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Electrician On Koh Samui

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I read several posts where people were looking for an electrician in Phuket, Pattaya, and Changmai, but didn't see anyone looking in KS. My electricity is out in my house now and there is 300m of cable going to the junction box. An"electrician" came by today and just said to replace the cable. I need someone who can actually find and fix the problem. Help, please!

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If you do have 300meter of cable going to the transformer and it is smaller than #50 ACRS (Aluminum) you will have low voltage problems. Not cheap or easy to change, and if it belongs to the electric company they have to change it!!!!! Plus change your meter!!!

Depending on the size of the transformer and the number of people hooked to the transformer, the wire size and the load you are drawing is what determines the voltage you get at your Panel.

In most cases here on Samui you are lucky if you are within 300 meters of a transformer. If the voltage at the transformer is also low due to overloading (to many people using the transformer) the problem is compounded.

Temperature also effects the current carrying capacity of the wire, Google "Voltage Drop" and see what the calculations are, Copper is a whole lot better than Aluminum as far as "Voltage Drop" goes and smaller size can be used and run longer than Aluminum but a lot more expensive.

Also a "Voltage Regulator" will not work, many people have installed they in a word you can not make voltage where there is none, the device helps to maintain the voltage you have at a stable level.

Hope this helps. Low Voltage is one of the biggest problems we have here on Samui, indeed in Thailand because the original systems and thinking never took into account all the "things" that use power that we have today!

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