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Bangkok University Any Good?


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Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

One difference could those late night study sessions with fellow classmates???

Yeah, everyone there speaking Thai and OP nodding along clueless?

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Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

I take it you never got an undergraduate degree?

Campus clubs, activities, trips, forced interaction (group exercises - asking for help or being asked for help), familiarity (seeing each other every day over long periods of time - then bumping into each other at another location - or adding each other on Facebook etc etc).

Many many other ways as well. Not to mention the one I gave earlier, the most desirable girls will most likely not give a random person who hangs out on campus the time of day - however they will probably be much more open to somebody who is also a student at the University (in the case of Chula this implies a good background, social status, affluence, work ethic, ambition etc).

I went to a really selective University in Calfornia for my BA, where most of the students come from rich families. There was also a very large community college nearby who anybody could get into and lots of 'townies' attended, who did not come from wealthy backgrounds. Lots of these students (as well as just lots of random people in general) would come to the parties of my University and they had a stigma among students of my University - they were viewed somewhat with suspicion and were definitely perceived as intellectually inferior to 'us' as well as being of a lower social class, unless they demonstrated otherwise.

In a country with an even larger disparity between rich and poor than the US, I imagine this same dynamic exists at the top Universities in Thailand - probably moreso.

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There are so many inconsistencies and contradictions in the OP's postings regarding his status that I'm getting more and more confused, or maybe cynical. :D

I'm considering renouncing my US citizenship at some point. To do that I would need to have a passport from another nation, preferably one that afforded me similar privileges to travel the world as my US passport does. I would be willing to convert to Judaism in order to obtain an Israeli passport, as I currently have no religious beliefs whatsoever and I am of the opinion that being a religious person is a good thing for ones character, social life and especially for your children, regardless of the religion (moderate muslim, christian, catholic, jewish, buddhist etc, mainstream). Alternately I would be willing to pay to obtain a passport from another nation - so long as it met my travel requirements - an EU member nation (like Latvia) would be excellent. I'd love to live in Europe - the last two times I was there the only reason I left was because my 90 day visa expired (actually overstayed both times).

I hear Israeli passports go down a storm in the Muslim world :)

You really are a dreamer :D

But because I'm a nice guy I'm going to help you out:




Thanks for the link. Funny it says 2008-2009. Even at the top Universities I have found that their websites are very seldom up to date, many giving information for as far back as the 'upcoming' 2005 school year - many also having lots of broken links etc. Guess they don't take their web presence very seriously.

Edit: Could be just the English language websites that are neglected, that would make sense...

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Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

One difference could those late night study sessions with fellow classmates???

Yeah, everyone there speaking Thai and OP nodding along clueless?

Since the programs are taught in English and it is a requirement that people be fluent in English to attend - it isn't too much of a stretch of the imagination that the study sessions are or could easily be conducted in English as well.

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Thanks for the link. Funny it says 2008-2009. Even at the top Universities I have found that their websites are very seldom up to date, many giving information for as far back as the 'upcoming' 2005 school year - many also having lots of broken links etc. Guess they don't take their web presence very seriously.

Edit: Could be just the English language websites that are neglected, that would make sense...

It is a link to a downloadable book in PDF form...from memory analysing figures for student numbers, courses etc...They can't really write about the future can they? :):D


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DegenFarang - I suggest you avoid Chula. I fear you could get yourself into a lot of trouble with 'Rich Daddy' if you start messing about with his daughter.

Mind you, I did see quite a few ladyboys on campus when I attended. Perhaps that might make your study time more interesting? :)


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DegenFarang - I suggest you avoid Chula. I fear you could get yourself into a lot of trouble with 'Rich Daddy' if you start messing about with his daughter.

Mind you, I did see quite a few ladyboys on campus when I attended. Perhaps that might make your study time more interesting? :)


Is this just a troll or are you serious? I don't care if there were ladyboys there but what do you mean by me getting myself into trouble with rich daddy? What do they kill farang that cheat on their daughters or something?

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Since the programs are taught in English and it is a requirement that people be fluent in English to attend - it isn't too much of a stretch of the imagination that the study sessions are or could easily be conducted in English as well.

:):D:D I wouldn't bet on it! They will speak English a bit to be polite to you, but if the topic strays into the conceptual, or any other area that might give them difficulty in expressing themselves, the language WILL move to Thai. I suggest using it as an opportunity to improve your vocabulary.

Oh, and in answer to your last question above this post, the answer (in complete seriousness) is yes. You would become another "suicide" statistic.

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And living near and eating at a uni seems like a very creepy way to pick up girls, and will likely only land you sluts, gold diggers and farang hunters. Being an MBA student at the university, especially in the case of Chula, is going to open you up to a whole higher class of women most of you haters could only dream of getting i.e. the daughters of the Thai elite (who mostly attend Chula if they don't go overseas - and will likely ignore some random weird farang who likes to hangout and eat on campus, but does not go to school there)

I have been living in Thailand for 6 years and for most of that time been working with HI so. Thais. Here are some of my observations for you to consider:

Most High So parents would be horrified at the prospect of their daughter dating a Farrang as other hi society or for that matter normal people would often assume seeing her with a Farrang that she is a 'working girl'. Remember in the LOS appearance is everything. Hi So Thais place stress of protecting their offspring including their offsprings virginity so be careful with what or who you play with. Hi so Thai guys (the non gay ones) often take a particular disslike to Farrang playing with what they believe to be their property so you have that to consider as well. You may be dissapointed when dealing with HI So Thai University students as you may find their mental age is considerably lower than an equivalent aged westerner. So if you really think all of that is worthwhile go ahead I prefer to stick to Sukhumvit where you will not upset the natives (plenty of short skirts there as well.)

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Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

I take it you never got an undergraduate degree?

Campus clubs, activities, trips, forced interaction (group exercises - asking for help or being asked for help), familiarity (seeing each other every day over long periods of time - then bumping into each other at another location - or adding each other on Facebook etc etc).

Many many other ways as well. Not to mention the one I gave earlier, the most desirable girls will most likely not give a random person who hangs out on campus the time of day - however they will probably be much more open to somebody who is also a student at the University (in the case of Chula this implies a good background, social status, affluence, work ethic, ambition etc).

I went to a really selective University in Calfornia for my BA, where most of the students come from rich families. There was also a very large community college nearby who anybody could get into and lots of 'townies' attended, who did not come from wealthy backgrounds. Lots of these students (as well as just lots of random people in general) would come to the parties of my University and they had a stigma among students of my University - they were viewed somewhat with suspicion and were definitely perceived as intellectually inferior to 'us' as well as being of a lower social class, unless they demonstrated otherwise.

In a country with an even larger disparity between rich and poor than the US, I imagine this same dynamic exists at the top Universities in Thailand - probably moreso.

Well, if you are looking for a WIFE, then sure, your plan sounds good. If you are looking for GIRL FRIENDS (emphasis on the plural) which is what all your posts in this thread up until this one made it sound like, then no, I would think that it would be even harder for you to "hook up" with these girls if they were afraid that you would go around telling everyone in all of the social circles about it.

I don't think you quite have the experience of dating normal educated Thai women, no offense. It sort of sounds like you were one of those guys who has been with only bar girls and is now going to "find and marry a Thai Elite General's daughter" to fulfill some silly fantasy of being powerful in Thailand.

I think you will find as you get older that the eliteness of your wife and her family will have little correlation to your compatibility in a relationship.

If your plan is to court and hold hands for 1 year+ before you get into her knickers then by all means, go for it. I am sure you will have the chance to charm many such ladies. More likely though, based on your posts, you will end up bored, the conversations will all be in Thai during the study groups, they will be polite to you but see through your charade when they catch you endlessly drooling over and starring at all the girls, the Thai male students will be c-blocking you at every turn also seeing through your charade and you will end up just chasing after easy girls the way most guys do.

The girls who are very serious about schooling here and not like the ones back home who will still go home with a guy on a second or third date.

Good luck and keep us posted on your quest for Thai Elite Girls.

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If it's only for the number of short skirts, then you can try Ramkamhaeng. This university seems to attract those that don't like to follow hours much and work 'part time' jobs in the evening. When I studied at Ramkamhaeng I met some female costudents in Soi Cowboy :)

I've looked into Chula myself but I don't like their double priceing (60,000 thai/120,000 foreigner).

Thammasat by the river is known as a liberal college. May have more luck meeting Thai girls with more of an open mind to dating foreigners. I met several girls who had studied abroad and so had acquired a taste for farang.

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Funny how a fairly normal enquiry by someone triggers so much outrage and adversity against OP. Whats up with that? I simply dont understand. Why dont you just give him a normal answer? Aaaah...I know why, because you simply dont know and have nothing of value to add but nevertheless want to get an insult of your chest, ey :) !

How many of you actually have on campus experience in Thailand? Particularly BUIC?

I studied at BUIC about 9 years ago for roughly 2.5 years. Lectures back then were to a large extent given by foreign lecturers. I was enrolled in their BBA program back then and have to say that lecture contents and deliveries were quite to Western standard. Didnt finish the degree there, but transferred credits to an Australian university to finish off with a BCOM. No problems getting credits recognised and transferred, no problems adjusting to the supposedly "higher standard of teaching and assessment". Got pretty much the same grades as before. Lots of my Thai and Farang friends continued their studies at UK and OZ unis and were accepted without problems - some even got scholarships for their postgrad studies.

Now, course assessment will be milder at BUIC than in the West, of course. Even though lecture contents are the same, exams are easier. Add to that a low average class GPA and you will certainly be in the upper percentiles of the Bell curve, whilst putting in slightly less effort than you would in the West.

Also, Joker12, this one is just untrue

If your plan is to court and hold hands for 1 year+ before you get into her knickers then by all means, go for it.

Dunno how old you are or whether you have ever attended a Thai uni as a student at all, but this might have been true in 1970. Not in the early 2000s.


More likely though, based on your posts, you will end up bored, the conversations will all be in Thai during the study groups, they will be polite to you but see through your charade when they catch you endlessly drooling over and starring at all the girls, the Thai male students will be c-blocking you at every turn also seeing through your charade and you will end up just chasing after easy girls the way most guys do.

Nope - the boys are actually quite supportive. At BUIC the male/female ratio used to be extremely skewed to our favour, so no need for competition.

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Sorry, I don't see the difference between enrolling to meet girls and just going to where they hang out, be it a cafeteria, Siam Square or shopping mall. Its like you are set on buying construction equipment to fix a leaky faucet.

I take it you never got an undergraduate degree?

Campus clubs, activities, trips, forced interaction (group exercises - asking for help or being asked for help), familiarity (seeing each other every day over long periods of time - then bumping into each other at another location - or adding each other on Facebook etc etc).

Many many other ways as well. Not to mention the one I gave earlier, the most desirable girls will most likely not give a random person who hangs out on campus the time of day - however they will probably be much more open to somebody who is also a student at the University (in the case of Chula this implies a good background, social status, affluence, work ethic, ambition etc).

I went to a really selective University in Calfornia for my BA, where most of the students come from rich families. There was also a very large community college nearby who anybody could get into and lots of 'townies' attended, who did not come from wealthy backgrounds. Lots of these students (as well as just lots of random people in general) would come to the parties of my University and they had a stigma among students of my University - they were viewed somewhat with suspicion and were definitely perceived as intellectually inferior to 'us' as well as being of a lower social class, unless they demonstrated otherwise.

In a country with an even larger disparity between rich and poor than the US, I imagine this same dynamic exists at the top Universities in Thailand - probably moreso.

Well, if you are looking for a WIFE, then sure, your plan sounds good. If you are looking for GIRL FRIENDS (emphasis on the plural) which is what all your posts in this thread up until this one made it sound like, then no, I would think that it would be even harder for you to "hook up" with these girls if they were afraid that you would go around telling everyone in all of the social circles about it.

I don't think you quite have the experience of dating normal educated Thai women, no offense. It sort of sounds like you were one of those guys who has been with only bar girls and is now going to "find and marry a Thai Elite General's daughter" to fulfill some silly fantasy of being powerful in Thailand.

I think you will find as you get older that the eliteness of your wife and her family will have little correlation to your compatibility in a relationship.

If your plan is to court and hold hands for 1 year+ before you get into her knickers then by all means, go for it. I am sure you will have the chance to charm many such ladies. More likely though, based on your posts, you will end up bored, the conversations will all be in Thai during the study groups, they will be polite to you but see through your charade when they catch you endlessly drooling over and starring at all the girls, the Thai male students will be c-blocking you at every turn also seeing through your charade and you will end up just chasing after easy girls the way most guys do.

The girls who are very serious about schooling here and not like the ones back home who will still go home with a guy on a second or third date.

Good luck and keep us posted on your quest for Thai Elite Girls.

Yawn. All this knowledge from a guy who doesn't even see the advantage of attending a university over loitering on campus to pick up girls - which leaves me with the strong impression that you have never gone to college.

Thanks for the effort but pardon me if I take your opinions and cynicism with a very large grain of salt.

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Regarding looking for wife vs girlfriend - I have never and will never 'look' for a wife. I have however and have no problem with being faithful to a woman who warrants it and is faithful to me.

That said, what I am looking for more than anything else is an MBA and the contacts you gain in attending an excellent MBA program like Sasin. If both Chula and Sasin were all male institutions, they would still be my first choice.

Perhaps my sarcasm and joking hasn't been very clear over the internet - but my interest in Thai girls is a very distant third to my interest in getting an education (1) and having something constructive to do with my time (2).

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If you take an MS program at one of the Unis in Thailand you have a 5 year limit to complete the program.

I'm with ABAC, the Assumption University.


A two year MBA program (you can stretch it up to 5 years) here will set you back 6 000 USD the tuition and you have to pay University fees - 12,500 THB per semester on top of that.

I cannot remember exactly how many units of credit you gotta get to have your MBA degree but it will be somewhere around 36.

One subject (one semester, 4 months) = 3 credits.

If you wish to skip a semester it'll cost ya 5 000 THB.

Most MS, MA programs are taught at the Bangkapi campus in BKK; there is another newly built campus in Bangna where u will probably find a lot more skimpy skirts, but there are mostly BSs and BAs down there.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

Just for the sake of comparison, an MA at Chula will cost THB7,3500+ each semester of registration fee, which goes to the uni, AND THB60,000+/semester tuition for the faculty. Therefore, the total cost each semester for the tri-semester MA program will be THB133,500+. It covers photocopied books and class materials and a field trip to other countries. These rates were good before 2007. They charge the same registration and tuition for every extended semester. Therefore, some students took a leave (maximum 2 semesters) if they wish more time to finish the study. For those foreigners who wish to study in Thailand, double check uni's fees, rules for graduation (thesis required or not), rules about extension, taking leaves and all the fee/money issues etc. Their admin systems are very stiffling, inflexible and full of holes. The kinds of holes and problems that even their admins are not aware of. Students pay and get skewed, which is not uncommon. Anyway, good luck. Hope this info will benefit some.

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And living near and eating at a uni seems like a very creepy way to pick up girls, and will likely only land you sluts, gold diggers and farang hunters. Being an MBA student at the university, especially in the case of Chula, is going to open you up to a whole higher class of women most of you haters could only dream of getting i.e. the daughters of the Thai elite (who mostly attend Chula if they don't go overseas - and will likely ignore some random weird farang who likes to hangout and eat on campus, but does not go to school there)

You probably have already figured out that most high-so-women have no interest in farang. If you go to a cheap university, that would be another story.

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That said, what I am looking for more than anything else is an MBA and the contacts you gain in attending an excellent MBA program like Sasin. If both Chula and Sasin were all male institutions, they would still be my first choice.

You forgot NIDA:




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That said, what I am looking for more than anything else is an MBA and the contacts you gain in attending an excellent MBA program like Sasin. If both Chula and Sasin were all male institutions, they would still be my first choice.

You forgot NIDA:




Applicants with a bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree from an accredited institution are normally admitted to the program of choice after passing an entrance examination. This examination is given six times a year - in January, March, May, July, September, and November - for students in the Regular Program.

No thanks. If they don't require a GMAT, letters of reference, essays and interview just to consider me for entrance-i don't want to attend. Places who take anybody with enough money to pay the tuition are obviously not very good schools.

I'm pretty much set on Sasin, have been working my arse off to get everything ready by the deadline on the 15th. I hope they accept me.

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Applicants with a bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree from an accredited institution are normally admitted to the program of choice after passing an entrance examination. This examination is given six times a year - in January, March, May, July, September, and November - for students in the Regular Program.

No thanks. If they don't require a GMAT, letters of reference, essays and interview just to consider me for entrance-i don't want to attend. Places who take anybody with enough money to pay the tuition are obviously not very good schools.

I'm pretty much set on Sasin, have been working my arse off to get everything ready by the deadline on the 15th. I hope they accept me.

You obviously know it all already, why bother with an MBA? :D

Let's hope for your sake they don't have interviews at Sasin... :)


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Applicants with a bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree from an accredited institution are normally admitted to the program of choice after passing an entrance examination. This examination is given six times a year - in January, March, May, July, September, and November - for students in the Regular Program.

No thanks. If they don't require a GMAT, letters of reference, essays and interview just to consider me for entrance-i don't want to attend. Places who take anybody with enough money to pay the tuition are obviously not very good schools.

I'm pretty much set on Sasin, have been working my arse off to get everything ready by the deadline on the 15th. I hope they accept me.

You obviously know it all already, why bother with an MBA? :D

Let's hope for your sake they don't have interviews at Sasin... :)


100% of admitted students each you are required to have an interview. If I have one you can bet your bottom dollar I will pass it with flying colors. Good thing grumpy old expats don't get to choose who attends elite universities based upon posts people make on internet forums :D

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As for why I'm going if i 'know it all already':

1. Networking (just got this email from a Thai friend today when I asked him about Sasin:

Sorry for late reply xx. I just come back from France. I know sasin. You should go. Thailand best hiso class. Best condition student. A lot of my friends study there.

I trust his view far more than any 60 year old British retiree living in Pattaya...

2. Something to do: I'm bored out of my mind for the most part living in Thailand

3. The degree will allow me to teach at lower level Universities and basically any high school in Thailand (I don't necessarily want to teach but it might be fun down the road - good to have options)

4. Tying into #1 - I should meet some Thai's who I would trust to go into business with, as it's most times necessary to have a Thai partner, and I have yet to meet a Thai woman who I would trust to own 51% of my multi-million dollar business

5. Yes, the girls

6. The status that being a student at Chulalongkorn brings in Thailand as well as the status that being a graduate of Sasin gives you in Thailand forever

7. I'm not very good at accounting or managing people - both of these topics are covered in depth in the program

8. Many of the professors are from Warton and Kellogg, two of the top business schools in America (and the world)

9. To laugh at all of the haters on this forum when I do ultimately get accepted and graduate

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1. Networking (just got this email from a Thai friend today when I asked him about Sasin:
Sorry for late reply xx. I just come back from France. I know sasin. You should go. Thailand best hiso class. Best condition student. A lot of my friends study there.

I trust his view far more than any 60 year old British retiree living in Pattaya...

2. Something to do: I'm bored out of my mind for the most part living in Thailand

3. The degree will allow me to teach at lower level Universities and basically any high school in Thailand (I don't necessarily want to teach but it might be fun down the road - good to have options)

4. Tying into #1 - I should meet some Thai's who I would trust to go into business with, as it's most times necessary to have a Thai partner, and I have yet to meet a Thai woman who I would trust to own 51% of my multi-million dollar business

5. Yes, the girls

6. The status that being a student at Chulalongkorn brings in Thailand as well as the status that being a graduate of Sasin gives you in Thailand forever

7. I'm not very good at accounting or managing people - both of these topics are covered in depth in the program

8. Many of the professors are from Warton and Kellogg, two of the top business schools in America (and the world)

9. To laugh at all of the haters on this forum when I do ultimately get accepted and graduate

My thoughts.

1) Networking - Yes. Sasin would be good for that

2) Something to do - What better thing could you do than education? But not sure filling time is the best reason to attend university.

3) Teaching - Yes, you could teach at universities. No you could not teach at respected international schools. You also will have little difficulty initially with Thai high schools but would need to pass teaching Professional Knowledge tests to be licensed.

4) Business Partners - You can't trust anyone really.

5) Girls - Whatever. You know my feelings about this already.

6) Status - Dubious.

7) Accounting and Mgmt Skills - Hmmm. Experience would be the best here, but theory is good as well.

8) Quality of Sasin - Yes. It is affiliated with top U.S. business schools. A good choice if you want to attend school in Thailand.

9) Revenge - <deleted>?

Please bear in mind that unless you have several years of high-end corporate experience no respectable Western MBA Program would even look at you. While Sasin is respected here in Thailand, they do not require this. For this reason, and because it is in Thailand, the quality of your degree will be questioned by any Western employer. The natural question would be why you didn't attend a proper MBA program in a Western nation. This will never go away. Fine if you are Thai, but not so good for a Westerner. Having said all this, any education is good and will never hurt you, and Sasin is probably the best Thailand has to offer.

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Please bear in mind that unless you have several years of high-end corporate experience no respectable Western MBA Program would even look at you.

Depends how you define 'high end corporate experience'. I've been self employed practically since graduating from University but from speaking with alumni and professors of Harvard, Stanford and USC Business School's - they have unanimously seen my background as an advantage, not a handicap - both due to the degree of success I have had as well as how well it would make me stand out from the endless stream of identical applications who all have the same exact corporate experience from the same exact companies. An entrepreneur who has had a great deal of success while traveling the world for several years (on top of top notch GPA and GMAT results) would bring a nice 'diversity' touch, or whatever you want to call it, to their class. They like alternative viewpoints and backgrounds and aren't seeking to just have a homogenous class.

While Sasin is respected here in Thailand, they do not require this. For this reason, and because it is in Thailand, the quality of your degree will be questioned by any Western employer.

Of course. I would never expect the degree to be respected in America as it will be in Thailand. However I doubt I'll ever be employed by anybody as anything other than a teacher or volunteer anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

The natural question would be why you didn't attend a proper MBA program in a Western nation.

Because I hate America and I love Thailand? lol - However along with Sasin I am applying to Harvard, Stanford, UCLA and USC so it's possible I could end up going back - especially if one of the first two accept me - unlikely though as I've only given myself a few days to study for the GMAT...

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Yes. Of course you are correct in pointing at the business schools are looking for diversity, and if you have been a successful entrepreneur, especially overseas, then that is most definitely looked favorably on. Do try to get ready for your GMAT. High scores will help for schools outside of Thailand. I doubt you'll have any difficulty getting accepted to Sasin as long as you have the cash, look relatively presentable, and meet the minimum criteria for acceptance.

No harm no foul in your desire to leave the good ol' US of A.

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I trust his view far more than any 60 year old British retiree living in Pattaya...

7. I'm not very good at accounting or managing people - both of these topics are covered in depth in the program

9. To laugh at all of the haters on this forum when I do ultimately get accepted and graduate

Well, to answer your post.

I'm not 60...40 actually :D

I'm not an expat, (from - London might be a clue :D )

However, I have spent a lot of time in LOS. Although if I did settle there I don't think it would be in Pattaya :)

I've already got a degree and a Masters.

Yes, I agree with you...you're not very good at managing people. Infact your interpersonal skills are piss-poor. Even on an "anonymous" internet forum you come across as rude, arrogant, self-centred, egotistical....well I could go on... :D :D

Maybe you should stop being a "hater" and learn to relax and take advantage of the free advice offered to you in good faith. Take on board what you will and ignore the rest....rather than dismissing everything out of hand....

Oh well, the arrogance of youth.... :D


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