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Bad Experiance Getting Marrid In Bangkok

Hans Brix

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I also found the registration at the amphur (phuket) very simple and easy. They where actually really nice about it. I got the required paperwork from the British embassy, paid for someone to translate it (500 baht I think) and we took that along, simple.

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If it makes the OP feel any better I wrote the wrong date down for my passport expiry by one month and got all the way to Baan Rak minutes away from getting the official certificate - before somebody caught it.

Had to start the process over.


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OK Part 2:

Fiance and I go to translator at 8:45 am this morning. One of them came in taxi with us to another Amphur (#4 in 3 days) and pushed us to front of the line and we got married. Translator took care of us after making mistake on translation. We tipped her 500 baht. They needed to go to MFA again today. We bought the album for 300 baht to put marriage certifs inside. Quick and easy but agent with us. we did save 12,000 or 15,000 agent fee. our bottom line cost was:

2300 to translator 1st time (2 docs translated plus their service going to MFA)

1500 to my 2 person attempt to get married at wattana before learning of translator error

350 baht at amphur for album plus fee

500 baht tip to translation lady

500 baht for taxis over 2 days

5150 total cost

we pocket 6850 instead of agent

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for us the easiest part was the thai side of things. the israeli embassy told us which amphur we could get married in (only in bangkok not in korat or anywhere regiounal); and which translators we had to use (i had already translated stuff to english but had to get it all into thai, and then all the thai stuff back in to englsih and then here all the englsih stuff in to hebrew); the major nightmare was always the israeli side (my side) for proving i was divorced (we are a religious marriage state, so all papers had to be signed also by the rabbinical court, etc).

the MFA doesnt not check translations. they only certify that the translators (those doing the job) are certified translators. like notary services.

we had two witnesses from off the street that the bangkok amphur place got for us. the guy asked me if i needed to change my married name on the marriage certificate and i said no (i kept my ex's last name for beurocratic purposes in israel in dealing with our horrible beurocracy. my husband's last name would make life very hard here). we signed, and that was that. just made sure to take a pic with the amphur symbol on the wall to prove here that we really were there....

then fun and games of course started when we got back here.

btw, we did the translation at the recommended by my embassy place, we paid 'extra' for the translators to run it to the MFA since we were lacking in time and got it back the next morning, there were no problems, and the 'extra' was not out of our price range.



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OK Part 2:

Fiance and I go to translator at 8:45 am this morning. One of them came in taxi with us to another Amphur (#4 in 3 days) and pushed us to front of the line and we got married. Translator took care of us after making mistake on translation. We tipped her 500 baht. They needed to go to MFA again today. We bought the album for 300 baht to put marriage certifs inside. Quick and easy but agent with us. we did save 12,000 or 15,000 agent fee. our bottom line cost was:

2300 to translator 1st time (2 docs translated plus their service going to MFA)

1500 to my 2 person attempt to get married at wattana before learning of translator error

350 baht at amphur for album plus fee

500 baht tip to translation lady

500 baht for taxis over 2 days

5150 total cost

we pocket 6850 instead of agent

Well, congratulations to the newly weds!

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OK - I have done this process for couples many times - mainly English, Australian and Irish couples and a few foreigners to Thais - the reason being as we have to go from Pattaya to Bangkok whichever Embassy the couple can sign the paperwork and then leave me to it, doesn't waste their holiday time!! Never had a problem at all, even when I forgot the passport copies for MFA - the supervisor agreed to let the paperwork be done (only once, I have never forgotten again!!)

I don't remember paying more than Baht 150 at Banglamung office for the marriage registration.

Compared to agents I am cheap - maybe I will have to add more on to my prices :)

For me it is a good excuse to have a night or two in Bangkok.

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OK - I have done this process for couples many times - mainly English, Australian and Irish couples and a few foreigners to Thais - the reason being as we have to go from Pattaya to Bangkok whichever Embassy the couple can sign the paperwork and then leave me to it, doesn't waste their holiday time!! Never had a problem at all, even when I forgot the passport copies for MFA - the supervisor agreed to let the paperwork be done (only once, I have never forgotten again!!)

I don't remember paying more than Baht 150 at Banglamung office for the marriage registration.

Compared to agents I am cheap - maybe I will have to add more on to my prices :)

For me it is a good excuse to have a night or two in Bangkok.


I'm planning on getting married next month and would be interested in using your services, subject to cost, to sort out the paperwork in bangkok(GF wants to marry in Pattaya) but I need to go up to Chiang Rai for a few days at the start of my trip and you could really save me some time.

Can you explain what is required etc. and costs involved.

I arrive 6th Feb and it'd be good to get married the 15th or 16th if possible.



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can't understand all this.

My girl friend and I sat down in front of a guy in an office and walked out 4 minutes later, married.

No agencies, No serious money that I can remember, except at The Oriental for champagne, which was optional.

Basically same for my wife and I many years ago, but the hand-writing process by the man in shoulder pads took some 10 minutes in absolute silence...and then it was done.

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The only reason the amphur was questioning your wife was to ensure that once married, you do not take her house, bank accounts, cash and any jewelry, property that was bought with her money and any other luxuries. :)

You must be joking. Farang cannot take her house.

An unlikely scenario but any assets owned by the wife before marriage and not declared would be split 50 50 on divorce. This is what theamphur were concerned about, protecting the thai.


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Took me 3 tries to get married.

1st time, the lady at the amphur (phayathai) insist that i show my ID card. I tried explaining to her that I do not have an ID card. She insisted that everyone must have an ID card from their country and my passport was not good enough.

So left unmarried

2nd time was at a different amphur. This lady insisted i needed a letter from my embassy saying that I give permission for the wife to keep her name or use mine. I said the embassy never told me this requirement and that i dont care if she keeps or uses my name. She insisted then showed me a copy. I looked at her and said..its Deutscheland, Germany. I am Canadiene, Canada. She insisted, So left unmarried.

Went to the embassy and asked for this letter. Drew blank looks and a reply that there is no such requirement. The helpful folks at the embassy made some calls and found nothing. Finally she said, can you get married now?..Yes...ok head down to Bang Rak now.

3rd Try. Bang Rak, sat in front of the guy, asked us afew questions, really polite and friendly. Sign here and there and Congrats you are married. Thats it?? no need for translator or witnesses??/ He said, he was speaking to us in english, so no need for translator and as to witnesses, he had an office full of witnesses.

The end.

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Piece of cake

Did it myself. Embassy,translation, Foreign office and had the papers EMS'd to me.

Knew nothing about witnesses. Down to the local amphur 3pm, with the papers. Just the 2 of us. 20 minutes later had 2 marriage certificates. Smiles all round. total cost 40bt.

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