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A Night At The Footbon (soccer)


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With the usual Thai spur of the moment planning, eight of us consisting of 2 farangs and 6 thais of varying ages climbed into the pick-up and drove the 100 ks to watch the game between Thailand and Singapore played last night at the sports stadium in Nakonrachasima.

Got there as the curtain raiser between Denmark and Poland was starting only to be greeted by 'sold out' signs at the ticket windows.

No worries, plenty of scalpers selling tickets. Ended up with 7 x 50bht and 1 x 20 bht seats for only 1,700 bht. Bargain.

Bought the mandatory scarves, hats, temporary tattoos and beer and headed for the entrance.

No cans allowed.

Again no worries, just decant the beer into empty plastic water bottles and Bob's your uncle. (hide the bottle tops in your pocket until you get past security :) ) or do as the thais do and drink beer out of a plastic bag with a straw.

So-so curtain raiser won by Daengmark (in red) about 3-1. Not sure as I was on another beer run when the final whistle sounded.

After fire works, marching girls and bands had done their thing the main event was played to a stadium full of flag waving, drum beating, mexican waving thoroughly well behaved footbool fans who were rewarded for their support with a well deserved 1 - nil victory. The only empty seats in the place were in the royal box.

Back to the car and after inching our way out of the carpark we headed off to a farang owned restaurant for 'steak'. First experience of steak for a few of them but having eaten there before I opted for thai food, but I got a laugh out of watching the young ones trying to use a knife and fork.

All in all a fun (if not cheap) day out that I will do again, but only when the Wallabies come to Korat.

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