:

I kindly suggest you to have this large blind world map* printed on a large scale; glue it onto a large piece of hardboard/wood; nail a wooden pole onto it and allow yourself to have a good laugh with some friends on a lazy Saturday afternoon near the entrance of a market; an early morning is also all right of course.

Print a sign on your printer on A4 format saying in Thai: !!! WIN Baht 100 !!!

Than: ask one of your friends to take a megaphone and have his gf shout in the megaphone:

post-13995-1262740657_thumb.png !!! WIN Baht 100 !!!...........!!! WIN Baht 100 !!!

Curious Thai will show up by the hundreds and you tell them if he/she can point where America is on that blind map I pay you Baht 100 BUT............. if you miss it, YOU pay me Baht 100.

post-13995-1262740780_thumb.png large blind world map

Guess who will go home, his pockets full ?

That's how much Thai like America ............the majority doesn't even know where America is on the world map and I'll bet that 30-40% will not even be able to point where Thailand is, probably more.

But, don't worry; the masses in any given country won't know where they're going on holiday if you would show them the map, above. :D


I didn't want you to think that I am a narrow minded person. I am always open for new scientific methodology. I thought your new map technique so important I opened a thread to inform the other members what a scientific breakthrough you had made. Hope you don't mind. Credit due where credit is deserved.

I didn't think you were a narrow minded person; that remark is for your own account :D

What I do find in your answer, above, is a lack of humor since you didn't understand my point, obviously, and that's a miss but maybe my European sense of humour is different than others? :D

I deliberately used 2 different words for humor:.....US Humor and real British Humour.... :)


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That's how much Thai like America ............the majority doesn't even know where America is on the world map and

Pardon my piling on but that's just plain silly.

It's not silly; it's the plain truth.

But, I don't want to steal the thread so you have to go for a more detailed answer, here:



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Why are they always so sensitive if it comes to America ? :D

Because it is very fashionable to attack America right now, and one gets weary of reading all the same

nonsense over and over again.

It's not so much the point of attacking, it's the point that so many (presumably) Americans react so itchy when it comes to their homeland.

America is the only country on this forum that if someone says something it's immediately considered as flaming/bashing upon the strongest nation on earth, the USA.

If the same happens about the UK, Australia or any other country like Israel, Russia the reactions from members from those countries are "taken" and swallowed with a grain of salt and taken as men who can take comments from others. They're big guys and know what the world is about.

Not so with the Americans here on this forum; they bite back immediately and react with aggressiveness.

In the past 5 years I've seen many warnings towards others to stop talking about America as if it's forbidden to talk about America. At the same time I see so many attacks on other countries and than....nothing...silence; nobody says anything. Nobody forbids to talk bad about other countries or even Thailand. Do you see the Thai members act itchy..aggressive? Not me.

That's why I asked myself why Americans react so itchy. Much is true of what has been said about America, many things not, but why not have a civilized debate instead reacting so itchy ? :)

If I would say that the US Intelligence Services in the US did a bad job, coordinating and preventing the plane-attack on Christmas, I will immediately be attacked. The point is that the President said so a few hours ago himself, so....can I say the same or is that a no-no ? :D

May I say that maybe The Netherlands did a bad job to let this guy step on board ? But if you would attack The Netherlands for being neglect I wouldn't felt itchy because you might have a point.

Self reflection is also a way to look upon the problem :D


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Why are they always so sensitive if it comes to America ? :)

Because it is very fashionable to attack America right now, and one gets weary of reading all the same

nonsense over and over again.

It's not so much the point of attacking, it's the point that so many (presumably) Americans react so itchy when it comes to their homeland.

That is because it is a constant thing with the trendy PC crowd, not once in a while.

I'm sure you believe all of your own long-winded BS, but that smell gives it away to anyone with a clue. :D

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Why were there just a few responses ? Bonobo certainly has a bad memory. Because everyone knows so good where the countries in Europe are ? hmmmm

I guess I just don't remember what my "bad memory" is supposed to be about, so I guess you are right.  If I can't remember to what you are referring, my memory must be bad!

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Why are they always so sensitive if it comes to America ? :D

Because it is very fashionable to attack America right now, and one gets weary of reading all the same

nonsense over and over again.

It's not so much the point of attacking, it's the point that so many (presumably) Americans react so itchy when it comes to their homeland.

America is the only country on this forum that if someone says something it's immediately considered as flaming/bashing upon the strongest nation on earth, the USA.

If the same happens about the UK, Australia or any other country like Israel, Russia the reactions from members from those countries are "taken" and swallowed with a grain of salt and taken as men who can take comments from others. They're big guys and know what the world is about.

Not so with the Americans here on this forum; they bite back immediately and react with aggressiveness.

In the past 5 years I've seen many warnings towards others to stop talking about America as if it's forbidden to talk about America. At the same time I see so many attacks on other countries and than....nothing...silence; nobody says anything. Nobody forbids to talk bad about other countries or even Thailand. Do you see the Thai members act itchy..aggressive? Not me.

That's why I asked myself why Americans react so itchy. Much is true of what has been said about America, many things not, but why not have a civilized debate instead reacting so itchy ? :)

If I would say that the US Intelligence Services in the US did a bad job, coordinating and preventing the plane-attack on Christmas, I will immediately be attacked. The point is that the President said so a few hours ago himself, so....can I say the same or is that a no-no ? :D

May I say that maybe The Netherlands did a bad job to let this guy step on board ? But if you would attack The Netherlands for being neglect I wouldn't felt itchy because you might have a point.

Self reflection is also a way to look upon the problem :D


Just the other day I made a comment about Brit stag parties on the Pattaya-Russian thread and was accused of bashing the UK.

Russians are very nationalistic and I've never met one who would back down from perceived bashing but the language of this forum is English and I don't believe there are all that many of them on here. There are probably thousands of American Thaivisa members but only a handful come out against perceived bashing.

America "bashing" topics are the most popular topics on this forum after maybe visa rule change threads. Start a thread about the economy or exchange rates and it becomes an American bashing thread. Start a topic about Israel and it becomes and American bashing thread. Global Warming? America's fault. Islamic radicalism? American policy is to blame. This thread is another example. If you took a poll on this forum about attitudes toward America, "unfavorable" would win by a large margin and it shows in the threads.

The Americans I know down here pay a lot of attention to politics and world events. They have an interest and will discuss/debate the issues. I know many Brits but none show interest in anything other than having a good time, enjoying island life, or making money. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :D

As for your Netherlands example, if the Dutch had to read anti-Netherlands posts on an almost daily basis they would probably get a little itchy themselves - or hide.

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In the past 5 years I've seen many warnings towards others to stop talking about America as if it's forbidden to talk about America. At the same time I see so many attacks on other countries and than....nothing...silence; nobody says anything. Nobody forbids to talk bad about other countries or even Thailand. Do you see the Thai members act itchy..aggressive? Not me.

Please note the following ThaiVisa posting rules: 

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Nowhere is the USA singled out here.  Degrading comments aimed at any country/nationality are against the rules.  That is not to say that a comment cannot be made which is critical of a country or a country's policies.  But comments which fit more into the flaming category will be deleted, and the poster may face action.

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I get upset because it's not my fault and I am getting blamed for it. The Brits and the French were in control of SEA until after WW II. During WW II the SEA countries were up in the mountains eating jungle food and planning the revolution. They made Lao Kao and talked about how bad the Brits and French had been for the past 200 years.

Some smart ass housewife named Betty decided that the Brits should not have Thailand along with Burma and that started my troubles. The OSS moved in and took over when the Brits left Thailand. The same thing happened when the French left Vietnam. The CIA moved in and that started my troubles there.

I can understand why the Brits and French did not want to leave SEA. Expats just like you and me had a lot of money invested in businesses in SEA and the local boys wanted the businesses. No they didn't want to pay for them. That is what communism is all about. You take from the rich and give to the communist party.

But it wasn't my fault. I didn't do a darn thing to encourage it one way or the other.

The British and the French left and I got drafted. I didn't want to get drafted.

Slavery! YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT SLAVERY! Slavery was me getting drafted. If I gave any lip to the captain I got thrown in jail. In my case he even tried to kill me. I am not making this stuff up. I told the man I was already working 15 hours a day and I was not going to get up an hour early and get him a darn weather report when all he had to do was look outside and see if it was raining or not. He tried to have me killed. Assigned me to be a tunnel rat and pre dated my orders. Tunnel rats lived by the hour, not days, weeks or months.

So when someone bashes me for being an American I get upset. I didn't want to be Rambo. I wanted to sit in the hallway in college beneath the stairs and watch the girls with short skirts walk up the stairs.

I am tired of bailing Europe out of its failed wars.

Americans are isolationist people. If they get a chance to vote on the issues they always vote isolationist. They just want to be left alone.

Cuba is an American problem, I can deal with that. Cuba stole Coca cola. Cuba stole all the mafia casinos in Havana. Cuba shut down all the American owned whore houses in Havana. That's bad stuff. I still get upset about it.

You all expect me to solve your problems because you don't have the cash to take care of Pakistan. What country created the problems in Pakistan? What country created the problems in the Middle East and Africa?

What famous statesman decided to partition the countries in Africa and the Middle East by borders instead of by tribes? I'll give you a hint he wasn't a Yank.

I am an average American. I am not a banker or broker. I think those people are crooks. I think the democrats and republicans are crooks. I am the average American. I gave up. The country is too messed up by trying to take care of other people's problems. I came to Thailand. I came to Thailand because Thailand owes me big time.

Do you know how much money and bodily fluids I spent here in the 60's? No you don't but it was a lot. I imagine I have relatives all over the place. It's about time they started taking care of Uncle Kelly.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Why were there just a few responses ? Bonobo certainly has a bad memory. Because everyone knows so good where the countries in Europe are ? hmmmm

I guess I just don't remember what my "bad memory" is supposed to be about, so I guess you are right.  If I can't remember to what you are referring, my memory must be bad!

I was referring to you when you joined the test:


I don't understand why the "America" test is so objected and the Europe one was not. Not at all.


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Why are they always so sensitive if it comes to America ? :)

Because it is very fashionable to attack America right now, and one gets weary of reading all the same

nonsense over and over again.

It's not so much the point of attacking, it's the point that so many (presumably) Americans react so itchy when it comes to their homeland.

That is because it is a constant thing with the trendy PC crowd, not once in a while.

I'm sure you believe all of your own long-winded BS, but that smell gives it away to anyone with a clue. :D

You just answered the same way with your own sensitivity.

That's exactly why I wondered and still do.

WHAT is it that Americans make so sensitive? I don't know of any other nation or nationals that are so proud of their own country as the Americans and right they are.

So, why react so serious and sensitive if somebody discusses something ? :D I also don't know of any other country where it's citizens are so overwhelmingly self confident which is something a lot of people in the world are jealous of.

Now, don't tell me that's not correct since I have spent quite some time in the US, have a lot of friends there and built my own business there; so I know just a bit about the US and it's citizens.

Why now so sensitive?


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Just the other day I made a comment about Brit stag parties on the Pattaya-Russian thread and was accused of bashing the UK.

Russians are very nationalistic and I've never met one who would back down from perceived bashing but the language of this forum is English and I don't believe there are all that many of them on here. There are probably thousands of American Thaivisa members but only a handful come out against perceived bashing.

America "bashing" topics are the most popular topics on this forum after maybe visa rule change threads. Start a thread about the economy or exchange rates and it becomes an American bashing thread. Start a topic about Israel and it becomes and American bashing thread. Global Warming? America's fault. Islamic radicalism? American policy is to blame. This thread is another example. If you took a poll on this forum about attitudes toward America, "unfavorable" would win by a large margin and it shows in the threads.

The Americans I know down here pay a lot of attention to politics and world events. They have an interest and will discuss/debate the issues. I know many Brits but none show interest in anything other than having a good time, enjoying island life, or making money. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :)

As for your Netherlands example, if the Dutch had to read anti-Netherlands posts on an almost daily basis they would probably get a little itchy themselves - or hide.

Well, I certainly didn't accuse you or anybody else of bashing upon the UK.

And, I'm sorry to say but I don't see those so called anti American bashing threads. That's what the Americans make of it. You chaps are so sensitive nowadays that even discussion about greedy Wall Street Bankers is seen as anti America.

The same for Israel, Global warming or Islamic radicalism. I don't even SEE that someone ever said it's America's fault because that is utter nonsense of course.

Please show me the examples where members did so?


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Why were there just a few responses ? Bonobo certainly has a bad memory. Because everyone knows so good where the countries in Europe are ? hmmmm

I guess I just don't remember what my "bad memory" is supposed to be about, so I guess you are right.  If I can't remember to what you are referring, my memory must be bad!

I was referring to you when you joined the test:


I don't understand why the "America" test is so objected and the Europe one was not. Not at all.


OK, I'll bite.

Here is the difference, as I perceive it.  The Europe test was put in the Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life forum, and you basically asked individuals to see how they might do.  Some posters did quite well, in fact, but no one said any one group of people were bad at it because of their nationality.  It was fun to take it.

In this thread, you seemed to ridicule the OP's premise and said that since "the majority doesn't even know where America is on the world map," then that is "how much Thai like America."

I see it completely different to say Thais won't be able to do something than to challenge people to see how well they do at something.  Apples and oranges.

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Why were there just a few responses ? Bonobo certainly has a bad memory. Because everyone knows so good where the countries in Europe are ? hmmmm

I guess I just don't remember what my "bad memory" is supposed to be about, so I guess you are right.  If I can't remember to what you are referring, my memory must be bad!

I was referring to you when you joined the test:


I don't understand why the "America" test is so objected and the Europe one was not. Not at all.


OK, I'll bite.

Here is the difference, as I perceive it.  The Europe test was put in the Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life forum, and you basically asked individuals to see how they might do.  Some posters did quite well, in fact, but no one said any one group of people were bad at it because of their nationality.  It was fun to take it.

In this thread, you seemed to ridicule the OP's premise and said that since "the majority doesn't even know where America is on the world map," then that is "how much Thai like America."

I see it completely different to say Thais won't be able to do something than to challenge people to see how well they do at something.  Apples and oranges.

Mea Culpa if I was misunderstood; it was meant funny with a grain of seriousness; but the next poster Credo is right; I jumped off topic and apologize, also to the OP who's topic was drifted away.

Let's go back on topic.



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I get upset because it's not my fault and I am getting blamed for it. The Brits and the French were in control of SEA until after WW II. During WW II the SEA countries were up in the mountains eating jungle food and planning the revolution. They made Lao Kao and talked about how bad the Brits and French had been for the past 200 years.

Some smart ass housewife named Betty decided that the Brits should not have Thailand along with Burma and that started my troubles. The OSS moved in and took over when the Brits left Thailand. The same thing happened when the French left Vietnam. The CIA moved in and that started my troubles there.

I can understand why the Brits and French did not want to leave SEA. Expats just like you and me had a lot of money invested in businesses in SEA and the local boys wanted the businesses. No they didn't want to pay for them. That is what communism is all about. You take from the rich and give to the communist party.

But it wasn't my fault. I didn't do a darn thing to encourage it one way or the other.

The British and the French left and I got drafted. I didn't want to get drafted.

Slavery! YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT SLAVERY! Slavery was me getting drafted. If I gave any lip to the captain I got thrown in jail. In my case he even tried to kill me. I am not making this stuff up. I told the man I was already working 15 hours a day and I was not going to get up an hour early and get him a darn weather report when all he had to do was look outside and see if it was raining or not. He tried to have me killed. Assigned me to be a tunnel rat and pre dated my orders. Tunnel rats lived by the hour, not days, weeks or months.

So when someone bashes me for being an American I get upset. I didn't want to be Rambo. I wanted to sit in the hallway in college beneath the stairs and watch the girls with short skirts walk up the stairs.

I am tired of bailing Europe out of its failed wars.

Americans are isolationist people. If they get a chance to vote on the issues they always vote isolationist. They just want to be left alone.

Cuba is an American problem, I can deal with that. Cuba stole Coca cola. Cuba stole all the mafia casinos in Havana. Cuba shut down all the American owned whore houses in Havana. That's bad stuff. I still get upset about it.

You all expect me to solve your problems because you don't have the cash to take care of Pakistan. What country created the problems in Pakistan? What country created the problems in the Middle East and Africa?

What famous statesman decided to partition the countries in Africa and the Middle East by borders instead of by tribes? I'll give you a hint he wasn't a Yank.

I am an average American. I am not a banker or broker. I think those people are crooks. I think the democrats and republicans are crooks. I am the average American. I gave up. The country is too messed up by trying to take care of other people's problems. I came to Thailand. I came to Thailand because Thailand owes me big time.

Do you know how much money and bodily fluids I spent here in the 60's? No you don't but it was a lot. I imagine I have relatives all over the place. It's about time they started taking care of Uncle Kelly.

Your last sentence is quite funny and probably true.

But, your post, above, doesn't convince me at all why it is supporting your statement: "A Historical Analysis Of Why Thailand Likes America"

I respect that this is YOUR opinion but sorry, not a Historical analysis why "Thailand" likes America.

First of all you should make more clear what you mean by "Thailand".

The Government, (the present one or all previous Governments) the population ?


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Why now so sensitive?

You keep getting the same answer, but you refuse to accept it.

The same old negative posts about the US - over and over again - just get plain boring.

As I wrote in # 110 to another member:

"Please show me the examples where members did so?"

If it's so frequent and so bad as you say it is, you shouldn't have difficulties in showing some of them, right?


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Give us a break. Why don't you list every time someone complains about Thailand. :)

So, I conclude there are no examples. It's all in the eyes of the beholder and reader.

If I would mention that there are greedy Wall St bankers, is that bashing upon America? :D

If I would mention I am not very impressed with ex-Senator Sarah Palin, am I bashing upon America? :D

Why don't you answer to questions but come up with other questions without answering mine first?

Is that because you can't point me to the facts you are talking about?

Useless debate without showing facts.


I have to excuse myself once more and I won't let myself drift away with going off topic again.

So sorry to the OP :D


Edited by LaoPo
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Give us a break. Why don't you list every time someone complains about Thailand. :)

So, I conclude there are no examples. It's all in the eyes of the beholder and reader.

If I would mention that there are greedy Wall St bankers, is that bashing upon America? :D

If I would mention I am not very impressed with ex-Senator Sarah Palin, am I bashing upon America? :D

Why don't you answer to questions but come up with other questions without answering mine first?

Is that because you can't point me to the facts you are talking about?

Useless debate without showing facts.


I have to excuse myself once more and I won't let myself drift away with going off topic again.

So sorry to the OP :D


After reading your post it appears to me tha you like to eat bamboo from both side of the road. in some post you make observations about americans that are accurate such as they are confident, then you turn around and say that we are itchy because people talk about us. for me the issue i have with many post about america and americans is that they come from people who know very little about a very large country with a population of over 300m. i.e. after 911 i had a man from switzerland tell me how much better the airport security was in his country and how the airport security in the US was shit. I asked him, how many airports are there in Swirtzerland? and does he have any idea how many airports there are in the USA? another thing, before the EU was established, a popular topic was how many stamps the europeans had in their passport and how the majority of Americans did not even own a passport as if this made the europeans superior because they travel. well panda as a person who knows the US then you know that there are places in the states where driving to the post office would be the same as traveling to a new country in europe. So am i itchy about american post, not really but i am bored with the posteres who find america as the root to all evil. Well i rememeber the day i saw the planes flown into the trade center and i was pissed, i had not been a flag waver before that day but i have been ever since, so maybe it is not an itch but a chip that you are referring to and if that is the case then i am guilty, my country took enough shit for a life time on 911 and i wonder how you would feel if it had been your country? itchy? 

Edited by bonobo
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