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The I -130 Can We Do This?


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my fiancee and i want to file for marrage in bangkok this april or may we will not have a wedding yet due to money problems. however what im asking is, do we need to have a wedding before we file for the marrage?

also we want to file for the I-130 she would like to come to the USA in about one year to live with me untill we have the money for the wedding, can this be done? can we file for the marrage and also the I-130 for her to come here to the US without the thai wedding?

if so what must i do? also i know we mush show proof of our relationship

what should i use photos emails, ring, air line for her, letters hel_l i even have videos!

we where going to file for a K1 visa however i dont make enuff money to sponsor he alone

as we know you can have duel sponsors with the I-130 filed and married on paper.

can i make this happen? first file for marrage and after in about 2 months file the I-130

with 2 sponcers fly here here in about 1 year later??????

im staying now with my family to help save the money for all this my dad will sponsor as will i

together we bring in about 90.000.00 a year so this is more the what we need to sponser her

myu worry is will they turn her down without a thai wedding? we just dont want to wain any longer to be together and side by side we would like to return for the wedding in thailand

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How much are you making? You only need to make a little over 18,000 USD to qualify. Also if you have money in the bank they use this as part of that requirement. So if you can get you dad to put 10 or 15K in your saving account that will help.

I did the K1, showed pictures spanning over several years at various places and also copied all pages in my passport, however I have been living in Thailand for 10 years and own a business in Thailand. I gave the financials from my company showing my pay and have a letter from my mom that when we go to the USA we will stay with her. Actually the only reason we are going to the USA is to take care of my mom as her health is not so good and she is now over 75.

If you don't make enough cash then I would get married. You don't have to have a big ceremony now, just get the documents and legally get married, then when you have the cash have a big formal ceremony. Getting married this way you only need maybe $200 for the permit and filing with the government, not sure if you have to file with the embassy.

It can get complicated I would suggest you use a lawyer. I used a lawyer the cost was about $500 for the lawyer and then close to another $700 for visa fees.

Good luck!!

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You have some misinformation and I suggest you go to visajourney.com to get the correct answers. You can have joint sponsors for I-130 or K1. Wedding has nothing to do with either visa. Getting past family and cultural pressures is another story entirely. You just have to perform the civil ceremony of getting married at an amphur for I-130 and in the US for K1. If you are good at filing paperwork and dealing with bureaucracy and niether person has been married before or has some complication towards getting a visa than doing it yourself is not all that difficult. However it's not worth the savings if you think something will go wrong down the line where having a lawyer could save you a lot of headache and waiting to fix problems.

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