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Degen Farangs Censorship Issue


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The rules of the Forum are clear about the topic discussed here:


However, if the school is allowed to comment on how good it is and the services it gives to students, and TV posters

know this not to be completely true, then the comments by posters and by the school should be allowed, TV should

be transparent, it provides us the readers and posters information about things that we might or might not need.

However, the topic should be kept clean and no insults should fly around, this is where moderators should step in

and delete posts.

On a personal basis this topic does not interest me as I am here on a Marriage Extension, but others have expressed

interest in learning Thai, and the information here should be of benefit to them in making a decision. Remember it is

their money they are investing in learning, or not learning the language.

I remember Schools being targeted by Immigration a few years ago, well soon it is going to happen to those supposed

Thai Language Schools.

To the owner of the Language school involved in the above discussion - I am sure that you want a true representation of

your services, and to get as many students on board as you can, so why not allow the discussions to evolve, but as said

not turn into a fight. All posters should use moderation when posting, I, on several occasions have not and regretted it after posting.

If anyone believes this has caused an infringement of the Forum rules, please inform me, and I will willingly apologize.

Edited by beano2274
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from the screenplay of Casablanca; RICK - Humphrey Bogart UGARTE - Peter Lorre

Rick meets Ugarte on his way back to his table.



Huh. You know, Rick, watching you just now with the Deutsches Bank, one would think you'd been doing this all your life.



Well, what makes you think I haven't?



Oh, nothing. But when you first came to Casablanca, I thought --



-- You thought what?

Fearing to offend Rick, Ugarte laughs.


What right do I have to think?

Ugarte pulls out a chair at Rick's table.

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Thats what you pay for...You don't pay anything for membership and TV.com is not a charitable organization. Advertisers are paying a good price to reach readers and Members on a Cost per Thousand (CPM) basis and they might be reluctant to do so in this type media if they were open to wide criticism (justly deserved or not) adjacent to their costly banner ads... Large news organizations have the 'Chinese wall' between their editorial, hard news, and advertising divisions but it seems forum-type websites have yet to evolve to that point.

Again you can always set-up your website and blog with a reference on your Profile page and level your criticisms no-holds-barred from there.

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I think he meant that, as a sponsor, that's what you pay for. Maybe so, Kuhn D. Stacked deck either way... as I say, blast them all you want on your blog / website with a well-chosen oblique reference from the Forum topic....

It will be a while before there is a web Forum -- any forum -- equivalence of 60 Minutes doing a Ford Pinto expose' on behind-the-rear-axle gas tank explosions while Ford then advertises its cars in the next commercial break.

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