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Never had this problem before but recently, air con - be it in my room or at a friends place or at a hotel, has seemed to dehydrate me after just a couple of hours.

I also have a mildly sore throat.

I am drinking more water to compensate but is this a common thing?

Never had this problem before but recently, air con - be it in my room or at a friends place or at a hotel, has seemed to dehydrate me after just a couple of hours.

I also have a mildly sore throat.

I am drinking more water to compensate but is this a common thing?

Generally, sore throat, dry eyes and the lot are not caused by the A/C unit but by the filter bring dirty. I work on a/c's and have found that either cleaning the filter of changing out the filter help. Not easy to do at a hotel but try it and see. Cheers.

Life Of Scampy - Unfinished Photo Album now up and running: http://www.thaivisa.com/gallery/albums.php


Now includes 'Attack From Random Chances's Dogs' and 'My My Evil Twin' in tomorrows Soi Cowboy.

no offence mate , but when is all this self promotion going to end.

as for the aircon , just turn it off. :o

I do have to agree with this - Scamp does seem to have a bit of a 'look at me' syndrome going on. Is he an ex-salesman by any chance ?

I mean - posting subjects based on 'bloke down the pub said' (AIDs in 4 days/Closing Cowboy) as well as his unpunctuated 'articles' about himself, suggests that he is just seeking attention.

Taking photos of yourself & posting them on the internet is a bit odd too.

Saying that - it's a free forum - so he can post what he wants.

Seems a bit sad to be honest.

Scamp - if you really haven't got much to say - don't.

.......but is this a common thing?

In a word....Yes.

Airconditioners, by nature of their design, are also dehuimidifiers. Warm air is capable of holding more water vapor in suspension than cold air. When warm air is passed over the a/c's evaporator coils, water percipitates out, falls into a drip pan and flows or is pumped to a drain.


In the case of window a/c's, water usually flows to the outside evaporator fan area, where a "slinger ring" on the fans blade picks up the water and sprays it on the evaporator coils. This aids in cooling the refrigerant gas which is continously re-circulated.

cheers :o

Never had this problem before but recently, air con - be it in my room or at a friends place or at a hotel, has seemed to dehydrate me after just a couple of hours.

I also have a mildly sore throat.

I am drinking more water to compensate but is this a common thing?



On my last flight i decided to watch the inflight safety video. Normally just start reading the newspaper.

On this it stated that the ac in the plane can dry your eyes and nose and throat.

To counter this it was advised to get a warm wet towel place it over your face and breath in through the towel this will relieve the symptoms of dehydration. Pretty sure it would be the same at home as the home a/c also dries out the air.

But maybe a better solution is to not have the a/c on all the time. Won't be so hot when you do decide to go outside. At least you will be a little more used to the heat.

Hope this helps.

Never had this problem before but recently, air con - be it in my room or at a friends place or at a hotel, has seemed to dehydrate me after just a couple of hours.

I also have a mildly sore throat.

I am drinking more water to compensate but is this a common thing?

On my last flight i decided to watch the inflight safety video.  Normally just start reading the newspaper.

On this it stated that the ac in the plane can dry your eyes and nose and throat.

To counter this it was advised to get a warm wet towel place it over your face and breath in through the towel this will relieve the symptoms of dehydration.  Pretty sure it would be the same at home as the home a/c also dries out the air.

But maybe a better solution is to not have the a/c on all the time. Won't be so hot when you do decide to go outside.  At least you will be a little more used to the heat.

Hope this helps.

Never had this problem before but recently, air con - be it in my room or at a friends place or at a hotel, has seemed to dehydrate me after just a couple of hours.

I also have a mildly sore throat.

I am drinking more water to compensate but is this a common thing?

Yes it did, thankyou.

I do have to agree with this - Scamp does seem to have a bit of a 'look at me' syndrome going on.

Bit much sometimes ain't it. Why don't he just do a blog if he just wants to talk about himself all the time?

I do have to agree with this - Scamp does seem to have a bit of a 'look at me' syndrome going on.

Bit much sometimes ain't it. Why don't he just do a blog if he just wants to talk about himself all the time?

Is that really how you see it?

It was over a year before I revealed myself and if you can't suss out the reason for my open-ness and lazily put it down to narcissism then I see no point in continuing.

That is not a dig at you BkkMadness, I've always liked you but if that is how I'm really seen, even by my supporters then how can I continue here?

Maybe you've done me a favour.

Everyone is the way they are for a reason - If I am part of only a small minority that are constantly aware of this, then how can I expect everyone to take me as intended.

I should by now begin to realize that I can't.

A blind and clumsy change of password should ensure that I am not tempted to return and subject myself to further humiliation.

No hard feelings,


I do have to agree with this - Scamp does seem to have a bit of a 'look at me' syndrome going on.

Bit much sometimes ain't it. Why don't he just do a blog if he just wants to talk about himself all the time?

Is that really how you see it?

It was over a year before I revealed myself and if you can't suss out the reason for my open-ness and lazily put it down to narcissism then I see no point in continuing.

That is not a dig at you BkkMadness, I've always liked you but if that is how I'm really seen, even by my supporters then how can I continue here?

Maybe you've done me a favour.

Everyone is the way they are for a reason - If I am part of only a small minority that are constantly aware of this, then how can I expect everyone to take me as intended.

I should by now begin to realize that I can't.

A blind and clumsy change of password should ensure that I am not tempted to return and subject myself to further humiliation.

No hard feelings,


Ah, don't listen to them Scamp. I thought this forum was for everyone and anything they wanted to post. It's a little like a t.v. show. If people don't want to read your posts, fine.. they can change the channel. No need for them to berate the op unless it's some controversial ie.racist, generalizing, bashing thread. Keep on writing Scamp, I for one enjoy reading them. Cheers :o

I do have to agree with this - Scamp does seem to have a bit of a 'look at me' syndrome going on.

Bit much sometimes ain't it. Why don't he just do a blog if he just wants to talk about himself all the time?

Is that really how you see it?

It was over a year before I revealed myself and if you can't suss out the reason for my open-ness and lazily put it down to narcissism then I see no point in continuing.

That is not a dig at you BkkMadness, I've always liked you but if that is how I'm really seen, even by my supporters then how can I continue here?

Maybe you've done me a favour.

Everyone is the way they are for a reason - If I am part of only a small minority that are constantly aware of this, then how can I expect everyone to take me as intended.

I should by now begin to realize that I can't.

A blind and clumsy change of password should ensure that I am not tempted to return and subject myself to further humiliation.

No hard feelings,


Scamp - read your post there - you talk about your 'supporters' - perhaps it's 'fans' that you want. It's strange that you see other members as supporters or otherwise. On one topic they may agree, on another - disagree.

Many of your posts are great on here & I enjoy them.

I come here 'cause it's a source of good info from expats & locals - many intelligent and not so intelligent debates going on.

I think it's a matter of quality over quantity - no-one wants you to leave (I think) but also I don't think that many people want to see one person dominate the board, especially when there's not much being said.

Who wants to wade through a lot of noise to find the healthy threads ?

No offence intended here - it's just your name keeps popping up on my screen & your photo album is full of pictures of your face - I can't figure out your motivation....


Scamp - read your post there - you talk about your 'supporters' - perhaps it's 'fans' that you want. It's strange that you see other members as supporters or otherwise. On one topic they may agree, on another - disagree.

I come here 'cause it's a source of good info from expats & locals - many intelligent and not so intelligent debates going on.

I think it's a matter of quality over quantity - no-one wants you to leave (I think) but also I don't think that many people want to see one person dominate the board, especially when there's not much being said.

I can't figure out your motivation....


dont become the chris evans of thai visa.

I do have to agree with this - Scamp does seem to have a bit of a 'look at me' syndrome going on.

Bit much sometimes ain't it. Why don't he just do a blog if he just wants to talk about himself all the time?

Is that really how you see it?

It was over a year before I revealed myself and if you can't suss out the reason for my open-ness and lazily put it down to narcissism then I see no point in continuing.

That is not a dig at you BkkMadness, I've always liked you but if that is how I'm really seen, even by my supporters then how can I continue here?

Maybe you've done me a favour.

Everyone is the way they are for a reason - If I am part of only a small minority that are constantly aware of this, then how can I expect everyone to take me as intended.

I should by now begin to realize that I can't.

A blind and clumsy change of password should ensure that I am not tempted to return and subject myself to further humiliation.

No hard feelings,


Chin up Scampy. If a thread etc doesn't appeal to me, I find one that does- not that difficult. I've never looked at your photo album for example (no offense) :o Bottom line- just be yourself. I've enjoyed many of your posts.

Oh yeah, the AC? Agree, clean it, or turn it off.


Last time in Thailand I got an AC room for my last two nights, and developed a sore throat. Within a week it was so bad that it was truly unbearable, and I went to an ear/nose/throat doctor (back in the US by then) who diagnosed me with Haemophilus influenzae type B, or H flu, and said if I'd waited another day to come in, I'd have died from suffocation. He put me on antibiotics and my symptoms went away, but a year later they came back. This time the antibiotics stopped working after the first few days, and symptoms worsened. I switched to a different antibiotic, with the same result -- it worked at first, but stopped after a few days. The third one was the charm, but I got to spend Christmas Eve in the hospital with an IV in my arm, wondering if this one was going to work, or if I was going to die or have to have a tracheotomy or some awful thing. It appears that I was exposed to the disease over the course of my travels, probably while getting tattooed with a piece of bamboo, or shortly thereafter, and the conditions created by the air conditioner were what it needed to thrive. So needless to say I'm a bit wary; I'd have one in my home, where I could be in control of changing filters, etc., but I probably won't pay extra for the AC room when I'm on the road again.

Just thinking about it is making my throat hurt.

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