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Resignation problems advice urgently needed

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Please advise me if it is definitely required by the Work Permit department to have a letter from a former employer in order to re-apply for a new Work Permit.

Story: My old employer - a Government University - seem to have a problem when I - mid-contract - wrote a letter of resignation in order to change to a much better job at another Government university. The managment of the old place is almost non-existent and totally ineffecient and uninformed regarding my employent legal requirements. (This is just one of many reasons why I wanted to break my contract and accept the new job).

But my new employer advised me yesterday that I need a letter of some sort from the old employer - something like saying that I no longer work there. Problem being that the Dean at the old place is never there, cannot and will not speak english, has never had a conversation with me in 3 semesters, and his delegated underlings seem to be in a state of petrified denial because I have finally done what I should have done 3 semesters ago ...and told them in writing that I wished to resign. I resigned in the Semester break and also organised to find a replacement teacher - someone who had previously worked there part-time and was familiar with the place.

All this happened last week, and I started my new job this Monday.

I need advice regarding the time limits and the real necessity of this 'document' from my previous employer.


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::o: Yes, I do have the book. I also kept a copy of my resignation letter. Plus I have all the documented situations which are incriminatory to my previous employer regarding their breaching of visa and work-permit requirements previously. They really didn't have any idea of the necessary requirments, which cost me lots of extra money and hassles which they ended up paying me for - which, by inference, admits their guilt. I have all the reciepts etc.
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Don't forget to submit your work permit book for cancellation at the Labour Dept., ortherwise it's a 1,500 Baht fine when you apply for a new Work Permit.

Also be sure that you have your Tax ID card, you will need that in the future. Copies of paid tax slips is also to recommend for next years filing of taxes.

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Thanks, George.

Yes I understand about informing the Labor Dept. And I have the tax ID card, and have asked for my taxation records, with nothing appearing yet and no phone calls about that.

But my real question is..."Do I need anything in writing from my old employer to accompany the Work Permit when I submit it to the Labor Dept for cancellation?" My new university seem to understand that I must have some sort of document saying I no longer work there.

The old employer seem to be really pissed that I actually have left and seem to be withholding my past month's salary also. (What can or should I do if this is the case? I checked my ATM card yesterday and it looked like the money hadn't been put in as it usually is around this time. The ATM was another bank's, would there be a delay in updating my account details?)

I would prefer simply to try and forget them and not have to travel all the way to see them and get these pieces of paper if they are not really necessary. Any further advice would be great.

Is there any legal recourse I can take if they have actually withheld my past month's salary?

This place is really quite hostile to farang ajarns - as I found out during the time I worked there. Plus I now have a new employer and can compare my old place with something which resembles 'normality' as far as I understand it. My new place is friendly, helpful and generally a bright and happy place on the surface of things (TIT). The previous place was unhappy, unhelpful, most admin and teaching staff would not speak english, all the paperwork was in Thai and no translations were ever offered. No explanations given in writing about anything- including holidays. My teaching schedule was actually scribbled in pencil on the corner of a piece of scrap paper. Oh, yeah, and I was the ONLY FARANG in the whole campus! Not a positive experience at all, which is why I took the opportunity to accept this new job.

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