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Canadian Confesses, Pays Fine At Phuket Court


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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

Here here and there are always two sides to any story!

I have friends who did in fact see the canadian first verbally, and then physically attack the driver!!

BUT consider the following..long i know but shows the facts.

I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats consider what goes on in your own countries,they are not immune to these types of goings on at all. Most taxi and/or tuk-tuk drivers anywhere in the world are not exactly rocket scientists but most are good people, and it only takes a few bad apples to upset the works.

The difference is that in expats home countries these people are probably on a salary plus percent as income or they are owner drivers..The few bad apples there are either greedy and/or predatory in an bid to increse their take home pay.

In phuket only 20% are owner drivers, so the majority are leasees.These guys have to pay 500 baht dailey in the high season, and 300 baht in the low,[ and the low these days is probably at least 8 months long] to their collective employers..Who they are i can not find out yet, but no doubt they are in the upper end of society!and anonamous for their own protection.

They ,like any mafia around the world have underlings to do their menial tasks, such as finance collection,self protection,standovers, etc.Basically these upper enders are the very ones that some of you misguided expats think are the ones to appeal to to stop this rot. IMPOSSIBLE..They are not at all concerned.

What you are seeing is the tip of the iceburg [the drivers] .They are visible to us at all times, and sadly when one snaps due to the situation they are in regards finances in this quiet high season the sh--t hits the fan and ,well look at some of the outragious comments posted, unbelievable statements from some 'educated expats', quite embarressing some of them!

Anyway back to the root cause of all this; The drivers [scapegoats] are made the villain in all this.

Like i said ,high season..500 baht, low season 300 baht to be paid to the MAN. Come hel_l or high water this money MUST be paid.

They are given grace of 3 days of non pay ,then they get the visit.A beating, followed by the taking back of the tuk-tuk and basically told GO HOME and don't return..huge loss of face as well as loss of employment. Of course there is a queue of potential new drivers waiting to take his place to earn BIG MONEY [as they are told] and this cycle repeats and repeats.

And the uppers naturally want more and more tuk-tuks to provide more and more daily income...not a problem in their eyes.

Consider the sheer number of tuk-tuks now,compared to the lower number of fares, and you don't have to be Einstein to see that the drivers are stuggling to meet their financial obligations, after also paying running costs, it is near impossible to earn a basic living even now , let alone after Feb.

The consequence of all this is exactly what we see now!

When times get tough[er] a man will react, often violently in a bid to have at least some income.

This is the case in the whole TWO incidents so far regarding drivers over reacting!!

IMO this is going to get far, far more common an occurance as time goes on, as more and more drivers can not meet their obligations to the secretive bosses.....Desperate people often make the wrong decisions..thats human nature!!

dumbest post of the year

1) if they dont like the pressure, theres a million other job for uneducated thais.

2) if tuktuk actually took you when you bargain 100baht lower, every single time. they'd make 2000 more a day minimum. instead of letting you go and sitting there 2-3more hours

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Hey hey calm down about phuket ok,,, the post was about patong,, This is not phuket IMHO ,, i live in Chalong 3 months of the year,, and i find it lovely, great restaurants, and bars with,, or without ladies of the night !!! my best buddy lived there for 12 years, when there was no roundabout,,

and patong was just a big village,, mud roads,,now he has movd with wife and small daughter, to Udon Thani, its cheaper to live as you would imagine,,.but patong has got bad for rip offs,, but there is no reason to not visit phuket,, patong is not the only place

, phuket is huge,, look around loadfs of places to stay,, and if you have negotiated a price for anything you must pay it,, its called fair!!!!

travel respectfully thats the key,, :)

Edited by hippyted
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I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats

your ALWAYS says it all......... :D

Guess it was the best Mr. Anwar could do to save his ticket, a lot more expenses for hotel, flight etc. AND his JOB!

I doubt he would have acted the same way in a democratic country with a law system and no corruption and no tuk tuk mafia etc.....

That really was great comercial for Phuket as a premier tourist destination in SE Asia......and I am quiet sure it will not be

the last time we heard something about a rude tuk tuk driver....wanna bet?

If someone kicks you in your chest and you have a bruise on your stomach, its kind of MAGIC :D

@ ta22

you really should try to read between the lines sometimes............ :)

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I am getting seriously worried about the IQ level of some posters on this thread.

George, could you not implement an IQ threshhold that all TV members must achieve before they are allowed to post comments?.

A level of about 80 should help to remove a lot of these idiots :)

My 2c worth? Regardless of whether Anwar was guilty of assault, the manner in which this incident was handled by the Phuket authorities indicates to me that their combined IQ must be way below the 80 mark. Are they not aware of the global reporting and comment accessible via Google, Twitter etc?

Let's wait for the next incident. Perhaps we will see a video on YouTube....


absolutely brilliant,, full marks :D

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@ ta22

you really should try to read between the lines sometimes............ rolleyes.gif

noted :)

read between my poor spelling sometime :D


not refering to the Quote

just love to see guy jumping in . without knowing what happen really :D this is really a after math post from the first news post :D

anyway let all have fun and relax ok ..

thailand is huge so don;t let a small tourist and tuk tuk fight make it look like is some major event like invading iraq or bombing of gaza

Edited by Ta22
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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

Yah well I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, the aggression is usually more the other other way like they said it wasn't worth his while why don't you learn to read and think!

Tuk tuk drivers didn't get the attitude the people lay on them for no reason.

I have been here 30 years and seen a lot of shit most of it comes our way as we are in the minority and don't have the troops to back us up or know the laws and most people arn't stupid about being in the minority. Although I have seen my share of jerks ! Do you qualify as one as your sound like one! Just asking pardon me.

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Since you have friends who saw the Canadian initiate the violence, why do you find it nescesary to try to excuse the tuk tuk driver on the basis that he has a hard life. Isnt' self protection sufficient justification for beating the tourist. But can your friends explain why, after the Canadian had kicked the driver, he waited around while the driver phoned his buddies- surely they must have found that a bit odd and related that part to you...

I have in no way excused the tuk-tuk driver..i have simply tried to post some little known facts as they stand.As for the canadian standing around..<deleted> The other thai was there in very short time,obviously located nearby when called.Whats odd about that?ODD COMMENT YOU MAKE>>WHY?

You make some interesting points however, however I am curious where you got the stat that only 20% of the drivers own the tuk tuks. How many are there in total and what did you do talk to all of them? Second, I have been to Hua Hin twice where it appears you may reside. I found it interesting that on both occassions no matter where or how far I had to go the fee was 150 baht to start. Seems like someone got together to collude on a set price.

As far as the poor drivers queing up to take over a failed driver I find that hard to believe. These people althougth uneducated all seem to know each other no matter what the business they are in. Stupid is what stupid does but no one can be that stupid can they????

:) I have a brother-in-law who owns his tuk-tuk..his estimate is that 20% of tuk-tuks are owned...why would he not tell me the facts?

As far as queing up for ''a great job'' earning ''big money'' hey if you are a near illiterate labourer in Isaan or Chiang mai/chiangrai where the average days pay is..give or take a baht or two, maybe 180 baht,would you not travel to Patong to earn the promised big money.?

Like any mafia type operations honesty is not their no.1 virtue, they scam their own people as well you know!

You are severely mistaken if you think Kathu is near Hua Hin..What is your meaning here? I'm interested to know?Really!


Your comment''immaginary friends''Hey i have many friends, both thai and farang..some good some not so good, but my friend NON are immaginary. Can you say the same? :D

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You think this is the only place in the world that you get ripped off by taxi drivers and it may end in an altercation?

Aberdeen, Scotland, mid sevinties when our colonial cousins were arriving by the bucket load to tap the black gold from under our seas. Taxi drivers were charging a fortune to go from the train station to the George hotel!!!!!!!!!!!!! couple of hundred yards if you walk it!!!

Negotiate a price and stick to it :)

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I believe he really did kick the tuk tuk driver,and all this over 50 baht.If he vdidn't like the price from the beginning he vshouldn't have hired the tuk tuk driver.I believe the canadian got what he deserved.If I had been the tuk tuk driver i'd have put him in the hospital.People like the canadian make it look bad for all thai people.Like 150 baht is going to break him.

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nice thai justice (not)

who would want to miss their flight, have to pay for hotel and a new ticket ?

for those who blame the farang, did you see the messed up face of the farang before you judge ?

Of course, it couldn't possibly be that the Canadian was guilty and the tuk tuk driver was more than he could handle, now could it.

Edited by bobbysan124
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I believe he really did kick the tuk tuk driver,and all this over 50 baht.If he vdidn't like the price from the beginning he vshouldn't have hired the tuk tuk driver.I believe the canadian got what he deserved.If I had been the tuk tuk driver i'd have put him in the hospital.People like the canadian make it look bad for all thai people.Like 150 baht is going to break him.

I do too...

after being swindled by crooks who then held his arms behind his back, bashed his face, and broke his nose.

Upon suffering such abuse he then decided he should at least get a kick in.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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He admitted guilt to assault in a Thai court, and there is no other evidential or factual information presented (ie provocation or self defence) to admonish or mitigate his culpability for the offence.

Alternatively, if he admitted guilt just to board his connecting flight, then he is potentially liable for perjury - a much more serious offence under Thai law.

Although others may opine differently, Thai law is fair and just.

Thai law is fair and just?!

Are you serious? Wow! ... I am at a loss.

As for your assertion that he is potentially 'liable' for perjury - I do not think he is obligated to perjure himself (which is what you assert). However, I wish to opine that you meant to say something to the effect of him being guilty of perjury (you are never potentially guilty of anything, you either are guilty or you are not). So, in YOUR way of thinking, he MUST have thrown the first punch, because had he not, the Tuk Tuk driver would come clean and admit to being at fault, thus thwarting the Canadian again, as he would now be arrested and charged with perjury. After all, you assert that Thai law is fair and just. It may well be (though I would beg to differ), but, be that as it may your assertions are ridiculous beyond measure.

I have no idea who started what, but what is generally accepted is that this bloke reneged on an agreed upon fare. The whole story is about 50 baht. Had the guy paid the full fair, he would have stewed for a bit, then he would have gone back to enjoying his holiday. But no, he had to be a prick about 50 baht, and that cost him 2000 baht @ the hospital and 1000 to the courts. That 50 baht ended up costing this guy 3000. No matter who is in the wrong (I am pretty sure both parties have been wronged) seems this guy would have been better off paying up and chalking it up to experience.

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Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

A saga beginning over a dispute over 50 baht? Not likely! Yesterday's news, today's confession, will be forgotten very quickly. Who cares if he did it. Everyone on here has an opinion and a Thai court will do nothing to sway anyone's opinion. As my mum would say, 'much ado about nothin' the way I sees it.'

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One thing is obvious from the story. The driver in this case, and many, many others I have met while living here, seem to have forgotten the GOLDEN RULE of business. " The customer is always right"!

LMAO, moron. Let me see you renege on a contract with any business owner. I don't claim to know anything about business, but I know something about life- you are only as good as your word, so if your word is no good.....

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Love to see what this forum got to say now .

seem like the cry wolf had been caught and of cos he is a tourist and a 1000b fine is ok and he can go ..

what happen to yesterday .. big words about how we should punish the Tuk tuk driver .. what about the tourist , how about he go to jail .

This is really a Farang experience -

what is new

and all this cos of 50b

I see you mention the 'f' word again and again. What has this to do with a 'farang'?

Seems to me, to be an argument between two Asians, one a South Asian (probably Indian/Pakistani) that are known for their stingyness and mean spirit. The other, known to be prone to irrational acts especially under provocation.

This particular incident had nothing to do with any 'farang' whatsoever.

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Love to see what this forum got to say now .

seem like the cry wolf had been caught and of cos he is a tourist and a 1000b fine is ok and he can go ..

what happen to yesterday .. big words about how we should punish the Tuk tuk driver .. what about the tourist , how about he go to jail .

This is really a Farang experience -

what is new

and all this cos of 50b

I see you mention the 'f' word again and again. What has this to do with a 'farang'?

Seems to me, to be an argument between two Asians, one a South Asian (probably Indian/Pakistani) that are known for their stingyness and mean spirit. The other, known to be prone to irrational acts especially under provocation.

This particular incident had nothing to do with any 'farang' whatsoever.

It's about tourists, and did you really need to bring that kind of racist talk into the equation?

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I don't believe this,

2 years ago I was driving an insured rent motorbike in Chiangmai when a female cardriver cut' me off on my lane and I hit her cardoor with 50km/h, I was lucky not to get seriously injured.

It was clear that b**ch was 100% wrong, though via threaths of her dad the tourist police warned me for court procedures that could take years, and loss of my visa if I did not simply agree to pay the 7.000 damage of her 20+ year old car just to get the case closed quickly.

(may Buddha punish them !)

Guess it's kind of the same story...

Edited by ManilaLover
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It is refreshing to be proven right to quickly. As I stated in the other thread, the tourist got what he deserved. It isn't stated here but I'm quite sure by 'assault' they mean kicking the tuk tuk driver - you just don't do that in Thailand.

Proven? That's a joke.

I have been going to Phuket a long time. And the price of tuk tuks, the mafia label, and various other negative aspects of transportation in Phuket are well known to non-tourists--even guide books mention the problems. Since the beaches have grown into carnivals of "nightlife"(Patong) or just tourist traps(Karon/Kata) I usually stay in Phuket town, favoring it's low key ambiance, restored architecture, and faceless qualities. And transport to beaches is easily accomplished by public sangtow transportation--about 50-60 baht each direction to Patong is the norm as opposed to 500 baht by taxi.

Several common sense rules exist in Thailand. First of all, when a price is agreed upon both parties keep the deal. If you think the price is too high, you negotiate before the trip starts. Secondly, never ever go violent in Thailand because you seldom take on one guy but a collection of his peers who will beat you down.

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Love to see what this forum got to say now .

seem like the cry wolf had been caught and of cos he is a tourist and a 1000b fine is ok and he can go ..

what happen to yesterday .. big words about how we should punish the Tuk tuk driver .. what about the tourist , how about he go to jail .

This is really a Farang experience -

what is new

and all this cos of 50b

Get real, miss your flt or pay 1,000bt! What would you do? Tourist's are easy meat for these bottom feeder's. A thai friend of mine stood up for a tourist 'cos she new the fare should have been 50bt when the Tuk Tuk driver tried to extort 500bt, the driver threatened to beat her up if he saw her again!

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Yes, understand the violent criminal mind. That's the ticket. And I thought I was a bleeding heart liberal.

I am curious what the wanke_rs at the Cad embASSy in BKK said as well as the bored gossipers at the embASSy in Tokyo will say.

They love this kind of drama as it is a break from pencil twirling and clock watching.

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Love to see what this forum got to say now .

seem like the cry wolf had been caught and of cos he is a tourist and a 1000b fine is ok and he can go ..

what happen to yesterday .. big words about how we should punish the Tuk tuk driver .. what about the tourist , how about he go to jail .

This is really a Farang experience -

what is new

and all this cos of 50b

I see you mention the 'f' word again and again. What has this to do with a 'farang'?

Seems to me, to be an argument between two Asians, one a South Asian (probably Indian/Pakistani) that are known for their stingyness and mean spirit. The other, known to be prone to irrational acts especially under provocation.

This particular incident had nothing to do with any 'farang' whatsoever.

It's about tourists, and did you really need to bring that kind of racist talk into the equation?

Precisely, it's about tourists, all sorts of tourists and not just 'farangs'.

As for racist, that's laughable. Many people that i've met and known,from all different cultures and races have made similar comments to the ones i made. I think It's common knowledge that certain nationals are known for certain things isn't it?

The reason i don't post much on here and just use this site for news updates (you will see i joined here quite some time ago) is precisely not to get involved in silly,petty arguments like this. I just haven't got the time or the inclination to respond to members of the pc brigade.

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So many negative replies, I ask you.

''Why are you all still here in Thailand ?''

I've lived and worked here for some 19 years and I certainly haven't had the experiences that many of you seem to have had.

Is it perhaps that you think you are superior to the ''natives'' ? Mix only with the expat community and don't really know the average Thai, refuse to accept that we need to adjust our outlook as much as a Thai would if living in a western style setting.

Come on you whingers and whiners, indeed Thailand is not perfect nor are any other countries in this world either,.

You we, me, we all have to adjust if it's too much to ask why not leave and find another personal paradise if such a state exists.

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Since you have friends who saw the Canadian initiate the violence, why do you find it nescesary to try to excuse the tuk tuk driver on the basis that he has a hard life. Isnt' self protection sufficient justification for beating the tourist. But can your friends explain why, after the Canadian had kicked the driver, he waited around while the driver phoned his buddies- surely they must have found that a bit odd and related that part to you...

I have in no way excused the tuk-tuk driver..i have simply tried to post some little known facts as they stand.As for the canadian standing around..<deleted> The other thai was there in very short time,obviously located nearby when called.Whats odd about that?ODD COMMENT YOU MAKE>>WHY?


Why aren't you excusing the tuk tuk driver if you believe your friends account of the story- (that the tourist initiated the violence)? I certainly would excuse him. I suspect most of those on this board blaming him for the violence would excuse him if it was shown that he was simply defending himself from the viscious tourist (as your friends seem to imply).

Yet you don't excuse him. Curious. Is it because you think that just maybe the kick was delivered iin self defense?

The accomplice to the tuk tuk driver arrived after the driver phoned him. According to your friends- when did the phone call take place? After he had been kicked in the chest? Or before?

Do you not find it a bit odd that in a circumstance like this- where someone not only refuses to pay their bill but also vicsioucly assaults the victim, the penalty is a mere 1000 baht. (I expect that if I refused to pay my bill at any establishment in Bangkok- and, to make my point- booted the cashier in the chest- the penalty would be a bit more severe. I hope that tourists do not take this as an indication that for 30 bucks they too can go around kicking the siht out of the locals).

THe kick certainly makes sense though if you imagine that the tourist was being pinned by the buddy. That the buddy had already arrived and had pinned the tourist in such a way that he could not defend himself from the driver with his arms- Yet your friends didn't mention that did they.

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