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"nothing In This World Is Free, Lad"


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A busy day for the Mods. As I stated earlier "It doesn't bother me that customers complain." ... "I would rather these incidents didn't occur, but if they do I'd like to know about it in order to rectify the problem.".

I don't get flustered easily, so it's interesting to see so many people doing so on my behalf. A word of advice, if I may....

"Calm down, calm down." :)

Indeed, "Calm down, calm down." :D

Of course <Wolfie> is entitled to his opinion, and it appears to be accepted that having made his post, another mod should do the moderating on this thread.

Everyday most of us accept waiting times in LOS that we would not put up with in the West, but maybe some people take the view that a farang-run establishment, aimed mostly at a farang clientele, deserves a little less patience sometimes? Having said that, I used to be friendly with a farang bar owner (not in CM) who used to pull his hair out as to the drop in the performance of his staff as soon as he was away from his place. It is not easy, I'm sure.

I think maybe <Wolfie> was rather more upset with the comments made in his earshot, rather than the wait. But, in any event, well done to Kevin for taking it on the chin and keeping cheerful - and I trust he will speak with the member of staff concerned.

Bit of a storm in a teacup?


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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :) ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

Another benefit of having Wifi in your restaurant is that now some ThaiVisa members can verbally abuse you, criticize your establishment, complain and poke fun directly by email on line from within your own restaurant, saving them all the inconvenience of having to log in on ThaiVisa and doing it somewhere else.

Except for the no riff raff and we don`t serve everybody signs, I enjoy the atmosphere and food in the Red Lion.

Sometimes I have visitors from abroad and the first place I take them is the Red Lion.

I have spoken with Kevin in the past, although I doubt if he remembers me, I like his sense of humour and believe he has set the right formula and format in his restaurant.

I like it.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :) ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

Another benefit of having Wifi in your restaurant is that now some ThaiVisa members can verbally abuse you, criticize your establishment, complain and poke fun directly by email on line from within your own restaurant, saving them all the inconvenience of having to log in on ThaiVisa and doing it somewhere else.

But they will have to put wifi in at Guitarman so that he can read them.

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por kev, trying to boost his customer base by a bit of free advertising and he gets twatted just like his football team lol.

That's nasty and vindictive.

If someone makes a success of a business, I wish them all the good will in the world, so why shouldn't someone boast if they have something good to boast about and perhaps a message that others would like to hear.

People that try to downgrade them are probably losers who are jealous and resent the self-achievements of others.

And yes as some have mentioned, I own 52% of shares in Charlie's fish & chips restaurant, 68% shares in the Red Lion, a 50% shadow partner of the UN Irish Pub and presently doing a deal for my take over of The Dukes.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :D ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

Another benefit of having Wifi in your restaurant is that now some ThaiVisa members can verbally abuse you, criticize your establishment, complain and poke fun directly by email on line from within your own restaurant, saving them all the inconvenience of having to log in on ThaiVisa and doing it somewhere else.

But they will have to put wifi in at Guitarman so that he can read them.

Actually, I've been in The Red Lion all night, but if Nicky is still open I might just pop in for a swift one on the way home. I'll mention the WiFi to him, but tell him it was your idea. :D

PS Did someone verbally abuse me? I never noticed that one. Maybe someone can point it out for me. I like a bit of verbal jousting, even if it is over the internet. :)

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One of the benefits of free wi-fi is the customers can comment quicker and I will be able to react quicker!!

Who would have thought that a simple post notifying people about free wi-fi would turn out to be so controversial (other than me :D ).

I love Thai Visa. :D

Another benefit of having Wifi in your restaurant is that now some ThaiVisa members can verbally abuse you, criticize your establishment, complain and poke fun directly by email on line from within your own restaurant, saving them all the inconvenience of having to log in on ThaiVisa and doing it somewhere else.

But they will have to put wifi in at Guitarman so that he can read them.

Actually, I've been in The Red Lion all night, but if Nicky is still open I might just pop in for a swift one on the way home. I'll mention the WiFi to him, but tell him it was your idea. :D

PS Did someone verbally abuse me? I never noticed that one. Maybe someone can point it out for me. I like a bit of verbal jousting, even if it is over the internet. :)

He wasn't dissing you, even worse your football team :D

As for the staffing problems, I think using Fawlty Towers DVD's as training videos might have been a mistake :D

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As for the staffing problems, I think using Fawlty Towers DVD's as training videos might have been a mistake   :)

You just reminded me that I haven't put the 'No Riff Raff' sign back yet (it was replaced by a Christmas decoration during the Season of Goodwill, and that's behind us now, of course). That would explain how the tone has lowered of late. Some odd characters have slipped in, especially just after Christmas. :D

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As for the staffing problems, I think using Fawlty Towers DVD's as training videos might have been a mistake :)

You just reminded me that I haven't put the 'No Riff Raff' sign back yet (it was replaced by a Christmas decoration during the Season of Goodwill, and that's behind us now, of course). That would explain how the tone has lowered of late. Some odd characters have slipped in, especially just after Christmas. :D

Just a small point kev, just had a toasted cheese and tomato sarnie from your place, consisted of 2 pieces of toast with a piece of cold cheese and tomato placed between the slices, surely the filling is suppose to be hot :D

Chips were ok btw :D

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Just a small point Kev ust had a toasted cheese and tomato sarnie from your place, consisted of 2 pieces of toast with a piece of cold cheese and tomato placed between the slices, surely the filling is suppose to be hot  :)

Chips were ok btw :D

Never thought of that! We have cheese on toast, which of course is hot, but very few people ever ask for a toasted sandwich. We don't have one of those toasted sandwich gizmos so they are making two pieces of toast and adding the filling. A 'toaster' is now on my shopping list. Glad to see that you like the home-made chunky chips - a lot of time goes into making them.

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I guess I am just different after traveling all over the world I dont expect good service when I am visiting 3rd world countries and eating in inexpensive establishments if I get it then great if I dont I remain patient and dont get my knickers in a twist unlike many less travelled people.

Since I have business experience running service orientated projects I understand better than most the effort it takes to stay on top of things

Maybe I'm am different in that wherever I've travelled in the world, I've tolerated poor service and on occasions complained about it, but at no time would I (or will I ever) take being insulted or abused by people I am paying.

I hope Kevin has given someone a rocket up the arse, since that is unforgiveable. But as you say, a lot of Thais are very good at skiving when the boss isn't there.

Kevin, now you have Wifi, stick a webcam in there and tell the staff you can watch them at any time :)

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And yes as some have mentioned, I own 52% of shares in Charlie's fish & chips restaurant, 68% shares in the Red Lion, a 50% shadow partner of the UN Irish Pub and presently doing a deal for my take over of The Dukes.

Coincidentally, I currently happen to own 27% of shares in the Narawat Toll-Bridge over the River Ping, might you be interested in buying me out, or a merger of our respective businesses ? :)

I think I'm finally getting the hang of this 'fantasy capitalism' game ! :D

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As for the staffing problems, I think using Fawlty Towers DVD's as training videos might have been a mistake :)

You just reminded me that I haven't put the 'No Riff Raff' sign back yet (it was replaced by a Christmas decoration during the Season of Goodwill, and that's behind us now, of course). That would explain how the tone has lowered of late. Some odd characters have slipped in, especially just after Christmas. :D

dam_n it! I wondered how I got in...

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Just a small point Kev ust had a toasted cheese and tomato sarnie from your place, consisted of 2 pieces of toast with a piece of cold cheese and tomato placed between the slices, surely the filling is suppose to be hot  :)

Chips were ok btw :D

Never thought of that! We have cheese on toast, which of course is hot, but very few people ever ask for a toasted sandwich. We don't have one of those toasted sandwich gizmos so they are making two pieces of toast and adding the filling. A 'toaster' is now on my shopping list. Glad to see that you like the home-made chunky chips - a lot of time goes into making them.

Just as an off-topic FYI, Kev, there is no need to add to your expenses by buying one of those toastie makers. Toasties are very simple to make and if your staff can manage cheese toast, they can manage a stove-top cooked toastie: butter two pieces of bread, put the buttered side of one piece of bread on a hot nonstick pan, cheese on top of the non-buttered side. tomato, then carefully place the other non-buttered side bread face down on top of the tomato. The key here is that the buttered side will then be flipped over and come into contact with the hot pan. Watch carefully as they burn. When both sides are golden brown, remove from pan, place on plate. Cut diagonally if preferred. Best to serve hot :D

Save your money for the 3g wifi bill, from what I've seen in the internet forum, the prices are high. :D

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Thanks for the update Mike Hunt. :D

:) He loves that. Next he'll be telling you it's the first time he's heard it since he was 12, or the last time he watched Porky's.

por kev, trying to boost his customer base by a bit of free advertising and he gets twatted just like his football team lol.

He is boosting his customer base any way the thread goes :D


... and Mike, it's 2010, hardly breaking news; you should have shoved a router in the corner eons ago ole mate.

All the breast :D

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Thanks for the update Mike Hunt. :D

:) He loves that. Next he'll be telling you it's the first time he's heard it since he was 12, or the last time he watched Porky's.

All the breast  :D

It was the first time I'd heard it since I was 12, but since joining TV I've heard it quite a lot, for some reason. Any theories as to why that might be? :D Has no-one heard of my distant cousin Isaac - that's another classic.

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Just a small point Kev ust had a toasted cheese and tomato sarnie from your place, consisted of 2 pieces of toast with a piece of cold cheese and tomato placed between the slices, surely the filling is suppose to be hot :)

Chips were ok btw :D

Never thought of that! We have cheese on toast, which of course is hot, but very few people ever ask for a toasted sandwich. We don't have one of those toasted sandwich gizmos so they are making two pieces of toast and adding the filling. A 'toaster' is now on my shopping list. Glad to see that you like the home-made chunky chips - a lot of time goes into making them.

Just as an off-topic FYI, Kev, there is no need to add to your expenses by buying one of those toastie makers. Toasties are very simple to make and if your staff can manage cheese toast, they can manage a stove-top cooked toastie: butter two pieces of bread, put the buttered side of one piece of bread on a hot nonstick pan, cheese on top of the non-buttered side. tomato, then carefully place the other non-buttered side bread face down on top of the tomato. The key here is that the buttered side will then be flipped over and come into contact with the hot pan. Watch carefully as they burn. When both sides are golden brown, remove from pan, place on plate. Cut diagonally if preferred. Best to serve hot :D

Save your money for the 3g wifi bill, from what I've seen in the internet forum, the prices are high. :D

While not making out to be a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich expert, surely your way makes it a fried cheese and tomato sandwich :D .

But saying that i will give your way a go myself :D .

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por kev, trying to boost his customer base by a bit of free advertising and he gets twatted just like his football team lol.

It did indeed, by MY TEAM :) .......sorry Kev, but I did defend you on the new Fish and Chip thread :D

I find the rest of this thread rarther..well boring after your first post......still as you know "all publicity bla blah"

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por kev, trying to boost his customer base by a bit of free advertising and he gets twatted just like his football team lol.

It did indeed, by MY TEAM :D .......sorry Kev, but I did defend you on the new Fish and Chip thread :D

I find the rest of this thread rarther..well boring after your first post......still as you know "all publicity bla blah"

We was robbed.(not really, but I can't think of any other defense of yet another poor performace).

As regards to the post - it was a simple notifier of a new service , so I didn't expect it to be entertainment, but this is TV and as such the most inane posts can become controversial or take strange twists and turns.

Just a quick reminder to those that forgot or joined this post later on  - I've got AIS 3G wifi in the pub. :)  

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Just a quick reminder to those that forgot or joined this post later on - I've got AIS 3G wifi in the pub. :)

I've got an idea. We put the webcam and mic in the Lion. Then we wander down to the Beaver and sign in. Then we send Wolfie in there for a BLT while his best mate is working behind the counter......

It could be like "I'm a celebrity, get me a BLT"


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Just a quick reminder to those that forgot or joined this post later on - I've got AIS 3G wifi in the pub. :)

I've got an idea. We put the webcam and mic in the Lion. Then we wander down to the Beaver and sign in. Then we send Wolfie in there for a BLT while his best mate is working behind the counter......

It could be like "I'm a celebrity, get me a BLT"


A couple of problems with that plan. The signal is limited to 50 metres, the sign-in is password protected, and more importantly, there is a No Riff Raff sign to get past. :D

Otherwise - great plan.

PS: 22,000 views?

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A couple of problems with that plan. The signal is limited to 50 metres, the sign-in is password protected, and more importantly, there is a No Riff Raff sign to get past.

No, you see we stream the webcam through your wifi onto t'internet...

PS: 22,000 views?

And just remember, there's no such thing as bad publicity <heh>

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Here`s a suggestion:

How about changing a couple of ThaiVisa rules?

Sponsors can continue to promote themselves on these forums for free, but on condition that they give 20% Discount vouchers to all ThaiVisa members that read their threads and posts.

I mean, they are getting free advertising, so why don't all the Thaivisa staff and members receive the benefit.

As Kevin quotes: nothing In This World Is Free, Lad

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Here`s a suggestion:

How about changing a couple of ThaiVisa rules?

Sponsors can continue to promote themselves on these forums for free, but on condition that they give 20% Discount vouchers to all ThaiVisa members that read their threads and posts.

I mean, they are getting free advertising, so why don't all the Thaivisa staff and members receive the benefit.

As Kevin quotes: nothing In This World Is Free, Lad

Funnily enough........................ I've been toying with the idea of 10% discount cards for locals. I think I'll start a new post to get peoples views about it. Will it stay on topic is the big question - let's see...

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Free Wi-Fi

At the risk of further encouraging Kevin in his shameless self-promotional antics, I just have to bring to your attention this cartoon from Joy of Tech which I have no doubt Kevin will print out and paste next to the 'no riff-raff' sign:


Edited by Thakkar
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