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Where To Send A Meth Addict To ?


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Hi morning all,

I would like to send someone who is addicted to meth & worse..currently in a very depressing and bonker state, acting silly and such off to someplace that she can be locked up for good.

This person is a Thai female. This person has a child & debts that have to be work off. But for the better good. She needs to seek treatment fast. And in my opinion. She needs to be locked up so that she will not dare to do it again.

What should i do? Should i call the police ?

I originally wanted to ask the Surat Thani mental van to come and capture her. But the costs plus treatment, From what other said needs 4000baht.

I would like not to waste a single baht as it is none of my business.

Please advise or recommend a rehab place. Im located at Phuket.


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Avante - I do not think there is anywhere in Phuket (or near) that can help.

And from previous investigations, I would say that the Surat Thani hospital is probably a very good place to start for her, because it has a good reputation and she will not be allowed to leave if she has been 'commited'. However, I do not think they will provide any ongoing treatment for her if someone doesn't provide the ongoing funds! I guess 4,000 baht is the monthly cost.

Does she have any family who can help? (I think it would not be a surprise if family members will be running in the other direction very fast if you approach them and ask for financial and family support for their daughter/sister).

Sorry that I cannot give better advice


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Send her to the home of one of the experts of TV that pushes the view that it's a free choice issue and that there is no cost involved. Let them see what the human cost is and deal with the reality.

Ok, sorry, inappropriate comment, but its threads like this that should drive home to these people that there is a toll on humans and society in general and this is what the drug does.

In terms of a solution, if you get to your wits end, there is always family services that can act to protect the child.

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"I would like not to waste a single baht as it is none of my business."

Please re-read this part of your original post AGAIN and AGAIN. ..

At least until you understand the meaning of the statement; IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS..

I say let the thais take care of the thais; after all it is their country. Don't get involved at all.

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Well whatever route you choose to help just remember meth is the hardest drug addiction to beat even worse than heroin. It is a long term rehab with a high rate of relapse. The best you can do is get her into a short term detox program. After that she will have to leave the enviroment she is in and go for a total change in location, friends and maybe even family, filling the void created by kicking the habit is the hardest part. Unfortunatly some dicks such as the poster above no nothing about drug or alcohol addiction. Sadly probably a self righteous boozer himself.

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you should take your own advice, its none of your business, if you not willing to spend a single baht!

Got to agree with this.

You said it yourself, Avante: "it is none of my business."

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FYI there is no such thing as addiction. It is total is BS. It is called poor decision making. This what people are paying 50k usd a month to learn at hi-so rehabs.

Your compassion is truely overwhelming. Oh and BTW, there is such a thing as addiction. I only hope there arn't many more out there holding the same "opinions"as your good self.

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"She needs to be locked up so that she will not dare to do it again.

What should i do? Should i call the police ?

I originally wanted to ask the Surat Thani mental van to come and capture her. But the costs plus treatment, From what other said needs 4000baht.

I would like not to waste a single baht as it is none of my business."

Ever crossed your mind that you could be part of the problem and not the solution?

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moving this post to the health section where more informative answers may be forthcoming. for many reasons, i suggest the OP take simon43's advice since he had some similar experience recorded somewhere here on the board....

but first, before u do get too involved:

how is this person to you? (wife/gf/sister/sis in law/friend) or someone u just happen to know.

second> dont expect success first time round

make a decision ahead of time to cut your losses if the going gets out of hand for you.

take care and get involved only as much as u can afford to mentally, physically, and financially.

now moving to health... also u can try int eh alcoholics part of the forum they have some guys there with personal experience to give u



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Well whatever route you choose to help just remember meth is the hardest drug addiction to beat even worse than heroin. It is a long term rehab with a high rate of relapse. The best you can do is get her into a short term detox program. After that she will have to leave the enviroment she is in and go for a total change in location, friends and maybe even family, filling the void created by kicking the habit is the hardest part. Unfortunatly some dicks such as the poster above no nothing about drug or alcohol addiction. Sadly probably a self righteous boozer himself.

couldnt agree more

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FYI there is no such thing as addiction. It is total is BS. It is called poor decision making. This what people are paying 50k usd a month to learn at hi-so rehabs.

You my friend have an addiction, its an addiction of talking complete crap, wonder if the betty ford clinic is able to help you ?

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FYI there is no such thing as addiction. It is total is BS. It is called poor decision making. This what people are paying 50k usd a month to learn at hi-so rehabs.

FYI, You are an idiot.


There are many addictions. Being an a-hole is one. People tend to misuse the term "idiot" for whom I have great respect for.

To the OP, there is really nothing you can do. It's unfortunate, but it's a very powerful addiction. Stay far away from her.

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and under assumption, i should be able to kill people, run them over with my car, stab, shoot, and maim because I have a disease? correct? I mean my disease has not been treated so its not my fault?

Edited by BillR
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FYI there is no such thing as addiction. It is total is BS. It is called poor decision making. This what people are paying 50k usd a month to learn at hi-so rehabs.

You my friend have an addiction, its an addiction of talking complete crap, wonder if the betty ford clinic is able to help you ?

I have been to rehab, on the level of betty ford, and there are 2 ways you can go to recovery.

1. Wallow that you are powerless over your addiction.

2. Realize you are not powerless and making bad decsions.

I do not recall the scientific names, but those are basically the only 2 clinically acceptable forms of treatment. So, what im trying to say is go to a place that offers both. You can choose what works best for you. I know several people who have chosen number 2, yet still go to the number 1 meetings (aa/na) simply to listen and share their struggles, regardless of the 12 steps.

There is a good one in thailand, it is 18kusd for one month. PM for details, and they will vouch for me if you so request. Clean and sober since July 4th, 2009.

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