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I am seeking your advice on the treatment of endometriosis.

My wife had an operation in Dec 2007 in Bumrungrad (laproscopic) as she was suffering from endometriosis. After about 4 months she had an ultrasound of the pelvis and we found out that the cyst and fibroid. I'm not sure whether the operation went successfully or not, even though the doctor said it was successfully done and the doc also said after the first period she will not have pain anymore. but the reality was different she had pain in all her periods. is it normal to have these things back again after such a short period?

My collegues wife had the same operation in Singapore KK Women and Children hospital about 3 years back and still she did not have any of the cyst and fibroid back and she does not have period cramps. Please suggest me on the reason why my wife had those back so soon and why she did not have any painless periods? Also suggest me whether bumungrad is good or should i opt for KK in singapore. Please help.

Thanx Muntasir

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Hi Muntasir. I had endometriosis 8 years ago (actually endo started 15 years ago but controlled with the contraceptive pill which gives no painful periods!). When I went off the pill is when I discovered I had endo (because so much pain) and had laporoscopy surgery.

I was fine/no pain for 6 months after surgery and then very painful periods again. I went back on the contraceptive pill again because it was the only thing that made me pain free and apparently stopped the spread of the endo. Three years ago I discovered I had 4 fibroids. Doctors told me that if I stayed on the pill that they shouldn't increase in size. Not so, they grew about 7 cm in 3 years and I had to have major abdominal surgery in November which I'm still recovering from now! So if your wife has fibroids, it's probably a good idea to have them removed before they get too big. Cysts are not normally a big problem as they come and go.

Good news after my myomectomy surgery that removed the fibroids was that I have absolutely no endometriosis now! I can't advise on hospitals in Thailand though as my surgery was not done there. I hope everything works out soon for your wife.

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I am 7 months post-surgery for fibroids at Bumrungrad. As Rue has already posted, some people do have recurrences of endo, fibroids etc and my doctor has been very clear to me that this can happen, particularly in those still of child-bearing age, due to hormone levels that enhance their ability to form/grow. I was 'lucky' in that I was able to have a hysteroscopy rather than laproscopy (mine were inside the uterus not outside). Hysteroscopy is usually done as day-surgery or overnight and I was back at work in 2 days. But of course this might not suit your partner's particular condition.

I would encourage you to shop around doctors: I initially went to the ob/gyn at my usual hospital (BNH) but they only offered laproscopic surgery and were going to operate without doing updated scans (mine were 6 months old, turned out the fibroid had a growth spurt during that time, to 9cm in length!). Thank goodness I heeded a colleague's advice and went elsewhere. Personally I was very pleased with the service I got at Bummers. I was also very lucky to have health insurance that paid as it was 70,000 baht for surgery & an ovenight stay.

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Hi Muntasir,

In terms of which hospital - I personally won't be going back to Bumrungrad any time soon. I was there for a simple injury and the doctor gave me a drug I had a reaction to, even though I had told the nurses and written it on the form.

I would definitely recomend Samitivej - was there recently for a medical and a check-up at the Womens Health Centre, and the staff there were lovely. I would go back to see all of the doctors I saw that day if I ever had a gynecological problem.

Good luck.

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Hi Muntasir,

In terms of which hospital - I personally won't be going back to Bumrungrad any time soon. I was there for a simple injury and the doctor gave me a drug I had a reaction to, even though I had told the nurses and written it on the form.

I would definitely recomend Samitivej - was there recently for a medical and a check-up at the Womens Health Centre, and the staff there were lovely. I would go back to see all of the doctors I saw that day if I ever had a gynecological problem.

Good luck.

Can you please recommend any doctor who specializes in endometriosis

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